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时间:2022-12-13 00:55:19 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

记叙文是记人叙事的文章,是中考英语书面表达中最普遍、最基本、最重要的文体。一般来说,写记叙文应把握好六个要素:where(何地)、 who(何人)、 what(何事)、 when(何时)、why(何因)、 how(怎样)。初中阶段多为叙事短文,一般主要包括 where、who 和 what 三个最基本方面。记叙文的重点在于“叙述”和“描写”,一篇好的记叙文,叙述要做到条理清楚,描写要做到生动形象。下面就谈谈英语记叙文的特点和写好英语记叙文的基本要领。



1. 叙述的人称


One day, I was riding along the street. Suddenly, a car went out of control and ran directly toward me fast. I was so

frightened that I quickly turned to the left. But it was too

late. The car hit my bike and I fell off it.


Little Tom was going to school with an umbrella because it was raining heavily. On the way, he saw an old woman walking in the rain with nothing to cover. Tom went up to the old woman and wanted to share the umbrella with her,but he was too short. What could he do? Then he had a good idea.


2. 叙述的时态



When I was a little child,I was very naughty and eager to know how the things around me worked. But I will never forget what I did once and what had been told then. One day,I found a little clock in my Grandpa's room. It had a

red hand which kept running and running. I wondered who was there turning the clock. So I took the clock apart. And then I looked carefully into it with great interest. But I didn't know how to put the parts together correctly. I tried my best,but still a few parts were left. I didn't know where to fit them. So I hid them.


3. 叙述的顺序






This afternoon we had a P. E. lesson. Our teacher taught us to practice the long jump.

When the bell rang, we gathered on the playground. After warming⁃up exercises, the teacher told us the way of long jump and showed us how to do it. Then we followed the teacher and practiced one after another. Soon it was my turn, but I felt a bit nervous.Though I failed the first time, yet I didn't lose heart. I kept on practicing. At last I was able to jump over 3 meters.


4. 衔接与过渡


In my summer holidays, I did a lot of things. Apart from doing my homework, reading English novels, watching TV and doing some housework, I went on a trip to Qingdao. It is really a beautiful city. There are many places of interest to visit. But what impressed me most was the sunrise.

The next morning after I arrived there, I got up early. I was very happy because it was a fine day. By the time I got to the beach, the clouds on the horizon had turned red. After a short while, the sun was gradually appearing. It was very red, but not shining. It rose slowly. At last it broke through the red clouds and jumped above the sea, just like a deep⁃red ball. At the same time the clouds and the sea water

became red and bright.

What a moving and unforgettable scene!


5. 叙述与对话




One day I was in the kitchen, and I was cooking something. Suddenly I heard a loud noise from the front. I thought maybe someone was knocking at the door. I asked who it was, but I heard no reply. After a while I saw my cat running across the parlor(起居室). I realized it was the cat. I felt released.


One day I was cooking something in the

kitchen. “Crash!” a loud noise suddenly came from the front. Thinking someone was knocking at the door, I asked, “Who?” But there was no reply. After a while, I saw my cat running across the parlor. “It's you,” I said, quite released.



1. 头绪分明,脉络清楚



2. 突出中心,详略得当






One night a man came to our house and told me, “There is a family with eight children. They have not eaten anything for days. ” So I took some rice and went to that family.

When I finally arrived, I saw the faces of those little children disfigured(损毁外貌) by hunger. There was no sorrow or sadness in their faces, just a deep pain of hunger.

I gave the rice to the mother. She divided the rice into

two parts and went out, carrying half of the rice. Then she

came back, I asked her, “Where did you go?” She gave me this simple answer, “To my neighbors—they are hungry, too!”



3. 用活语言,准确生动



One day Xiaoqiang was wandering away. He was soon lost among people and traffic. He could not find the way back home and started crying. Just then, two young students who were passing by found him standing alone in front of a shop and crying. They went up to Xiaoqiang and asked him what had happened. Xiaoqiang told them how he got lost and where he lived. The two students decided to take him home. His mother was pleased to see Xiaoqiang come back safe and sound. She invited the two students into the house and gave them some money, but they didn't take it. She served them with tea but they left.


One day, five⁃year⁃old Xiaoqiang left home alone and wandered happily in the street. After some time, he felt

hungry so he wanted to go back home. But he found he

was lost among the crowded people and heavy traffic. He

started crying because he could not find the way home. Just then, two young students who were passing by from school found him crying in front of a shop. They immediately went up to him.

