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时间:2023-03-09 22:39:08 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



事故(n .)I saw an accident when I walked in the street。

事故,偶然的事情(n.) (accidentally)


出现了(VI)a ship appeared on the horizon(disappear消失了)

好像(vi) She appears to have many friends。


申请(FOR)(VI)Wang DECIDED to Apply for the JOB。

使用、应用(to) (vt)。)our teacher applies this teaching method to his class。

4.臂(n .)武装(v)

Lay down your arms or we'll fire!放下武器,否则我们就开枪了!

police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous。警察说那个男人带着枪很危险。


地区(n .)do you like the area where you are living?

面积(n.) the city covers an area of 30,000 square kilometer。

6.ask(烹饪:q) vt。要求

the teacher asked that all the students stay at the class room。老师要求所有学生留在教室里


Park attended a summer course先生。park老师参加了暑期课程。

If you go out,who'll attend to the baby?如果你去,谁来照顾孩子?



休息、休息(vt)the boy broke the windows of the house。

休息(n .)we have been working all the morning,let's have a break。


账单(n.) Have you paid the bill?

纸币(n.) a ten-dollar bill

3.书(料理:书)v .预订,预售

I would like to book three seats for tonight ' s concert。我想预订今晚音乐会的三个座位。

4.beat(成熟的意思:打击)v. (心脏)跳动

he is alive-his heart is still beating。他还活着。心脏还在跳动。

打败了He beat me at chess。他下棋赢了我。


1.can(烹饪:是)n .罐头vt。制作罐头

2.卡皮塔尔(宿州首府)n .大写资本

Write your name in block capitals,please。请用大写字母写名字。

3.change(淑:变化)n .零钱,零钱。

have you got change for a five-pound note?你有5英镑的零钱吗?


责任(n .)the young man is in charge of the company。

充电(vt)。)我的cell phone is fully charged .

索赔(手续费)(vt)。)how much do you charge me for mending shoes?

指控(vt)。)He was charged with murder。


Careless driving cost his life.粗心驾驶使他付出了生命的代价。

6.course(淑:过程)n .过程航线一道菜。

I ' d like to take a refresher course to improve my driving。我想参加培训班训练,以提高驾驶技术。


The plane was off the course.飞机偏离航向。

They were treated with a five-course dinner for lunch. 招待他们五道菜的正餐。


① 法庭、宫廷(n.)

② 庭院,球场(n.)

8.concerned: (adj.)

①担心的、忧虑的 be concerned about :We are all concerned about her safety.

② 与……有关 be concerned with: Her lastest film is concerned with wild life


① (使)舒适(服)(vt.) Cool water can comfort you in summer.

② 安慰(vt.) The mother was comforting the crying boy.

③ 安慰(n.) It is a comfort to know that she is safe.


① 公司(n.) He worked in the company last year.

② 友伴、陪伴(n.) keep sb company I will stay here and keep you company.


① 造成、引起、产生(vt.) Smoking can cause lung cancer.

② 原因(n.) What`s the cause of the big fire?


① 关 (vt.) Close the door when you leave the room.

② 靠近的(adj.)The church is close to our school.

③ 亲密的、亲近的(adj.)a close friend

④ 位置接近地(adv.) The girl felt very cold,so she stood close to her mother.


① 覆盖、掩护(vt.) She covered the table with a cloth.

② 盖子、封面(n.) Please pass me the book with a red cover.


① 核查(vt.) Let me check your answer.

② 支票(n.)I will ask the boss for the check.

15.count [熟义:数(数目)] vi.重要;vt.认为

Every minute counts.每分每秒都重要。


1.date (熟义:日期;枣子) v. 追溯 ;约会

The ancient temple has a long history and can date back to the year 1890AD.

They have been dating for a long time. 他们一直频频约会

2.dear(熟义:亲爱的) 昂贵的

Clothes are getting dearer.衣服越来越贵了

3.desert (熟义:沙漠) vt.离开,抛弃

We sheltered from the storm in a deserted garage. 我们在一间空无人住的茅屋里躲暴风雨。


① 发展(vt.)

