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时间:2023-03-08 23:59:31 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



1.prefer(preferred,preferred)更喜欢,动词。用法:(1)prefer sb./sth.更喜欢某人/某物。如,I prefer rabbits.=I like rabbits better.(2)prefer (doing) A to (doing)B与(做)B相比更喜欢(做)A。如,She prefers staying at home to going out./I prefer apples to bananas.(3)prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事。如,Tom prefers travelling by train.(4)prefer to do sth.更喜欢/宁愿做某事。如,Tony preferred to be a policeman when he was a child.(5)prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿/更喜欢某人做某事。如,We prefer you to win the competition.(6)prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.=would rather do sth. than do sth.宁愿做某事也不愿做某事。如,He prefers to read rather than write.=He would rather read than write.


2.electronic电子的;电子设备的,形容词。用法:常放在名词前作定语。如,electronic keyboards电子键盘。


3.suppose推断;料想,动词。用法:常接宾语从句。当主句是一般现在时态,且主句主语是第一人称时,宾语从句的否定一般要转移到主句中来,即否定转移。类似用法的词还有think, believe等。I suppose that+宾语从句改为反意疑问句时,附加问句的主语和谓语与宾语从句的主语和谓语保持一致,若否定转移到主句上,从句仍看成是否定形式。如,I suppose he is an American, isn’t he?/I don’t suppose this coat suits her, does it?



5.spare空闲的;不用的,形容词。用法:in one’s spare time 在某人的空闲时间里。抽出;留出,动词。spare sb. sth.=spare sth. for sb.为某人腾出某物。如,Can you spare a few minutes for me?



7.case情况;实情,名词。用法:in that case既然那样;假使那样的话。如,In that case, I can’t take the job./ What can I do in such a case? in case以防万一;in this case在这种情况下;in case of如果……,假使……;in any case无论如何,不管怎样。

8.stick(stuck, stuck)粘贴;将……刺入,动词。用法:stick…into…把……插入/刺入……。stick to坚持;固守,后接表示“诺言、观点、原则、计划、规定”等的名词。如,You should stick to your ideas. stick to doing sth.坚持做某事。如,The old man sticks to swimming every day.

9.down悲哀;沮丧,形容词。用法:常与系动词连用,作表语。如,feel down感到沮丧。

10.plenty大量;众多,代词。用法:plenty of大量;充足,接可数名词的复数形式或不可数名词,相当于a lot of/lots of,常用于肯定句中。如,There is plenty of rain this spring.

11.shut(shut, shut)关闭;关上,动词。用法:含有“隔绝内外”之意,表示由开到关,一般指把开着的门、窗等关上,可与close互换。如,Shut the door, please. shut off关闭;停止运转。代词要放在shut和off之间。通常指关闭电器或切断水源、煤气等。如,Shut them off, please.




14.sense感觉到;意识到,动词。用法:后接名词、代词或从句作宾语。如,She sensed danger and called 110./She sensed that something happened to him. 感觉;意识,名词。用法:后常接介词of。如,He has a good sense of humor.



16.pain痛苦;疼痛;苦恼,名词。用法:指精神上或肉体上的痛苦。in pain疼痛。如,He is lying at the bottom of the stairs in great pain.




18.moving动人的;令人感动的,形容词。用法:指事物本身具有“动人的”特征,修饰事物,做作表语或定语。如,His story is moving.

【构词】move打动;使感动;移动;搬家,动词。moved受感动的,修饰人。如,I was moved by his story.



20.lifetime一生;有生之年,名词。用法:in one’s lifetime=during one’s lifetime在某人的一生中。

21.pity遗憾;怜悯,名词。用法:怜悯;同情,不可数名词。但是可以用a pity表示“遗憾的事,懊悔的事,可惜的事”。如,What a pity!/It’s a pity that you couldn’t come. It’s a pity that…表示……真是遗憾。同情;怜悯,动词。如,We should pity poor people.

22.total 总数;合计,名词。用法:in total=in all 总共;合计。a total of…总计……。总的;全体的,形容词。如,the total population of… ……人口总数。


23.praise表扬;赞扬,动词。用法:praise sb. for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而赞扬某人。如,She praised her son for his hard work. 赞扬;表扬,名词(不可数)。in praise of极力赞美;称赞。sing sb. praise高度赞扬某人。give praise to sb.表扬某人。receive praise from sb.得到某人的称赞。

24.recall回忆起;回想起,动词。用法:不能用于进行时态,后接名词、动词ing形式、从句作宾语。如,I recalled meeting her before./Do you recall that there was a library near here?/He couldn’t recall where he put the book./I can recall her name.

25.wound伤;伤口;创伤,名词(可数)。用法:一般指刀伤、枪伤等外伤,也可指心灵上的创伤。如,The nurse cleaned his wound. 使(身体)受伤;伤害,动词。如,What you said just now has wounded me.


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