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时间:2023-02-18 13:56:40 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

所谓真爱,就是爱得头破血流后,仍然可以真心对待你。The so-called true love,that is,you can still come up with a heart to treat you after you have lost your blood。

不要在旧的悲伤中浪费新的眼泪。Don't waste new tears for old sorrow。

适度理性控制爱情,没有优点和缺点,疯狂滥用爱情,有弊端就没有好处。controlling love properly with reason has both advantages and disadvantages,and madly abusing love has both advantages and disadvantages .

感情经不起寒冷。感情经不起推敲,一下子碎成了碎片。feelings can ' t stand the comparison,and the chill comes out every timefeelings can ' t stand scrutiny and are broken into pieces。

婚姻是不可预测的。一个乐观的男人和一个乐观的女人有时就像两个悲观主义者。marriage is unpredictable be cause an optimistic man plus an optimistic woman is some times equal to two pessimists .

能帮我煮水饺吗?我有点笨。做什么事都容易被人发现,喜欢你也是一样。can you teach me how to cook dumplings?I'm a little stupid,and it's easy to reveal anything,and I like you。

我们以为不会忘记的事情在我们无法忘记的过程中被遗忘了。Those things that we once thought were unforgettable were forgotten by us in the process of being unforgettable。

穿水滴石,水,石头,不坏,但时间很强大。时间是世界上最强大的狮子。it ' s not that water is bad or stone is not bad,but time is bad。time is the most power ful messenger in the world。

你的名字只有三个字,虽然很短,但已经填满了我的心。although your name is only three words,it is very short,but it has occupied my heart .

风喝醉了,偷偷亲了一下小叶,空气中夹杂着桂花的香气,晚霞看得脸通红。the wind got drunk and kissed the little leaves secretly . the air was mixed with the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus,and the sunsent

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