② 冲洗(vt.)(相片)



① 递送(vt.) The postman delivered the letter to my door.

② 发言、陈述、发表(vt.) She delivered a talk on history to the students.


① 驾驶(vt.) I drove a car to visit my parents.

② 驱使、驱赶(vt.) The boy was driven out of the club.


1.earth (熟义:地球) n. 泥土

He covered the roots of the plant with earth. 他用泥土把植物的根埋起来。

2.easy (熟义:容易的)adj.舒适的,安分的,轻松的

Now we are leading an easy life.现在我们过着舒适的生活。

3.energy (熟义:能量,能源) n. 精力,活力

His work seemed to lack energy. 他工作似乎缺乏干劲。

4.enjoy (熟义:喜欢) v. 享有

Men and women should enjoy equal rights. 男女应当享有平等权利。

5.expect (熟义:期望,盼望)v.预计,估计

The weather turns out far better than we expected.天气比我们预料的要好。


1.fall (熟义:v. 掉落) n. 秋天;瀑布

His father passed away in the fall of 1970. 他父亲在1970年的秋季过世。

The falls upstream are full of salmons. 该瀑布上游有许多大马哈鱼。

2.fan (熟义:n. 扇子) n. 迷 .狂热者

The Chinese football fans are in great excitement. 中国足球粉丝很激动。

3.fine (熟义:adj.好的,晴朗的)v.&n.罚款

He was fined $200.他被罚了200美元。


① 公平的 (adj.) It is fair to do the bargain.

② 展览会、集市(n.) a world fair 世界博览会

5.firm (熟义:n. 公司) adj. 坚定的,牢固的

You must be firm where you think you are right. 你认为对的地方立场一定要坚定。

6.fire (熟义:n. 火) v. 开除

He was fired for stealing from the counter. 他因从柜台偷钱而遭解雇。

7.flat (熟义:n. 公寓,套房) adj. 平躺的, 平伸的, 扁平的

The earthquake laid the city flat. 地震把这座城市夷为平地。

8.free (熟义:adj. 自由的,有空的) adj & v. 没有,免交;远离

Most of the roads are free of snow.道路上的雪大部分都已化了。


① 找到、 发现 I can find my key everywhere.

② 感觉、觉得 I find it easy to learn English.


① 固定、安装(vt.) Fix a shelf to the wall.

② 修理(vt.) My watch has stopped—it needs fixing.

③ 确定(vt.) The time for our meeting has been fixed already.

④ 凝视(vt.) Her eyes were fixed on the nice dress.


① 合适的(adj.) The food is not fit for babies.

② 健康的(adj.) Do some sports to keep fit.

③ 合适,合身(vt.) The shoes fit me well.


① 外型(n.)

② 图形(n.)


④figure out 弄明白;计算出. I can`t figure out why he quit his job.


① 表格(n.) Please fill in the form.

② 形式(n.) water in the form of ice

③ 形成(vt.) He forms a good habit.



① 礼物(n.) I will buy a gift for my mother on Mothers` Day.

② 天赋(n.) The girl has a gift for music.

2.grade (熟义:n. 年级) n & v. 成绩,评分等级; 给…评分

She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异。

The term papers have been graded. 期末试卷已评完分数了。

3.grow (熟义:v. 生长,成长,种植) v. (体积或数量)增加;变大

You must invest if you want your business to grow. 要想使生意扩大,必须投资。


1.head (熟义:头) v.动身去

The ship was heading for Shanghai.这艘船开往上海。

2.home ( 熟义:家) adj.本国的

The cars are made for the home market.这些小车生产出来在国内销售。


① 抓住(vt.) The girl was holding her father`s hand. Hold on please.

② 举行(vt.) A meeting was held last week.

③ 容纳(vt.)I don`t think the car will hold you all.

④ 占据(vt.)She holds the post of manager.


1.iron (熟义:铁) n.&v.熨斗;用熨斗烫

Mother is ironing my shirt with an electric iron.妈妈用电熨斗在给我熨衬衣。


①使感兴趣(vt.) What he said doesn`t interest me at all.