“Little boy, why are you standing here crying?” they


“I want mom. I want to go home. ” said the boy, still crying.

“Don't worry. We'll help you. ”

Then they spent the next two hours looking for the boy's house. With the help of a policeman, they finally found it.

When the worried mother saw her son come back safe and sound, she was so thankful that she invited the two

students into her house. Gratefully, she offered them some money, saying it was a way to express her thanks, but the

young students firmly refused it and left without even a cup of tea.

修改后的文章表达准确,语言活泼,用词丰富,句式多变,衔接过渡自然流畅,逻辑性更强;同时,通过直接引用文中主要人物的原话避免了平铺直叙的平淡。话语是表现一个人性格特点、年龄特征的有效方式,如文中I want mom'...栩栩如生地描绘出一个迷路孩子的心情。因此,记叙文中使用对话不失为写好记叙文的一种好方法。





根据内容提示和要求,以 My Middle School Life 为题写一篇 80 词左右的短文。


1. 每天早晨骑车上学,按时到校;每天上 7 节课,在校学习约 8 个小时;

2. 学习多门功课,课余参加各种活动,收获多,乐趣多;

3. 同学们相互帮助,师生相处融洽;

4. 请用 1 -2 句话谈谈你对校园生活的看法。


1. 要点齐全,条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;

2. 文中不得出现真实校名及姓名,否则不予给分。

My Middle School Life

I'd like to tell you something about my school life. Every morning, I go to school by bike and arrive on are seven classes every day and I stay at school for about eight hours. I have many subjects to learn, so I am busy. But in spare time I take part in all kinds of school activities, such as playing basketball, playing chess and so on. We all have great fun. We often help each other and we get on well with our teachers.

My middle school life is meaningful and colorful. I will never forget it.



本周,你们班来了位外籍教师 Margaret。假如你是李明,请用英语给 Margaret 写一封信,描述你们班英语学习的现状并表达你的愿望。

注意:1. 表格中的内容仅供参考,允许自由发挥;

2. 信的格式及首尾已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 词数:80 -100。


Dear Margaret,

I'm Li Ming, a student in the class. I'm writing to tell you about our English learning.

At present, we have a lot of written work to do. Also, we speak too much Chinese in class, which doesn't help a

lot. And we are learning too much grammar. It's just difficult and boring. Besides, we don't like copying texts, either.

So I hope in your class, we can have more activities like discussion or role playing. Don't you think they'll help to

practice speaking English? We'll be happy if we can learn some English songs or watch English movies.

Looking forward to a big change in our class.


Li Ming


1. 结构完整,符合书信格式。

2. 句式丰富。不仅有简单句,而且运用了定语从句 which doesn't help a lot、宾语从句 Don't you think they'll...和状语从句 We'll be happy if we can...。

3. 过渡自然。also 和 besides 等衔接词的运用,使短文层次分明,结构紧凑。


在即将告别母校的时刻,你想表达对母校、老师、职员和同学的感恩之情。请根据下面表格所列要点,以The last moment held on to(难舍时刻)为题,用英语写出一篇短文,放在你的 QQ 空间,供大家仿读。

注意:1. 词数:80 词左右;

2. 短文中不得提及真实人名、校名及地名;

3. 短文的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。

参考词汇:知识 knowledge;职员 staff members;永远

always/ forever

The last moment held on to

How time flies! We're just leaving you - our lovely junior high school. I have so many words from my heart to say.

Thanks, dear junior school. You're a beautiful and happy home for us all. I hope you'll be better and better.

Thanks, dear teachers. You've taught us lots of knowledge and helped us in all ways. I'll remember you forever.

Thanks, our staff members. You've taken good care of us and helped us grow up. I hope you are happy all the time.

Thanks, dear classmates. We've got on well with one another just like sisters and brothers. Let's always keep in touch.

Thanks, all my loved ones. All the best to you! Goodbye!




