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分别来自牛津词典、韦氏词典、dic 科林斯词典、剑桥词典。



Oxford Dictionary

The adjective toxic is defined as ‘poisonous’ and first appeared in English in the mid-seventeenth century from the medieval Latin toxicus, meaning ‘poisoned’ or ‘imbued with poison’.

形容词 poison 被定义为“有毒的”,最早出现在英语中是在17世纪中叶,源自中世纪拉丁语 toxicus,意思是“有毒的”或“充满毒药的”。

2018 TOP10 和 toxic 的搭配

  • Chemical
  • Masculinity
  • Substance
  • Gas
  • Environment
  • Relationship
  • Culture
  • Waste
  • Algae
  • Air

Sourced from the Oxford corpus

The first words you might think of that pair with toxic might be words like chemical, gas, waste, air, etc. And these words indeed show up in the top 10 toxic collocations of 2018. But notice the words masculinity, environment, relationship, culture also appear. In these pairings, toxic takes on a more metaphorical meaning. For example, if you are in a toxic relationship that is damaging you emotionally, mentally, and even physically, well, you'd better end it. Fast!

你最先想到的与“毒”有关的词可能是“化学”、“气体”、“废物”、“空气”等。这些词的确出现在了2018年十大 toxic 搭配排行榜上。但是请注意“阳刚”、“环境”、“关系”和“文化”在这些配对中,“toxic”具有更多的隐喻意义。例如,如果你正处于一段有害的关系中,这种关系会在情感上、精神上甚至身体上对你造成伤害,那么,你最好结束它。马上!


Merriam Webster

In the past year, we've seen a lot of issues surrounding racial justice, social justice, criminal justice and economic justice in the news. The definition of justice seems quite black and white. Merriam Webster defines it as: the quality of being fair or just. But that's where things get a little gray. What exactly is fair? What is just? What's fair and just to one party might not be so to the other. These questions have been a huge part of the discussion in 2018.

在过去的一年里,我们在新闻中看到了很多关于种族正义、社会正义、司法正义和经济正义的问题。正义的定义似乎是非黑即白的:《韦氏词典》将其定义为:公平或公正的品质。但这就是事情变得有点灰暗的地方。到底什么是公平? 公正又是什么 对一方公平公正的事情,对另一方却未必如此。这些问题已经成为2018年讨论的一部分。



Dic defines it as “false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead.” The rampant spread of misinformation poses new challenges for navigating life in 2018. If we are more aware of the misinformation around us, we can make more informed decisions as consumers and as citizens in general. At the same time, we should hold companies and organizations accountable for the spread of misinformation.

Dic将其定义为“散布的虚假信息,无论是否存在误导意图。” 错误信息的泛滥给2018年的生活带来了新的挑战。如果我们更多地意识到周围的错误信息,我们作为消费者和一般公民就能做出更明智的决定。与此同时,我们应该让公司和组织对错误信息的传播负责。


Collins Dictionary

The word has seen a four-fold increase since 2013, with news stories and images such as those seen in the BBC’s Blue Planet II steeply raising public awareness of the environmental damages that single-use items cause.

One company that has taken this word to heart is Starbucks. Starbucks has vowed to eliminated single-use plastic straws from its stores world wide in a bid to reduce environmental plastic pollution.

自2013年以来,“single-use”一词的使用频率增加了四倍,由于出现在英国广播公司(BBC)的《蓝色星球2》(Blue Planet II)等新闻报道和图片中,而这些内容大幅提升了公众对一次性使用物品会造成环境破坏的意识。




Nomophobia is a blend of syllables from "no mobile phone phobia' and it's used to describe stress and anxiety caused by being separated from a mobile phone.

For the first time, this year the dictionary's editors asked people across the world to vote for the word that best summed up 2018 from a shortlist of four terms which have surged in use. ‘Nomophobia’, described by the dictionary as ‘fear or worry at the idea of being without your mobile phone or unable to use it’, topped the polls. Well, the people have spoken. We really can't live without our phones.

Nomophobia(无手机恐惧症)是由 no mobile phone phobia 中的音节组合而成,用来形容与手机分离所带来的压力和焦虑。



  • Companies that spread misinformation, creating a toxic social environment, need to be brought to justice.
  • 散布错误信息、制造有害社会环境的公司需要被绳之以法。
  • The proliferation of single-use products and their subsequent disposal has led to a growing number of toxic habitats for animals.
  • 一次性产品的增长及其后续的处理已导致越来越多的动物栖息地遭受危害。
  • I know it's a toxic habit to be hooked on my phone 24/7, but I have nomophobia! So give me back my phone!
  • 我知道每天24小时看手机是一种有害的习惯,但我有“无手机恐惧症”!把我的手机快还给我!

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