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时间:2023-01-30 21:02:45 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

London,Tokyo and Singapore-now all sprawling metropolis es we know well from post cards,but would we even recognise them if we saw them

what ' s remarkable about them is how they ' ve grown,but managed to keep their character of old。他们的特别之处在于他们如何发展,保存自己的旧东西。

The city of Keijo, before it became Seoul - the city we know it to be Today - in South Korea, seen here in an aerial photo taken circa 1900.这张大约拍摄于1900年的航拍图上的是当时韩国的京城,后更名为我们现在所熟知的首尔。

The mountains in the background are still visible in Seoul 115 years later, the only recognisable landmark of a city which looks brand new.115年之后,照片背景的山脉仍然依稀可见,作为这个城市唯一能认出的地标已经是全新的面貌了。

Boats on the Huangpu River in Shanghai, China, in a photo taken circa 1920.中国上海黄浦江上的船只,照片大约拍摄于1920年。

The skyline couldn't be more different now, with the arrival of several strikingly modern buildings such as the Oriental Pearl (left).天际线的景观已今非昔比,有一些非常现代的建筑,比如东方明珠(左侧)。

A view from over the Marina and the Presidio of the Golden Gate Bridge under construction in San Francisco, California, taken in 1935.加州旧金山,从滨海区和普利息迪奥俯瞰正在建设之中的金门大桥,照片拍摄于1935年。

Now a world-famous landmark, most San Franciscans have never known their city without the three-mile-long structure.现在这里是世界著名的地标了,大多数旧金山人都不知道没有这个三英里长建筑物的旧金山是什么样的。

Here's what the Singapore river looked like circa 1900, strewn with traditional boats and bordering three or four storey homes.下面是约1900年时新加坡河的样子,散落着传统船只和河边三、四层楼的房屋。

Gone are the clusters of boats, replaced with bright lights and high-rise buildings making Singapore the buzzing metropolis it is now.成群的船只已不见,取而代之的是灯火辉煌和高耸的建筑,使新加坡成为了现在的喧嚣都市。

This was once the face of Sydney's Darling Harbour and Pyrmont Wharves, seen here in a photo taken on August 21, 1937.这是曾经悉尼的达令港和派蒙大桥的样子,照片拍摄于1937年8月21日。

It now boasts the Sydney Harbour opera house (centre) in this snap taken last year from a helicopter by photographer James Morgan.在去年摄影师詹姆斯·摩根乘直升机拍下的照片上,悉尼港如今引以为傲的是位于照片中部的悉尼歌剧院。

A panorama circa 1865 of the port of Hong Kong seen from on high in the public gardens.在高处公园拍到的香港港口全貌,约拍摄于1865年。

Things are looking a lot more colourful in the bustling city these days, as this picture taken in Victoria Harbour shows.正如在维多利亚港拍的这张照片上所看到的,近些年这个喧闹的城市看起来更加色彩缤纷了。

The Eiffel Tower has dominated the skyline of Paris since it was errected in 1889, as seen from a hot air balloon - date unknown.从这张热气球上拍摄的照片你就能看出,埃菲尔铁塔自1889年建成以来就一直掌控着巴黎的天际线,拍摄日期不详。

Today, it is still the city's pinnacle, despite the cluster of high-rise buildings inching their way skywards.如今,虽然有众多高层建筑都直冲云霄,但它(埃菲尔铁塔)依然是这个城市的制高点。





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