亲爱的同学们,初中生活即将结束! 在此离别之际,恰逢《中学生英语》 征稿,请你以“A(n)(Lucky/ Unusual/ Proud/ Regretful(遗憾的) / ...)Thing”为题,简要描述一件你亲身经历的、印象深刻的事情,并谈谈你从这件事中所获得的启发。

要求:1. 写短文前,请用一个恰当的形容词补全下面的标题,所用形容词可以从上面括号中选取,也可以另外选择;

2. 语句通顺,表达准确,内容连贯;

3. 文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名;

4. 词数:80 -100。短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

A Regretful Thing

In the past three years, the life of middle school has impressed me deeply. Many stories happened. The followingis one of them. Xiao Ming was one of my good friends. One day, a little thing caused a serious quarrel between us. From then on,we didn't talk to each other. I had hoped to make peace with him, but I finally failed to do that because of my being afraid of losing face. Not until when he moved to another city with his parents did I know I lost my friend forever.

The lesson I learnt from this is that if you realize your mistakes, you should correct them at once, or you may leave yourself lasting regrets.


1. 内容完整,表达清楚,符合要求。短文按要求完整地叙述了事件,并表达了所获得的启发,尤其突出了事件的“遗憾”之处。

2. 词语丰富,用词准确,如:a serious quarrel, make peace, be afraid of losing face, fail to do 等,恰当描写了作者心理变化。

3. 句式结构多变。既有简单句,也有but, or 连接的并列句和when, if, that 引导的复合句,此外,还有倒装句not until...。


假如你们学校正在开展研究性学习策略(exploring learning strategies),请你根据下表提供的信息,写一篇短


注意:1. 短文应包括表格提示的所有内容,可适当发挥;

2. 词数:100 左右。开头已给出,但不计入总词数。

Great changes have taken place in our studies since our school began to carry on exploring learning strategies. In the past, teachers kept on explaining the language points in class. We students just listened and took some notes. So we didn't have enough time to think about problems by ourselves. We had to do much homework after classes. But now teachers show the problems to us first, then we discuss them for a while in pairs or groups. We try to find out the ways of solving problems through which we've learnt how to cooperate with others. After class, we can have different activities. For example, we can read books we like, go to the library or surf the Internet for useful information and so on.

In a word, now we are the owners of our study and we're happy.


1. 细读表格,提取信息。由表格可知,短文要求你通过从课堂、课后两方面对比过去和现在的不同学习方


2. 正确运用时态。谈论过去用一般过去时,谈论现在用一般现在时。

3. 运用适当的连接词,如:in the past, so, but, in a word,使内容连贯,表达流畅。




初中的学习生活即将结束了。请你以 How I Change 为题,写一篇短文,描述你这三年里前后的变化。写作


写作要求:1. 词数在 80 左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);

2. 短文中不能出现校名和人名,否则不得分;

3. 所给的写作要点都必须用上;紧扣主题,适当发挥。

How I Change

My life has changed a lot in the past three years. I was fat and short when I came to the middle school. At that time, I was interested in computer games and I spent most of time on it. My parents were worried about me.

Now, I like sports and I often play basketball with my classmates after school. So I become taller and stronger than before. I like reading, too. I usually go to the library to read some interesting books. Good habits help me to study better and keep healthier. My parents and my teachers are both pleased with me.

【点评】这篇书面表达是给出写作要求材料的命题作文,具有一定的开放性,题目是 How I Change,写作内容包括外貌、兴趣爱好和行为习惯等。写作时,首先应注意包含“外貌、兴趣爱好和行为习惯”等要点;其次,准确判断所使用的时态,表示过去的情况使用一般过去时,表示现在的情况使用一般现在时;最后,恰当地使用连



假设 Susan 是你的好朋友,下面是 Susan 的个人信息,请你根据以下提示,以 My good friend 为题,用英语写一篇 80 词左右的短文。


要求:1. 内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可适当发挥,但不必逐条翻译;

2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。

My good friend

Susan, a 14⁃year⁃old girl from America, is my good friend. She's a tall girl with blue eyes and long golden hair.

She not only likes doing sports, such as swimming and running but also enjoys reading and listening to music. What's more, she is interested in Chinese history and culture so she often reads books about China. She's lovely and friendly and she gets on well with her friends. She's also helpful because she often helps me learn English. With her help, I've made much progress in English. I'm lucky to have such a good friend.

