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时间:2023-03-26 12:03:49 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

研究生英语试题作文又分为A,B 两个部分,俗称大、小作文。 在之前我们讲过了英语小作文参考模板--申请信(Application Letter)的写法,今天我们来看辞职信的模板和写法。实际上,(职位)申请信和(工作)辞职信的格式相同,内容刚好相反。下面我们一起来学习一下小作文辞职信的写法,希望对今年考研的朋友有所帮助。


English Writing or Writing in Eeglish


称呼:Dear Sir / Madam,


My name is _______(具体名字题目会给出). I am writing to you for the purpose of quitting my present job.

第二段:辞职原因 1. 原因 2 . 原因 3

To be exact(精确的), the reasons for my quitting is the following: First of all, my wife will be transfered to another city and she will work there in the rest of her life. Secondly, my son will go to college in another city and he needs our care and concern very much. So I beg you to consider my resign(辞职) at your convenient time.


Thank you for reading my letter very much! In fact I am grateful for your concern during my past working time. I sincerely expect your positive answer soon.


Yours truly

Li Ming



Who am I? Why I am writing this letter to you ? I am wring this letter to you for quitting my present job.

第二段:细说辞职原因:原因 1、 原因 2、 原因 3。




辞职信的模板和(职位)申请信的模板第一、第三段相同或相似,只是第二段内容不同,一个是讲自己的qualification (任职资格),一个是讲reasons (辞职原因)。


Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is Li Ming, and I am writing to you for the purpose of quitting my present job.

As you know that I have been working for the accountant department for 5 years, and the reasons for my quitting is as follows:

First of all, my wife will be transfered to another city and she will work there in the rest of her life. Secondly, my son will go to college in another city (the same city where my wife will work ), and my son still needs our care and concern during his colleage study. So I beg you to consider my resign at your convenient time.

Thank you for reading my letter very much! In fact I am grateful for your concern during my past working time.

I sincerely expect your positive answer soon.

Yours truly

Li Ming

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