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英文伤感签名 个性孤独伤感签名英文

时间:2022-12-10 19:48:47 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




there 在那里 describe 描述;描绘 clock 时钟;钟

plant 植物 bottle 瓶子 bike 自行车;脚踏车

photo 照片;相片


a nice photo 一张漂亮的照片


Thanks. 谢谢。

Wow! 哇!


( C )1. A、there B、here C、those

( C )2. A、describe B、draw C、picture

( B )3. A、clockB、white C、watch

( A )4. A、plant B、flower C、grass

( A )5. A、bike B、rideC、car

( C )6. A、photo B、picture C、draw


( A )1.A、fifth B、this C、there

( B )2.A、describe B、fish C、ride

( C )3.A、doctor B、clock · C、for

( B )4.A、plant B、takeC、father

( B )5.A、bottle B、boxC、polite

( C )6.A、bikeB、rice C、this

( A )7.A、wonderful B、photo C、so


( B )1、There a bed in my room.

A、am B、is C、are

( C )2、There many books in my room.

A、am B、is C、are

( B )3、The bed in my room.

A、am B、is C、are

( A )4、Are there books in your room?

A、any B、many C、much

( A )5、—Is there a clock here?

A、Yes,there is. B、Yes,there isn't. C、No,there is.


1、 Your room is really nice!

2、 There is a big bed.

3、 Hey,my computer is here on the desk.

4、 There is a clock and a plant in my room.

5、 There is a clock on the wall.




grandparent 祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母 their 他们的;她们的;它们的

house 房屋;房子;住宅 lot 大量;许多

flower 花;花朵 front 正面 beside 在旁边(附近)

above 在(或向)……上面 between 在……中间

behind 在(或向)……后面 move 搬家

dirty 肮脏的 everywhere 处处;到处 mouse 老鼠

live 住;居住 nature 自然界;大自然


in front of 在……前面

lots of 许多

so many 这么多

move into 移入;迁入新居

the nature park 自然公园


( C )1. A、father B、mother C、grandparents

( C )2. A、their B、our C、ours

( B )3. A、houseB、horse C、farm

( B )4. A、between B、weekend C、behind

( A )5. A、animal B、dogC、mouse

( A )6. A、above B、dirty C、clean


( A )1.A、front B、radio C、nose

( C )2.A、beside B、like C、miss

( C )3.A、mother B、above · C、whose

( B )4.A、between B、headC、three

( A )5.A、pick B、behindC、nice

( C )6.A、rainbow B、paint C、air

( B )7.A、wayB、read C、say


( C )1、There are students in the class.

A、much B、any C、lots of

( B )2、Here are many on the farm.

A、treeB、sheep C、kid

( A )3、He ran school.

A、into B、ofC、with

( B )4、The pen is the pencil box.

A、at B、in C、into

( B )5、There picture and photos everywhere.

A、are B、is C、am


1、 There are so many pictures here. 这儿有这么多幅画。

2、 My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. 我的祖父母在他们的房子前面有一个花园。

3、 My father can draw very well. 我爸爸画得非常好。

4、 There are lots of flowers in it. 花园里有许多花。

5、 There are two dogs in the picture. 图画里有两条狗。

6、 The ball is between the dog and the cat. 球在狗和猫之间。




can 可以;能 sad 悲伤的;难过的 busy 忙的

naughty 淘气的;顽皮的 kick 踢;踹 poor 可怜的

fall 落下;跌倒 catch 接住;抓住


fly over 飞过

be late for school 上学迟到

sweet home 甜蜜的家


Come on! 快点!

Help! 救命!


( B )1. A、can B、little C、will

( C )2. A、sad B、happy C、should

( A )3. A、boyB、busy C、free

( C )4. A、kick B、fall C、poor

( A )5. A、naughty B、catchC、come


( C )1.A、can B、sad C、last

( C )2.A、cup B、but C、busy

( B )3.A、poor B、goose· C、book

( A )4.A、fall B、basketC、class

( A )5.A、catch B、pandaC、about


( A )1、Can you help me the floor?

A、clean B、cleaning C、cleans

( B )2、Tom helps me my homework.

A、for B、withC、/

( C )3、I want you with me.

A、play B、playingC、to play

( B )4、There a bird.

A、am B、is C、are

( A )5、 We're late.

A、Come on! B、No problem. C、Thanks.




一、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B

二、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. B

三、1. clock2. bottle3. between4. above5. beside

四、1. You(Your)2. in(on)3. are(is)

4. bird(birds) 5. on(into)

五、1. Your room is really nice!(你的房间真漂亮!)

2. There is a big bed.(有一张大床。)

3. My computer is here on the desk.(我的电脑在这边的桌子上。)

4. I can see a book in front of my bag.(我能看见我的包前面有一本书。)

5. There are pictures and photos everywhere./There are photos and pictures everywhere.(到处都是图画和照片。/到处都是照片和图画。)

六、1. has 2. There is 3. there are 4. have 5. There are

七、4 2 3 1 5

八、1. C

2. A

3. B 

4. C

5. C 

6. C

7. C 

8. A 

9. B 

10. B

九、1. B 2. E 3. C 4. A 5. D

十、1. clock 2. bike 3. photos 4. between 5. behind

十一、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T

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