【点评】这是一篇典型的写人记叙文,从一个人的姓名、年龄、外貌特征、性格特点和兴趣爱好等方面来进行详细描述,语言精练,层次分明,用词准确,句式变化丰富。精妙之处有:介词 with 的用法; 连词 not only...but also;衔接词 what's more; 短语 with one's help, get on well with, make progress 等。


你在求学的过程中肯定遇到过很多好老师,你最喜欢哪位呢? 请你以 The Teacher I Like Best 为题, 用英

语写一篇短文,参加美国杂志 Weekly Reader 的征文活动。


要求:1. 词数:80 -100 词;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名及校名,老师姓名统一使用 Mr. / Mrs. / Miss xx。

The Teacher I Like Best

Of all my teachers, I love Mrs. Li best. She taught us English in junior middle school. She had many ways of making her class interesting and exciting. She always taught us something new in easy ways. She helped us use English by doing interesting activities, such as making surveys, playing games

and so on.

Mrs. Li was a strict but kind teacher. She often asked us to be on time for class and do homework by ourselves.

When we had trouble, she often helped us out.

Thanks to Mrs. Li, I started to love English. I love Mrs. Li and her class.【点评】短文开门见山表明我喜欢的老师,接着从她独特的教学方法和严格要求我们的态度两个方面来表达我喜欢老师的原因,最后表达对老师的感激之情。因此,文章内容完整,层次鲜明,脉络清楚,符合要求。语言简练,表达准确,形容词 interesting, exciting, easy, kind 恰如其分地表现了老师的特点,使得老师的形象跃然纸上,栩栩如生。




假设你是李华,上周末参加了一次郊游(outing)。请根据下面表格中的提示信息写一篇题为 A Pleasant Outing 的英语短文,参加某英文报纸的征文比赛。

要求:1. 不要逐条翻译表格中的信息,可适当增加内容;

2. 短文中不得出现真实的地名、人名、校名;

3. 词数:80 -110 词。

参考词汇:go for an outing; climb the hill; have a


A Pleasant Outing

Last weekend, I went for an outing with my classmates. At 7:30 in the morning, we met at our school gate. We went to the North Hill Park by bike. On the way, we were so excited that we sang loudly. When we arrived there, we started to climb the hill at once. We had a picnic on the top of the hill. After that, we walked down the path and had a rest. Later, some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily. We didn't go back until 4:00 p. m. . We were tired but very happy.

What a pleasant outing it was!

【点评】这篇短文是记叙文,描写了一次郊游活动,重点介绍了活动内容及自己的感受。全文按照郊游的时间顺序来描写的。in the morning, on the way, after that, later 等词的运用,准确描述了事件的先后顺序,使得文章脉络清晰,行文连贯。短文运用了一般过去时,符合短文对时态的要求。


今年我市深入开展了“学习雷锋精神,共创文明城区”的活动。在 3 月 5 日学雷锋纪念日这天,你校组织志愿者去广安敬老院展“学雷锋,送温暖”活动。假如你是广安七中学生张华,请你将活动情况介绍给美国朋友 Ben,与他分享你的美好经历。(活动内容见下表)

要求:1. 短文应包括 表中所有要点,可适当发挥;

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;

3. 文章不少于 80 词。开头、结尾已给出。

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your last e⁃mail. Let me tell you what we did on March 5th in our school.

As soon as we volunteers got to Guang'an Nursing Home, they gave us a warm welcome. We brought some flowers and fruits to the elderly people. We cleaned the windows and swept the floor for them. Then we sang and danced. How happy we were! After that, we sat together chatting with each other and gave our best wishes to them. The elderly people were very excited. When it was time for us volunteers to leave, they were grateful for our kindness. But I felt it our duty to care for the elderly people and respect them.

If you have the chance to be in China, I hope you can join us.


Zhang Hua

【点评】这是一封书信,介绍了去敬老院“送温暖”活动情况,按照表格提示内容介绍活动形式以及自己的感受,因此符合题目要求。短文按照活动的先后顺序来描写,条理清晰,详略得当。语言表达准确,句式丰富,运用了感叹句以及多种状语从句。熟记句型:I felt it our duty to care for...







要点如下:1. 你将在哪里度过这个假期;

2. 至少写出你将要做的三件事。写作要求:1. 短文在 80 词左右;2. 短文必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥,使其连贯、通顺;3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;4. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数。 参考短语:summer vacation, relax oneself,housework, visit, old friends and relativesThe summer vacation is coming soon. We will have a two - month holiday.

After a tiring school year, I'm going to relax

myself. I'll spend my vacation with my grandparents. I'll stay with them for about three weeks. Of course, I'm going to help them do some housework. Perhaps we'll take some short trips.

