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时间:2022-12-03 13:19:36 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

成长是一辈子的事情,以自己的速度谈论生活和热恋。Growth is a lifetime thing,with their own speed to talk about love and life。


Life never gets better, and if you make peace with it and embrace it, it is the beginning of your growth.

你现在的态度决定了十年后你会成为一个角色还是一个废物。Your attitude now determines whether you'll be a character or a loser ten years from now.

只有当你内心富有时,你才能取悦生活中这些肤浅的相似之处。Only when you are rich on the inside can you please these superficial similarities in life.

痴迷摧毁了心灵,所以心灵恶魔爬了出来。Obsession destroys the mind, so the mind demon crawls out.

生活并不耀眼,但努力工作会使生活耀眼。你所有的努力都不会白费,你付出多少时间和精力都是未来的积累。Life is not dazzling, but hard work makes life dazzling.All your efforts will not be in vain, and the amount of time and energy you put into it is the accumulation of the future.

我们面临的所有问题都是期望与现实之间的差距。All the problems we face are the gap between expectations and reality

要善良,勇敢,努力像星星一样闪耀。Be kind, be brave, and try to shine like a star.

向前走,向前看,即使未来茫然,即使你继续惯性前行,总有一天你会在你漫长的脚印中找到方向。Move on, look ahead, even if the future is lost, even if you keep moving forward, one day you will find the direction in your long footprints.

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