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时间:2022-12-11 15:13:00 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

沿着前面走,收获就在路上。经历过之后,你会明白即使前面的路已经走完,也不要坚持去冒险。也许你可以转身迎接一个更好的明天。Walk along the front, the harvest is on the road. After experiencing it, you will understand that even if the road ahead is finished, don't insist on taking risks. Maybe you can turn around for a better tomorrow.

傍晚,坐在计程车里感受晚风,出门前喷的香水,香气丰盈了满程。夏天势必是要到来了,充满期待。In the evening, sitting in a taxi feeling the evening breeze, the perfume sprayed before going out is full of fragrance. Summer is bound to come, full of expectations.

我还是相信,星星会说话,石头会开花,穿过夏天的木栅栏和冬天的风雪之后,你终会抵达!I still believe that the stars will speak, the stones will blossom, through the wooden fence in summer and the wind and snow in winter, you will finally arrive!

小时候很喜欢夏天,喜欢明媚的早晨,喜欢那晴空万里,喜欢那夏天的风,喜欢那看到夏天就会心情好的夏天。I like summer very much when I was a child. I like the bright morning, the sunny sky and the wind in summer. I like the summer when I see it.

最好的爱人一定能在时光里相守,在困苦中相牵,在老去中相望。The best lovers must be able to stay together in time, hold each other in hardship, and look at each other in old age.

幸福,或许就是,你喜欢粘着的谁人人,永远都不嫌你烦。Happiness, perhaps is, who you like to adhere to everyone, never hate you.

没有甜甜的文案 只有酸酸甜甜的桃子 以及天天向上的我们。There is no sweet copywriting, only sour and sweet peaches and we who make progress day by day.

学会将琐碎的日子过出新意,简静岁月里,摆设好自己的一颗心,一半浅喜,一半深爱。Learn to live a new life, simple quiet years, decorate their own heart, half shallow joy, half deep love.

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