Besides, I'm going to visit some of my friends and relatives. I think we'll have a happy time together. What's more, I'll be a senior student in a new term, so I'm going to make some preparations.


文的写作要求。语言表达准确,时态运用正确,besides 和 what's more 的运用,使得文章衔接紧凑,条理清晰。


即将成为一名高中生的你应当怎样完善自己? 请以 How To Be An Excellent Student 为题,写一篇英语短文。短文要点如下:

1. 遵守校纪校规(按时到校、严禁吸烟等)。

2. 养成良好的学习习惯(上课认真听讲、课后复习、学会放松等)。3. 与人沟通、学会分享、互相帮助。4. 在家为父母做些力所能及的家务活(洗碗、打扫卫生等)。5. 保护环境、积极参与志愿者工作。要求:1. 词数:80 词左右。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2. 必须包括全部要点,但不能逐词翻译,可适当发挥;3. 在文中不要提及真实的校名和人名。

How to Be an Excellent Student

I am going to be a senior high school student. First, I must obey the school rules and go to school on time. I won't smoke. As a high school student, it's important to have good study habits. I should listen to the teachers carefully in class, review and relax after school. And I'm going to communicate better with my teachers and classmates, share something good with my friends and help each other. At home, I'll try my best to help my parents do some housework,like doing the dishes and cleaning the house because they are very tired every day. At last, I'll protect the environment and take an active part in the volunteer work as often as possible. I believe I will be an excellent student.

【点评】短文从学校、家庭和社会三个不同角度表明了成为一名好学生的个人打算,内容涵盖全部要点,因此,符合本文写作要求。短文用到的重点词组有:obey rules, communicate with, share...with, help each other, try one's best, take an active part in, as often as possible 等,用词丰富,增添了文章的表现力。


规划人生,成就未来。请以 My Dream 为题写一篇英语短文,描述你梦想的工作。

要求:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。

2. 词数:80 ~100 词。标题和短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。3. 参考词汇:be friendly to..., help, study hard, come  true

My Dream

Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a doctor. When I was in Grade seven, I was sick and often went to see doctors. The doctors were very friendly to me and they often cheered me up. With their help, I was getting better and now I'm very healthy. Since then I have hoped to become a doctor. I will study hard to get more knowledge in order to achieve my dream. I'll give my love to the patients as much as possible and help them out of danger.

To be a doctor is really great. I think my dream will come true one day.

【点评】这是一篇以 My Dream 为题的半开放性作文。短文从梦想、原因和实现梦想的条件来写作的,语言通顺,表达清楚,合理运用了所给词汇,很好地完成写作任务。时态运用了一般过去时和一般将来时,回顾过去用一般过去时,畅想未来用一般将来时。




【范例一】假设你是无锡日报英文周刊 English Weekly 的特约小记者,请以 A New Town 为题,写一则 80 词右的简讯,介绍我市的太湖新城(Taihu New Town)。内容提示如表:

简介 位于无锡南部,近五年来变化巨大

过去 有很多大型工厂现在 政府已迁走所有工厂,空气清新,没有污染问题 尚存一些,其中之一是公交线路太少展望 ……注意:1. 简讯须包括表格内所有信息,要求语句通顺、意思连贯;2. 表格中“展望”一栏,请用自己的 2 ~3 句话展开合理想象,作适当发挥;3. 简讯的标题已给出,不计入总词数。 A New Town

Taihu New Town is in the south of Wuxi. It has changed a lot in the past five years. There used to be many big factories here. The government has moved them all away, so the air is fresh and there is no pollution. There are still a few problems. One of them is there are too few bus lines. But I believe all these problems will be solved soon. The new town will become a wonderful place to live.

