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Unit 9


1. interesting, exciting 以 ing和 ed结尾的形容词

(1) Crimen 罪 [C]n. Criminal 犯人 n.

犯罪 commit(v.) eg

:commit a crime, never commit crimes, Report a crime to the police 报警

Thief 小偷 theft n. 盗窃, Robbery n.抢劫, murder 谋杀 commit a murder

(2) Describe v 描述,描绘

description n. 描述

(1) Can you describe the picture for me? Describe the crime/ the murder.

(2) Give sb a description of sth He is not very good at description.

Can you give me a description of the accident?

Can you give me a description of the thief?

Can you give me a description of the murder?

(3) Be of n. = have

the book is useful = the book is of great use.

The movie is interesting = the movie is of interest.

The meeting is importance = is of great importance

The building is of bricks

The criminal is of medium build (身材,体型) v. 建立

The criminal is of medium height/ weight.

(4) End

In the end, at the end of the class ,

In the beginning, at the beginning of the class,

First of all 首先

(5) On the +信号

On the internet,

On the phone,

On the radio

On TV, on line 在线

(6) Draw v. draw, drew, drawn,

(1) Draw a picture

Draw a picture of

a superman.

(2) Draw (抽出,拔出), drawer 抽屉,

Draw a lot 抓阄

Draw a gun 抽出枪

Draw a pen from my pocket

(7) The number of … 的数量 +v 单

A number of 许多

a number of apples,

a large/ small number of

①What the number of the students in

your school?

②About two thousand. A number of

them from the countryside.

③The number of the students is very large in our school

④A number of the students are playing football.

2. height n. 身高,高度,[U]n. (length长度. width宽度, height 高度)

(1) at the height of 在…的鼎盛时期 He is at the height of fame and glory.

at a height of … 在…的高空中

The plane is flying at a height of 2000 feet.

(2) be of medium height 中等身高

(3) What is your height?

(8) heavy adj. 重的



The box is heavy.

A heavy rain.一场大雨

(9) little adj. 小的,少的

①a little = kind of ,稍微,有点儿 +adj. 表程度, 有点 :I like the book a little.

②A little 表数量: there is a little tea in the cup.

little 表否定,几乎没有的,加不可数名词

There is little water.

a little 表肯定,有一些的,加[U]n.

There is a little water, so don’t be sad.


there are few apples.

a few表肯定,有一些的,加[C]n.

not a few/a little 不少,很多。

(10) glasses n. 眼镜

glasses, shorts, pants 这类词,用量词修饰: a pair of … Glass, n. wear a pair of glasses.,

a glass of milk. 一杯牛奶

(11) later adv.以后

(1) His father died later that year. I met her again three years later. She later became a doctor. He found happiness in later life. (adj.)

(2) later on 以后,后来 I shall explain that later on.

(3) sooner or later 迟早 : Sooner or later we will succeed. He'll have to go there sooner or later. You will understand it sooner or later.

(12) person n.人

person: [C]n a person

people: 集合名词 people

(13) face

(1) face to face 面对面:

They should talk about this face to face

(2) on one’s face 在脸上:

Gradually, a smile appears on her face.

(3) to one’s face : 当着…的面

Her opponent calls her a liar to her face.

(4) make a face: 扮鬼脸

Why do you make a face?

(14) Eye

(1) catch one’s eye: 引起某人的注意:

The beautiful flowers catch my eye when I am crossing the city garden.

(2) keep an eye on: 照看,密切注意

They're using villagers to keep an eye on each other,

(3) with one’s own eye 亲眼看见

After seeing your photos of Africa, I'm so impressed that I am going to see it with my own eye.

(15) Way 方式,路线


in the way 通过这种方式, 如果 way 前面有this,that 等限定词, in可省略,但在句首不行

I don’t like the way (that/in which) you talk to me.

The way to do sth, The way to help him is to teach him the method.

(2) 路上

all the way 一路上,自始至终 We get there by driving slow all the way.

on the way:在路上 On the way back, Jack buys a few flowers.

on one’s way to: I meet Lily on my way home.

by the way:顺便说一下,By the way, I'm your number-one fan.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

(16) Another

one another = each other 互相

one after another, 一个接一个

another 10 apples = 10 more apples

(17) police

police 一群警察 集合名词 The police are looking for you. police artist

policeman 一个警察 policemen.

(18) Actor/ actress

Waiter, waitress

Prince, princess,

(19) Different adj. difference n. differently adv.

1. 必备句型

1. 问长相?

What does your father look like? 问外貌

What is your father like? 问性格



l 体型:heavy(fat), thin, be of medium build

l 身高:tall. short, be of medium height

Tall adj. a tall boy


How tall is he? 168 centimeters.

What is your height? My height is 170cms. I am 170 cms in height.


Tall 有生命的人或动物的身高, a tall tree

High 某东西离地面的高度 a high wall

描述建筑物 可通用, a high / tall building

表示程度,用high I highly agree with you.

Medium 大小,尺寸

medium height/weight/ length.

Middle 地理位置上最中间 the middle part of the room, the middle part of the movie.

l 头发:长短(long, short) 形状 (straight, curly) 颜色(blonde, blond, brown)(straight 直发 wavy hair 大波浪 curly hair 自然卷 bald 秃顶的)

Hair [U]n.

强调一根根的时候,可数 The old man has many grey hairs.

There is a hair in the soup.

Beautiful long curly black hair.

Long straight black hair. (straight 直的, straight away/off 立刻马上)

l 五官: big/small eyes, big/straight/ hooked nose, small/wide mouth, round/long/oval face


l Has : she has a wide mouth. She has long hair.

l Be + adj/ of +n : She is tall. She is of medium height.

l Wear: Wear she wears long hair. She wears a beard.

(20) Be going to do 现在进行时表将来

Are you going to the movie tonight? 按照计划或者安排将要发生的事情

(21) 选择疑问句

Is she tall or short? 选择疑问句

Is Lucy heavy or thin? She is thin. She is not thin orheavy. 否定句中多个选项一一被否定,肯定句用and

(1) It rains (heavy) outside. So we won’t go out today.

(2) I am new here, so I have friends.

A a few B few C little D a little

(3) He of medium height and he small nose.

(4) Lucy, will you ride to school this afternoon?

I am not sure, it rain .

A can B may C need D must

(5) We the Great Wall next Sunday. Would you like to join us?

A visit B are going to visit C visits D visiting

(1) People in different countries behave when they eat dinner. (different)

(2) Sorry, I can’t go with you. It doesn’t matter, maybe time.

A other B the other C another D the others

(6) Does your brother have a long face? 你弟弟是圆脸还是长脸

(7) Can you help me the news the newspaper? 你能帮我把这则消息刊登在报纸上吗

(8) 让我来告诉你言承旭长什么样? Let me tell you Jerry Yan .

(9) Rick is very . He eats a lot and he never exercises.

A long B heavy C curly D blonde.

(10) No hurry. We still have time left.

A little B a little C few D a few

(11) Look at the man standing at the school gate. Is he your math teacher?

No, it be him. He has gone to Chengdu.

A needn’t B can’t C may not D mustn’t.

(12) Could you tell me ?

She is the world’s first robot citizen, Sophia.

A what the tall girl is B what is the tall girl

C who the tall girl is D who is the tall girl

(13) When you are travelling, bring a map because it help you.

A can’t B mustn’t C used to D may

(14) This passage is difficult. people can understand it.

A A few B Few C Little D A little

(15) You look so pretty, if I say so.

Thanks a lot for saying that.

A must B may C will D have to

(16) Is there any water in the bottle? Yes, but only .

A a little B little C few D a few

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