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时间:2023-02-02 15:50:53 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


[]equivalent handle 960指标前10个小时

Us NFL players,we ' re just mad about NBA contracts right now,that ' s all . I just want like $ 80 million . those guys as


I don ' t blame him for being upset . however,the NBA doesn ' t have a 53 man deep roster like the NFL does . also,Injuries in the NFL tend to be more


[]Siberian wolf 99 359指标前10个小时

Finally,a perfectly reasonable take。


[]knicksyourstrulyaniv 166指标前10个小时

not to mention the relevancy and popularity levels of the NFL is outside the u . s . compared to the NBA


[]lakersohnothanksanyway 238指标前10个小时

also have to consider that the nflpa might be the worst union in the United States


[]greatjonunchained 90 96指标前8小时

I ' m pretty sure that ' s what gurley and the others are alluding too。fully guaranteed contracts are a damn no brainer .


[]bullsbigpoppapuff 45指标前10个小时

I just want like $80 million。

You and me both Gurley。



[]Celtics not _ a _ robot 1 12指标7小时前

I love that it seems so casual . like yeah man no shit we all want $ 80 mill。


[]pacers screaming _ dumb _ shit 5指标6小时前

I mean to be fair the guy is one of the best running backs in the world in a league that makes billions yet gets payed less than bench guys in the NBA。


[]76个ersan ser1233 159指标前10个小时

if NFL gave guaranteed contracts Todd gurley would make way less money。


要是NFL开的是保障合同的话,Todd Gurley会赚得更少的。

[–]sandman533 44 指標 9小時前

This. It doesnt change the already negotiated revenue split between the players and owners.


[–]Sunscicadaenthusiat 22 指標 9小時前

I don't understand why NFL players don't strike. Goodel and the league have all the power right now and they abuse the hell out of it. Go on strike and they no longer have a product. NBA did it and it was the best thing that ever happened to players.


[–]ConstantFlyght 21 指標 8小時前

One reason most of the union members have short 1-3 year windows to get paid that they don't want to waste by protesting. To those guys something is better than nothing. It's greedy bullshit imo


[–]SupersonicsCaptMURRICA 21 指標 7小時前

I wouldn't call that greedy. Like you said, most players only have 1-3 years to make any money. Those players can't afford to sit out week-to-week without getting paid. Besides, if those players sit out, they can be easily replaced since there aren't guaranteed contracts.


The only way any progress can be made for the players is if the top-tier players sit out, but it's hard to find anyone willing to turn down million dollar weekly paychecks, even if it's for the greater good. It's easier in the NBA since you need less players to stand together to make an impact.


[–][NYK] Baron Davisthemariokarters 250 指標 10小時前

Shoulda learned to shoot, Todd


[–]CavaliersC_Money22 98 指標 8小時前

He should have learned to hit a baseball if he wanted to make the big bucks playing pro sports in the US.

Guys are starting to get $30 million plus a year for like 8+ year spans.

Of the largest 13 contracts in US sports history, 12 are baseball with just James Harden's most recent deal coming in at 7.




And if you want the most money "per game" you can't beat boxing at a high level. Mayweather's 2 year deal with Showtime worth $180 million got him $30 million a fight.


And of course NBA has all the rich endorsements. If you want to get a sweet Nike or Adidas (or Puma now I guess) deal, the NBA is your best bet.


If you are looking for money in pro American sports the NFL is your worst bet. The only one with a lower average yearly salary is the MLS. And you sacrifice your body far more playing football than you do playing soccer.


[–]kindawack 16 指標 4小時前

You're missing the fact that it's easier to get into the NFL(1,696 players) than the NBA(405-420 players).


[–]BucksTFaust75 103 指標 10小時前

53 vs. 15

[–]FranksGun 77 指標 10小時前

Wait till Todd learns about the salary cap in MLB...

等Todd Gurley知道MLB的工资帽后,不知会作何感想……

[–]WizardsRPDC01 22 指標 10小時前

It's now similar to NBA - lux tax, and tax teams get hosed in the draft (1st round pick drops 10 spots automatically), and get garbage comp picks when their free agents leave.

That played a huge role in the frozen MLB free agency market.



[–]WarriorsJohnGoodmansPenis 107 指標 10小時前

Then they should have played basketball instead of a sport that gradually gives you brain damage. As long as the NFL has a team size of 50 plus and foreseeable injuries to multiple team members each season, guaranteed contracts as in the NBA and MLB will never be a thing.


Never too late to pull a Tebow and go play some minor league ball. He's in a Double A All-Star game this year!

走Tim Tebow的路永远都不迟,还是去职棒小联盟里打球吧。Tebow今年入选了小联盟二A级别的全明星赛呢!

[–]Jazzredsoxfan3444 53 指標 10小時前

This argument never made any sense to me. Do people not realize how uncommon it is for someone to be tall enough and have the right body type to play professional basketball? Todd Gurley is 6'1 and 230 lbs, that's considered an undersized PG in the NBA and also way too stocky.

这种论证在我看来没有任何意义。难道大伙儿就不知道打职业篮球的人都是些身高够高、体型还合适的人么?他们根本不是普通人啊。Todd Gurley身高1米85,体重104公斤,这身高在NBA这就是小个子控卫的水平,但是体重却太大了。

then most guys in the NFL that are around 6'6 and 6'8 are linemen that are 300 lbs. Receivers are the typically the only ones closest to having the right body types.


[–]Lakersexect4500 21 指標 10小時前

The NBA's player union is so much stronger than the NFL's player union. Also, the nature, of contracts in the NFL are so much more skewed towards favoring ownership it's ridiculous.


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