【点评】这篇短文从新城的位置着手,通过对新城五年前后的对比,作者描述了新城的巨大变化以及变化所带来的好处,同时指出尚存在的一些问题,最后表示了对未来的展望,内容完整,符合题目要求。写作时要特别注意时态的正确使用,如:在描述五年变化时用现在完成时,而展望未来又使用一般将来时态,还有一般现在时态的使用。需要注意的重点句型有:in the south of..., There used to be...等。灵活的句式、地道的语言使得文章增色不少。


你刚从海南岛回来,请用英语写一篇关于海南岛的报道。词数:60 -90 词。不要署名。内容还包括以下


1. 中国第二大海岛;2. 气候温暖,空气新鲜;3. 有海滩,有高大的椰子树;4. 可以游泳,钓鱼,划船等;5. 可以品尝各种海鲜。参考词汇:island 岛;coconut palm tree 椰子树;seafood 海鲜

 Hainan Island is the second largest island. It's in the south part of our country. On this island you can enjoy bright sunshine, fresh air and beautiful scenery. You will never forget Kou, the capital of Hainan Province, is the biggest city. You can enjoy the delicious seafood there. You can also find many beautiful beaches, where people love walking along it, swimming, fishing or boating in the sea. There are many tall coconut palm trees everywhere.

  Welcome to Hainan Island! I'm sure you will have a good time there.

【点评】短文包含所有要点, 语言准确, 表达清楚, 语意连贯、通顺,句式变化丰富, 有简单句,也有 where引导的定语从句,还有宾语从句。表示位置的句型 It's in the south part of...和同位语 the capital of Hainan 的运用更是亮点。

假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Daniel 计划今年暑假来江西度假,他向你了解江西城市生活和农村生活的情

况,以便选择度假地点, 请根据下图提供的关键词,给他写一封邮件,先介绍城市生活和农村生活的相同点和

不同点,然后说说你自己更喜欢哪种生活,并说明理由 。词数:100 左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。城市生活:supermarket, restaurant, apartment, car, bus,cinema, club, park农村生活:vegetable, rice, house, motorbike, bicycle,visiting neighbors

Dear Daniel,

I'm very happy that you are coming to Jiangxi to spend your summer holiday. There are some similarities and differences between city life and country life. Both in the city and in the country, people's life is getting better and better. However, there are some differences. In the city, people go to supermarkets to buy what they need. They eat at home or in restaurants. They live in apartments and travel around by car or bus. After work, they go to cinemas,

clubs or parks to relax themselves. In the country, people grow vegetables and rice by themselves. They live in houses and ride motorbikes or bicycles to go around. In their spare time they would like to visit their neighbors or watch TV at home. As for me, I prefer to live in the city because there are more places to enjoy myself.

I am looking forward to meeting you! Best wishes!


Li Hua






假如上周日你参加了长江社区的 Yard Sale 活动。请给你们学校校刊上的 English Club 栏目写一篇关于此


要点如下:1. 有 200 多人参加了此次活动;2. 有的人出售旧物如:衣服、玩具、自行车等;3. 有的人出售自制的蛋糕、卡片、书签等;4. 还有的人交换旧书;5. 请写一至两点你对此次活动的看法。注意:1. 词数 60 -80,文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。不要逐条翻译。 参考词汇:Changjiang Community, n . 长江社区;exchange, v;交换,used adj. 旧的

It was fine last Sunday. I went to the Yard Sale in Changjiang Community. More than 200 people took park in the activity . Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys, and clothes. Others sold cakes, cards and bookmarks made by themselves. Used books could be exchanged in the yard, too. I enjoyed myself there. In my opinion, it was a very good activity. We can not only make full use of used things, but also protect our environment in this way.

【点评】作者根据题目要点提示,对 Yard Sale 情况进行了描述最后谈了自己的看法。短文涵盖所有要点,语言通顺,表达清晰,行文流畅,能较好地运用所学短语和句型来表达自己的意思,语法运用得当。


根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于 60 词的短文。所给英文提示词语仅供选


生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法……现在,某英文报纸就分享(Sharing)话题征文,请你投稿。描述一次你与他人分享的经历,并谈谈你的感受。提示词语:share...with...; experience; interest; learn; change; encourage; enjoy; happiness; confident

I had an experience of sharing. When my family moved, I had to go to a new school and study in a new class. The first test made me so nervous that I failed. I got worried and felt helpless until one of my new classmates came up to me and asked softly if I was OK. After I told him about my problem, he gave me some advice. From then on, we got to know each other and shared our ideas, problems, and happiness. We became good friends. Sharing with friends helped me bring back my confidence and fit in with others.

【点评】这是一篇征文稿,描述了一次与他人分享的经历。短文内容完整,叙述清楚,意思连贯,符合逻辑,在描述经历时表达了自己的感受,因此,符合题目要求。连词 when, after, from then on 等的运用,使文章过渡自然,行文流畅。

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