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时间:2023-03-14 19:45:00 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



Airport express机场快速tour bus观光巴士巴士巴士巴士站metro card乘车卡take the subway地铁ticket machine自动售票机seat belt安全带会话

Excuse me、is there a bus to XXX?有去XXX的车吗?please drop your money into the box or touch your metro card on the validator。请把钱放进箱子里或刷公交卡。Where do I transfer lines?我应该在哪个车站换车?Take me to XXX/this address,please。请载我去(观光地)/地址。购物


购买一个On Sale折扣Buy 1 get 1 free 1 Signature签名购买Best before end保留期self checkout自助支付信用卡产品部分蔬菜区域会议

Is this on sale/Is this on sale?/Any discount?有折扣吗?Where's the fitting room?更衣室在哪里?I'll pay in cash。我用现金/I'll pay by card。我是卡I ' d like to change this for a different size。我想改变尺寸。观光


Travel agency旅行社on-day SIGSRIGING一日游Morial Hall纪念馆Queup排队等待CURENI Exchange SHOP外币兑换店Travel

Three tickets for adults,please。请给我三张成人票。Excuse me,could you take a photo for us?对不起,你能为我们照张相吗?Can you change this into US dollar?请把这些外币换成美元。could you recommend some places where I could go and come back in a day?你能推荐一天往返的地方吗?可以获得正式版本,包括紧急情况、疫情防控等10个场景、100多句英语会话。

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