②兴趣 (n.) The little girl shows an interest in singing.

③利益 利息(n.)


1.jam (熟义:果酱n)vt./n.(使)塞满;(使)堵塞,困境

The accident jammed the main road for three hours.这次事故使交通堵塞达三小时之久。

There are many traffic jams in Chongqing.重庆经常塞车。

2.just (熟义:adv. 正好;恰好) adj. 公道的;公正的

That is a just decision. 那是公正的判决。



① 钥匙(n.) I can`t find the key to the door.

② 答案(n.) a test with key 附答案的测试题

③ (打字机、钢琴等的) 键(n.)

④ 关键、要害(n.) Diet and exercise are the key to good health.

2.kill (熟义:杀) vt.消磨

They played cards to kill time.


1.land (熟义:土地) vi.着陆

The plane at last landed safely because of the pilots’ bravery and intelligence.



① 最后、 最近(adv.) He came last in the race.

②最后的,末尾的(adj.)She is the last one to come to the classroom.

③持续(vi) How long do you think this fine weather will last?

3.learn (熟义:学习) v.听到,获悉

I learned of that yesterday.我昨天才得知此事。

4.lesson (熟义:课)n.教训(不悦的经历)

Pear Harbor was a painful lesson for the US.珍珠港事件对美国来说是一次痛苦的教训。

5.letter (熟义:信件)n.字母

Fill in your answers in capital letters, not small letters. 答案用大写字母填写,不要用小写字母。


① 离开(vi) He left Beijing for Shanghai.

② 留下(vt.) Some one left this note for you.

③ 把……忘记(vt.) I left my key at the office.

④ 使、让(vt.) Don`t leave her waiting outside in the rain.

⑤ 假,假期。She asked for leave when her mother was ill.

7.long (熟义:adj. 长) v. 渴望

The children are longing for the holidays. 孩子们盼望放假。


① 举起(vt.) He can lift the heavy stone.

② 电梯(n.) It`s on the sixth floor---Let`s take the lift.

③ 搭便车(n.) I will give you a lift to the station.


1.make (熟义:v. 制造;使) v. 演变成(某事物),结果是

If you train hard, you will make a good footballer. 你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员。

2.manner (熟义:n. 方式,方法) manners 礼貌

Aren’t you forgetting your manners? 你是不是没礼貌了?

3.mean (熟义:v. 意味着;打算) adj. 吝啬的;卑鄙的

He is so mean and selfish that it is very difficult to make friends with him.


① 遇见、遇到(vt.) He met an old friend yesterday.

② 满足In order to meet the needs of the readers we will reprint the bestseller.

③ (在车站、机场) 接(人)I will meet you at the airport.


① 比赛(n.) There will be a basketball match on Saturday.

②火柴(n.) He stroke a match to light up the room.

③与….相配 The hat matches her dress very well.

6.mine (熟义:pron. 我的)n & v. 采矿, 矿

When a gold mine was discovered in California,there was a gold rush.


7.miss (熟义:v. 想念) v. 错过,未击中,未看见

He shot at the bird but missed. 他打鸟未打中。

He missed the point of my joke. 他没有听懂我讲的笑话。


1.narrow (熟义:adj. 狭窄的) adj. 勉强的,几乎未成的

He narrowly escaped drowning. 他差点儿淹死


① 自然 (n.) You can get close to nature during holiday.

② 本质 (n.) It`s his nature to be kind to people.

3.notice (熟义:v & n. 注意) n. 布告;通知

He received two month’s notice to leave the job. 他收到两个月后解雇的通知。


1.once (熟义:adv. 曾经,一度) conj. 一旦

Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty. 一旦明白了这条规则,就再也没有困难了。

2.operate (熟义:v. 动手术) v. 操作,操纵;管理 ,经营

He operates the lift. 他是开电梯的。

They operate three factories and a huge warehouse. 他们管着三家工厂和一个大仓库。

3.order (熟义:n & v. 命令) n.次序;秩序/点菜 n & v.订购

Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes. 有些老师觉得课堂秩序很难维持。

We ordered two glasses of milk and some bread.


