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时间:2023-03-17 01:23:34 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

【微风】这个世界上的雷电都是为你闪耀的光。all the thunder and lightning in the world are shining for you。[微风]指南针上的指针在指向正确的方向之前总是摇晃几次。人生也一样。the pointer swings a few times before pointing in the right direction,and so does life。[微风]即使不喜欢也要做。因为感觉消失了,所以只剩下结果。Do it even if you don't like it。because it feels like it ' s going to go away and only the results remain。[微风]只能活一次的人生,当然比任何人都要热、浑。A life that can only be lived once is hotter than any one else,and any one can be confused .

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