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时间:2023-02-02 09:25:18 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

1、I want to forget you、forget about any of your memory。我想忘记你,忘记对你的任何记忆。2.I have no one to talk to and the only person I want to talk to is you,and I can't。除了你,我不知道还能和谁说话,但我不能。3、I have so many questions I wanna ask you but I don ' t want you to hate me more than you already do。我有很多问题想问你,但我不想让你更讨厌我。4、I really hope you are doing well . I know you were always better than me。you did nothing wrong,I'm so sorry for the way I left thing我知道你总是比我强。你没做错什么,对不起我做过那种事。5、you don ' t realize how much you care about someone until they don ' t care about you。你不会意识到你有多在乎某人,直到他们不再在乎你。(约翰肯尼迪,关心名言)6。a break up is like a broken mirror . it is better to leave it broken than hurt your self to fix it 7、it takes a couple seconds to say hello和but forever血干了,心死了就不再痛,不再受苦9。why was it you who approached me at first,but I was the last one who couldn ' t bear you 10,heart pain is the first time to tear the heart and lung疼痛第一个是撕裂心脏,第二个是顺其自然。11、Expired love、I no longer retain、it is an invisible wound。过期的爱情不再挽留。那是看不见的伤口。12、please don ' t see me off . the journey I ' m walking on alone is lonely and dangerous。请不要送我。我一个人踏上的旅程是孤独的,充满荆棘。13、all of a sudden,my nose is sour and my eyes are wet . I feel so small that I can ' t do anything。突然鼻子酸,眼眶湿,自己很渺小,小到什么也做不了。14、anyone can make you smile . many people can make you cry . but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes 15、I am我没事,是女人中最大的谎言。
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