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英文辞职报告模板、辞职报告怎么写 普通员工模板

时间:2023-02-28 20:23:25 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

  1. at work 上班;

at school上学;

at home在家

  1. 人力资源部经理 human resources manager
  2. 对……进行一次面试(面谈,访问)conduct an interview with sb.
  3. 离职面谈 exit interview
  4. 辞职 resign ;quit office
  5. 在我看来:

to my way of thinking ;

in my opinions ;

as far as I can see;

as I see it;

It seems to me

  1. release 释怀
  2. 卸下你的沮丧 unburden yourself of frustration
  3. 亲密的同事close collegue
  4. An exit interview is supposed to be private,but often isn’t .离职面谈本应该是私密的,但往往不是这样。(private= confidential)
  5. disclose 揭露,公开;


unmask 揭露,脱下……假面具

reveal 揭示,显示,透露

  1. 影响我的声誉 affect my reputation
  2. 虽然你会从说出真相中获得即时的满足感,但最终它可能会影响你未来的职业前景。Anything you initially gained from the instant satisfaction of telling like it is , you might lose down the track by injuring your future career prospects .
  3. 把心里的想法表达出来get things off one’s chest
  4. 义务的,强制的mandatory=obligatory 义务教育compulsory education; 法律上,法制上,权利义务相关的jural
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