1.park (熟义:n. 公园) v. 停车;(暂时)留下(某人),寄存(某物)

Your car is very badly parked. 你的汽车停放得不好。

Park yourself in that chair while I make you a cup of tea. 你坐在那张椅子上,我给你沏茶去。

2.passage (熟义:n. 段落,节) n. 通道,走廊;旅费

They forced a passage through the crowd. 他们在人群中挤出一条路。

3.plant (熟义:n&v. 植物;种植) n. 工厂

How much steel can be made in the steel plant? 这钢铁厂能产钢多少?

4.position (熟义:n. 位置) n. 职位,工作;立场,观点

He applied for the position of assistant manager. 他申请副经理一职。

5.pretty (熟义:adj. 漂亮的,可爱的) adv. 相当

She seemed pretty satisfied with the result. 她对那结果似乎相当满意。

6.promise (熟义:v. 答应;诺言) v. 有希望

It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖。

There’s plenty of room for improvement in your work. 你的工作还有很多改进的余地。


① 表演(vt.) They are performing the play The Merchant of Venice.

② 表现(vi) He performed well in the contest.


① 礼物 (n.) He sent me a present for my birthday.

② 在场的、出席的(adj.)There were 200 people present at the meeting.

③ 目前,当前(n.)I am afraid I can`t help you at present----I am too busy

④ 提出、介绍(vt.) He presented his report to the manager when he finished it


① 力量 (n.) It`s beyond my power to do this.

② 动力(n.) wind power

③ 权利(n.)


① 地方(n.) Qingdao is a good place to live in.

② 放置(vt.) When he came in,he placed his bag on the table.


① 指(出)(vi.) The clock hands pointed to twelve.

② 点(n.) Two point six 2.6

③要点、论点(n.) Let`s stop discussing the useless problem and come to the point.



① 竞赛(n.) a horse-race

② 种族(n.) people of mixed race


① 提高、举起(vt.) Raise your voice to make yourself heard.

② 饲养;抚养(vt.) My mother raised pigs at the countryside.

③ 筹集;集资(vt.) The man raised money to build a primary school..

3.room (熟义:n. 房间 )n. 空间

There is no room for so many people.


① 粗糙的(adj.)Touch the ball and tell me whether it is rough or smooth.

②艰辛的(adj.)Life is rough.

5.run (熟义:v. 跑,行驶 )v. 经营,管理;

He has no idea of how to run a successful business. 他不知道把企业办好的方法。


① 规则的(adj.)The man does regular exercise to keep fit.

② 定期的、定时的(adj.)He goes to work by regular bus.

③ 照例的、经常的(adj.)Mary is a regular customer in the shop.


① 认识到(vt.) Only then did I realize I was wrong.

② 实现(vt.) He realized his dream of being a doctor.



① 拯救、救(vt.)He jumped into water and saved the drowning man.

② 节约(vt.) Save water,please.

③ 储蓄(vt.) The girl saves some money for travel.


① 服务、服役(vt.) He served in the army during the war.

② 供(某人)饭菜、上菜(vt.) Learn to serve at table.

3.see (熟义:v. 看见 )v. 见证

The year 2004 saw the improvement of human rights in China. 2004年见证了中国人权的进步。

4.sentence (熟义:n. 句子)v. 判决,宣判

He has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000 pounds. 他被判罚款1000英镑。

5.separate (熟义:v. 分离,分开)adj. 各自的,独立的,单独存在的

We can’t work together any more; I think it’s time we went our separate ways.


6.settle (熟义:v. 定居,稳定,安定 )v. 解决,处理

It’s time you settled your dispute with him. 现在你该跟他把争端解决了。


① 服务(n.) The food is good at the hotel,but the service is poor.

②公用事业的业务或工作状态(n.) a bus/train service


① 自从……(以来)I have worked in the company since I graduated from college.

② 既然 Since you like the car,why don`t you buy it?

