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时间:2022-12-13 19:14:09 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

文 | 魏剑峰

From 英文悦读





(1)They would have married sooner, but they had to wait for her divorce.

(2)They would have married sooner,but they had to wait for her divorce.



Neither of them thought of turning on the lunch-time news.Thus Caroline didn't hear of John's death until Peter telephoned.


Neither of them thought of turning on the lunch-time news. Thus Caroline didn't hear of John's death until Peter telephoned.




在句子并列结构的最后成分前往往会使用连词 and, or, but 等,在这些连词前加不加逗号会对句子意思造成影响,举个例子:

(1) You should buy some pens, red bags and notebooks.

(2) You should buy some pens, red bags, and notebooks.

两个句子的表意有所不同,第二个句子 red 只修饰 bags,但第一个句子 red 可以解读为修饰 bags 以及 notebooks,因此为了避免歧义,要学会正确使用逗号。


(1) All the books which had pictures in them were sent to the library.

(2) All the books, which had pictures in them, were sent to the library.


英文中两个完整的句子或者两个并列分句之间一般不能用逗号隔开,这一点在平时写作中很多人都能注意到,但当遇到 however,thus 这类词时,有时候很容易犯错。比如:

(1) This is a cheap and simple process, however, there are dangers.

(2) Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire, thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.

第一个句子中当 however 表示转折含义时它是副词,不能当连词用,因此逗号应该改为分号或者句号。即:

This is a cheap and simple process; however, there are dangers. / This is a cheap and simple process. However, there are dangers.

第二个句子中 thus 是副词,同样不能当连词用,因此句子要改成:

Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire. Thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty. / Most of the evidence was destroyed in the fire; thus it would be almost impossible to prove him guilty.

此外,在日期写法中的逗号使用也要注意规范。如果日期格式是 month day, year 则中间需要加逗号(例如 April 21, 2017),如果是 day month year 则不需要加逗号(例如 21 April 2017)。值得注意的一点是 month day, year 这种日期写法全世界只有美国一家有,互联网上甚至还有不少文章在讨论为什么美国人会使用这么奇怪的日期格式:


汉语中书名号《》可以用来标明书名、文章名、报刊名等等,但英文中没有汉语书名号的写法。在英文中,标明书籍、报刊、戏剧、电影、绘画作品等名称时, 通常采用斜体、下划线、引号、黑体或黑体基础上的下划线。比如

In his remarkable new book, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future, Peter Thiel comes off as a brilliant young man with a tendency toward exaggeration.

在英文写作中要避免出现汉语书名号,诸如《The Economist》,《All the Light We Cannot See》这样的写法都是错误的。


英语中也有和汉语类似的“破折号”,我们称为 Em dash(—),它的长度等于大写字母M,主要用于将特定的概念从一个句子的主要从句中分离出来,或者分隔一个插入的想法或从句,比如:

But such shortcomings—and South Africa’s failings since his retirement from active politics—pale into insignificance when set against the magnitude of his overall achievement.

除了破折号Em dash 之外,还有连接号En dash (–),它的长度等于大写字母N,是 Em dash 的一半,主要用于连接数字表示起止范围(比如1:00–2:00 p.m.),以及表示两者之间的关系和联系(比如 Boston–Hartford route)。

此外,还有连字号Hyphen (-),它主要用于行末单词换行以及连接复合词的各个组成部分(比如 20-year-old son)。



英语和汉语中的省略号在书写上不同,汉语省略号一般为六点,且位置在中间(……),英语省略号只有三点,且位置在下边,即( ... ),在写英文时记得不要混淆,类似这样的用法:

Resilient Ireland, booming South Sudan, tumultuous Turkey: our country of the year is……


Resilient Ireland, booming South Sudan, tumultuous Turkey: our country of the year is...


在考场作文以及学术论文写作中要避免使用缩略符的表达法,即 What's more,I'll 这类缩写要还原为完整形式( a manager's job 这类所有格形式除外)。类似下面这样的句子:

People who can't afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.


People who cannot afford to go to the theatre or concerts can afford to go to football matches.


(1) Oxford comma

“牛津逗号”(Oxford comma/serial comma/Harvard comma)是指在几个并列结构中最后一个结构前的逗号。维基百科对此的定义是:

In English language punctuation, a serial comma, or series comma (also called an Oxford comma or Harvard comma), is a comma placed immediately after the penultimate term in a series of three or more terms.

举个例子:Please bring me a pencil, eraser, and notebook. 这个句子中eraser后面的逗号即为牛津逗号。如果不使用牛津逗号,句子则变成:Please bring me a pencil, eraser and notebook.

目前人们关于牛津逗号的使用并没有达成统一意见,比如美式英语中牛津逗号的使用非常广泛,很多美式英语写作指南(比如The Elements of Style)也规定要使用牛津逗号。而英式英语中没有强制规定一定要使用牛津逗号,著名的《经济学人写作指南》(The Economist Style Guide)也提到大部分英国作家只有在需要避免歧义的情况下才使用牛津逗号。


I love my parents, Lady Gaga and Humpty Dumpty.

这一句子有两种解读方式,第一种将我的父母,Lady Gaga和Humpty Dumpty视为并列的三者。第二种则将Lady Gaga和Humpty Dumpty解读为我父母的名字,即:我爱我的父母,他们是Lady Gaga和Humpty Dumpty。


I love my parents, Lady Gaga, and Humpty Dumpty.

此时句子就只剩一种解读,即将我的父母,Lady Gaga和Humpty Dumpty视为并列的三者。


I love Lady Gaga, Humpty Dumpty and my parents.





(1) My wife would like tea; I would prefer coffee.

(2) I went to the basketball court; I was told it was closed for cleaning.


Some of the food crops failed, however, the cotton did quite well.


Some of the food crops failed; however, the cotton did quite well. / Some of the food crops failed. However, the cotton did quite well.

韦氏词典中也有这样的例句:I'd like to go; however, I'd better not. [=I'd like to go, but I should not]


The people present were Jamie, a man from New Zealand; John, the milkman's son; and George, a gaunt kind of man with no friends.



1. 列举


The bookstore specializes in three subjects: art, architecture, and graphic design.


(1) The bookstore specializes in: art, architecture, and graphic design.

(2) When I graduate, I want to go to: Rome, Israel, and Egypt.

上面两个句子的冒号使用都出现了错误,因为冒号前面的部分"The bookstore specializes in", "When I graduate, I want to go to" 都不是完整的句子,此时冒号将句子的谓语和宾语分开了。正确的写法应该是:

(1) The bookstore specializes in art, architecture, and graphic design. / The bookstore specializes in three subjects: art, architecture, and graphic design.

(2) When I graduate, I want to go to Rome, Israel, and Egypt.

2. 连接意思紧密的分句


A dolphin is not fish: it is a warm-blooded mammal.


He made three points: First, the company was losing over a million dollars each month. Second, the stock price was lower than it had ever been. Third, no banks were willing to loan the company any more money.

3. 强调

冒号在句子中也可以起到强调的作用,此时它的作用跟破折号(em dash)类似,比如:

After three weeks of deliberation, the jury finally reached a verdict: guilty.



[1] (punctuation)




本文系授权发布,By 魏剑峰,From 英文悦读,微信号:read_the_economist。欢迎朋友圈,未经许可不得转载,INSIGHT视界 诚意推荐

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