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时间:2023-02-08 02:10:57 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

there ' s more bad news for the prime ministerhis name is jinxed。


David is top of the nation ' s bad luck league,as moremen who share his name make personal injury claims than any other blokes .


Accident-prone Daves are more likely to trip and hurt themselves, pull muscles at work or cut themselves.


James, Stephen, Andrew and Chris were also in the top five unlucky guys’ names, according to research by personal injury experts Edwards Hoyle.

根据人身伤害方面的专业医院Edwards Hoyle 的这项调查,最倒霉男性名字排名前五的除了David 外,还包括:James(詹姆斯)、Stephen(史蒂芬)、Andrew(安德鲁)和Chris(克里斯)。

Joanne was the unluckiest female name, followed by Emma and Clare.


The survey, spanning two years, found 1989 gave birth to the clumsiest folk, with more claims from 23-year-olds than any other age group.


Fishermen had the riskiest jobs, more likely to get hurt at work than any other trade including building, farming and trucking.


David Edwards of Edwards Hoyle said: “Any 23-year-old Davids or Joannes working as fishermen need to take care.”

来自Edwards Hoyle 医院的大卫-爱德华斯就表示:“ 叫David 或者Joanne的23岁渔民要特别注意别让自己受伤。”

Unluckiest male names


1. David 大卫

2. James 詹姆斯

3. Stephen 史蒂夫

4. Andrew 安德鲁

5. Chris克里斯

6. Mohammed 穆罕默德

7. Michael 迈克尔

8. John 约翰

9. Daniel丹尼尔

10. Alex 阿历克斯

Unluckiest female names


1. Joanne 乔安娜

2. Emma 艾玛

3. Clare 克莱尔

4. Karen 凯伦

5. Lisa 丽莎

6. Laura 劳拉

7. Helen 海伦

8. Rebecca 丽贝卡

9. Hannah 汉娜

10. Julie朱莉

Unluckiest years of birth


1. 1989

2. 1987

3. 1991

4. 1986

5. 1988

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