9.suggest (熟义:v. 建议,提议 ) v. 暗示,表明

His cool response suggested that he didn’t like the idea. 他反应冷淡表明他并不喜欢这个主意。


① 舞台(n.) be/go on the stage 登台表演

② 阶段(n.) at an early stage in our history 在我们历史发展的早期


① 业余的(adj.) I collect stamps in my spare time.

② 多余的(adj.)I have no spare money this month.

③ 拨出,匀出(vt.) Can you spare me some time?

④ 过剩,有余(vt.) spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力做某事


① 站 (vi) She stood there for two hours.

② 忍受(vt.) I can`t stand you.

③ 架(n.) a hat/coat stand

④ 摊(n.) a market stand


① 仍然、还(adv.) He is still a child,don`t scold him too much.

② 静的,不动的(adj.)Please keep still while I take your photograph.


① 符号、招牌(n.) Can you see that traffic sign?it says “Slow down.”

② 签名、签字(vt.) Sign your name here.


① 学习,研究 (n.) The little boy is fond of study.

② 学习,研究vt..) I am studying how to swim.


① 应该 You should clean your classroom every day.

② 竟然 I can`t believe that he should speak to his parents like that.


① 春天(n.) The weather is warm in spring.

②泉水(n.) a hot spring 温泉


① 感觉 (n.) The blind have a keen sense of hearing.

② 意识 (n.) comman sense


① 一些 Give me some paper,please.

② 某一 (在单数可数名词之前)Some Mr.Smith is waiting for you.


① 支持(vt./n.) The chair can`t suport you two---you are too heavy.

② 赡养(vt.) He has a big family to suport.

21.strike (struck、struck)

① 打、击、敲(vt.) The stone struck me on the head.

② 袭击、攻击(vt.) A heavy storm struck the village.

③ 罢工(n.) a strike by bus drivers be/go on strike 举行罢工


① 国家、州(n.) There are fifty states in America.

② 状态 (n.) The old man is in a poor state of health.

③ 陈述、阐述(vt.)He stated his view the medicine could be used in curing cancer.


1.tell (熟义:v. 告诉) v. 讲述,分辨,判断,确定

Who can tell which is right and which is wrong. 谁能判断那个对那个错。

2.touch (熟义:v. 接触,碰;感动 )n. 联系

Our head office can put you in touch with a branch in your area.


3.turn (熟义:v. 转变 )v. 达到或超过(某年龄或时间) n. 依次,轮流

She turned forty last june. 她在刚过去的六月满四十岁。

Whose turn is it to do the washing-up? 轮到谁刷锅洗碗了?


① 训练(vt.) He was trained as a engineer.

② 火车(一列)(n.) I went home by train last week.


① 虽然 (连词)She came to help me,though she was very busy.

② 可是 (副词)She promised to call,I heard nothing ,though.


① 对待(vt.) The woman treats the baby as her own child.

② 治疗(vt.)She was treated for sunstroke.(中暑)


1.watch (熟义:v. 观看 n. 手表 )v. 留心;注意

We will have to watch the children in case they get too tired.


2.when (熟义:conj. 当…时候)conj. 那时突然; 既然,考虑到

I was about to leave when it began to rain. 我正想要离开,突然下起雨来。

3.while (熟义:conj. 当… 时候 )conj. 然而;尽管,虽然

I drink black coffee while he prefers it with cream. 我爱喝清咖啡而他喜欢加奶油的。

While I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved.


4.wonder (熟义:v. 想知道)v. 感到惊奇,惊叹

We wondered at the speed with which it arrived. 我们赞叹其到达速度之快。

5.word (熟义:n. 单词,话 )n. 消息(不可数名词)

Word came that I was needed at home. 有信儿来说家里需要我。


① 表示过去将来时 He would attend the meeting if he had time.

② 过去常常 The old woman would ordered a cup of tea every time she came to the resturant.

③ 愿意 I would like to invite you to my house this week.


① 将(一般将来时)I will stay at home if it rains .

② 意志(品质)(n.) The old woman has a strong will.

③ 愿望(n.)against one`s will违反某人的意愿


② 地(adv) He can play football very well.

②井(n.) The water in the well is very cool.

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