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时间:2023-05-07 18:17:22 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

  1. stand down (从要职上)退下,下台(让位给他人)
  2. Tory 英国保守党
  3. resignation 辞职

Boris Johnson is to stand down as Conservative leader, but intends to carry on as prime minister until the autumn.

  1. be to do 即将;打算;计划
  2. conservative 保守党的
  3. intend to 决定;打算
  4. carry on 继续

He is expected to make a resignation statement in Downing Street shortly.

  1. be expected to 有望…
  2. make a statement 发表声明
  3. Downing Street 唐宁街,英国首相,英国政府(来自英国首相官邸所在街道的名称)

It follows a dramatic 48 hours which saw dozens of ministers - including chancellor Rishi Sunak - resigning in protest at his leadership.

  1. dramatic 戏剧性的;引人注目的
  2. dozens of 好几十
  3. chancellor 议长;…大臣
  4. in protest at 抗议

Mr Sunak's replacement as chancellor Nahim Zahawi was among the ministers urging the PM to quit.

  1. replacement 替代者
  2. urge sb to do 催促…

He resisted the calls until Thursday morning, when it became clear that he had lost the confidence of his MPs and that the government could no longer function.

  1. resist 抵制;阻挡;反抗
  2. no longer 不再能…

Less than three years ago, Mr Johnson won an historic landslide victory in a general election - but he has been dogged by controversy in recent months, including a fine for breaking his own lockdown laws.

  1. historic 历史性的
  2. landslide victory 压倒性胜利
  3. general election 大选;普选
  4. be dogged by 被……困扰;被……缠住
  5. controversy 争议
  6. fine 罚款
  7. lockdown 封锁;活动限制

The revolt this week was triggered by revelations about the prime minister's handling of sexual misconduct allegations against former Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher.

  1. revolt [rɪˈvoʊlt] 反抗;起义;叛乱;(尤指针对政府的)违抗
  2. trigger [ˈtrɪɡər] 引发
  3. revelation [ˌrevəˈleɪʃn] 被暴露的真相;被曝光的秘闻;披露;揭露
  4. handling 处理,对付,对待
  5. misconduct 不当行为;行为不端
  6. allegation [ˌæləˈɡeɪʃn] 指控;说法

BBC political editor Chris Mason said Graham Brady, the chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbench Tory MPs, has met the prime minister to tell him he has lost the confidence of the party.

  1. backbench 普通议员席;后座议员

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the prime minister's resignation was "good news for the country" but "should have happened long ago".

  1. Labour 工党
  2. should have happened 本应该…

Sir Keir accused the prime minister of "lies, scandal and fraud on an industrial scale" and said "those who have been complicit should be utterly ashamed".

  1. accuse of 指控…
  2. scandal [ˈskændl] 丑行;使人震惊的丑事;丑闻
  3. fraud [frɔːd] 欺诈;骗子
  4. complicit [kəmˈplɪsɪt] 同谋的,串通的
  5. utterly [ˈʌtərli] 完全地;全然;彻底地
  6. be ashamed 感到羞愧
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