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时间:2023-03-11 02:01:34 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名



1. The trial judge ___ the number of years to be spent in prison.由主审法官确定刑期。

2. The ___ of judges included several well-known writers.评审团包括几位著名作家。

3. Sandra’s a very good judge of ___.桑德拉很善于判断人的性格。

4. No one else can ___ what its value to you is – only you can be the judge of that.其他人谁也无法说明它对于你的意义,唯有你自己才能做出评判。

5. Let me be the ___ of that.我自己会判断。

6. He is as ___ as a judge.他一点也没醉。

7. You should never judge a person by their ___.决不要以貌取人。

8. Judge us on the improvements we ___ in the economy.请根据我们在经济方面取得的进步来评价我们。

9. The therapist judged that Margaret had made a serious ___ to kill herself.治疗专家断定玛格丽特曾真的企图自杀。

10. Nuclear wastewater is a pollutant that is judged ___ to human health.核废水被认为是对人体健康有害的一种污染物。

11. I am in no ___ to judge whether what she is doing is right or wrong.我无权评判她在做的事是对是错。

12. The economic ___ of the reforms are very difficult to judge.这些改革所带来的经济成效很难评价。

13. The ___ of future bombs was impossible to judge.未来发生爆炸案的可能性无法预测。

14. We judge the success of a product by the number of sales it ___ in.我们以销售量来评价一种产品成功与否。

15. His ___, judged objectively by what he has done, is dishonest.他的行为,从他所做的这一切客观地来评价,是不诚实的。

16. Robert wanted to go and help him, but judged it ___ to stay where he was.罗伯特想过去帮他,但考虑之后还是觉得待在原地为妙。

17. Don’t judge her too ___, as she was very young at the time.对她的评价不要太苛刻,毕竟那时候她还很年轻。

18. Judging by his jovial ___, he must have enjoyed his meal.从他愉快的样子来看,他这顿饭肯定吃得很开心。

19. Judging from what you say in your letter, you don’t ___ well.根据你来信中所写的情况来看,你好像不大好。

20. I had the difficult ___ of judging the competition.我身负担任这次比赛裁判的艰巨任务。

21. ___ will be judged on speed and accuracy.将根据速度和准确性来对参赛者进行评判。

22. He just ___ people what they are and he doesn’t judge them.别人是怎样就怎样,他不做评论。

23. Was it the right decision? It’s ___ for us to judge.这个决定是否正确?这轮不到我们来评论。

24. Don’t judge a book by its ___.勿以貌取人。

25. So far, he seems to be ___ the job well, but it’s really too soon to judge.迄今为止,他似乎干得很好,可现在下判断实在太早。

26. It’s difficult to judge yet whether the new system is really an ___.很难断定新系统是否真是一个改进。

27. I’d judge that it’ll take us about five years to ___ our costs.我认为大约要花五年的时间支付我们的花费。

28. Everyone ___ judged the meeting to have been a success.出席的人都认为这次会议很成功。

29. She judged it ___ not to tell him what had happened.她认为不把发生的事告诉他更好。

30. I’m ___ at judging distances.我不会估计距离。

31. What do you think ___ you the right to judge people?你凭什么评论别人?

32. They judged the system on how quickly it could ___ to their queries.他们根据新系统对其询问反应快慢作出鉴定。

33. You shouldn’t judge by ___ alone.你不能只根据外表评判。

34. Our salespeople are judged ___ to the number of cars they sell.评价我们的推销员是根据他们卖出汽车的数量。

35. I’ve been asked to judge the ___-dress competition.我受邀做化装服竞赛的评委。

36. Judging by what he said, I think it’s very ___ that he’ll be able to support your application.从他的话判断,我认为他好像不能支持你的申请。

37. The judges all ___ the Russian skaters the highest marks.所有的裁判都给了俄罗斯滑冰选手最高分。

38. The ___ will be decided by a panel of judges.胜利者将由评委决定。

39. I’m ___ judge of art.我全然不会鉴赏艺术。

40. She’s such a ___ judge of character.她很不善于判断人的性格。

41. Tomorrow they will be ___ before a judge.明天他们会被带到法官面前受审。

42. The judge’s decision is ___.裁判员的裁决不可更改。

43. It will take ___ to judge the impact of these ideas.评价这些观念所造成的影响尚需时日。

44. I don’t mind ___ judged on my performance.我不介意别人就我的表现来评判我。

45. It’s for other people to judge how much I have ___.至于我进步了多少该由别人来评判。

46. How will they judge which is the most ___?他们会如何来判定哪一个最可靠呢?

47. The doctor judged that the man’s health had, ___ to the time of the wound, been good.医生断定,直至受伤前,这名男子的身体状况一直很好。

48. The operation must be judged a ___.该手术肯定会被认定是一次失败的手术。

49. The UN withdrew its ___ personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.联合国认定形势过于危险,所以撤出了它所有的救援人员。

50. Though the shoreline could be ___ seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.尽管可以朦胧地看到海岸线,但要判断距离有多远是不可能的。

51. I judged him to ___ about forty.我估计他四十岁左右。

52. The competition was ___ by the local mayor.比赛由本地市长当裁判。

53. ___ will be judged in two age categories:5-10 years and 11-14 years.将有两个年龄组选拔参赛者:5-10岁 和11-14岁。

54. I judge that you ___ the truth.我相信你说的是事实。

55. The court judged him ___.法庭判他有罪。

56. It ___ a good idea, but without knowing all the facts I can’t really judge.这听起来是个好主意,但在不知道所有事实的情况下,我实在无法下定论。

57. No one, as ___ as I could judge, was paying any attention to the lesson.据我判断,没有人在听课。

58. I said that if I was judging I wanted to see every ___.我说过,如果我当裁判,我需要看到每一件参赛作品。

59. He was ___ to judge of literary merit.他没有资格坚定文学价值。

60. Judging by the opinion ___, he seems to be succeeding.从民意测验来看,他似乎胜利在望。

61. To judge from his ___, Mozart enjoyed good health throughout his twenties.从作品数量来分析,莫扎特在20岁到30岁期间身体状况一直很好。

62. The judging was difficult as ___.当裁判是一如既往地难。

63. Experiencing in judging, in practicing, or in teaching law ___ numerous problems.做法官,当律师或教法律的经历会突显众多问题。

64. There was a judging ___ at the Winter Olympics.冬奥会上出现了裁判丑闻。

65. Health visitors and nurses were very ___ and unkind to me when I was having my first child.在我怀第一个孩子期间,卫生访视员和护士对我非常挑剔且不友善。

66. I thought the performance was boring, but then I’m not a ___ judge.我认为演出很乏味,然而我的评判未必正确。

67. ‘I really ___ think you should have another drink.’ ‘I’ll be the judge of that.’“我真的认为你不该再喝一杯。”“我自己会判断的。”

68. Recent events have ___ into question the chairperson’s judgment.进来的几件事使人们对主席的判断力表示怀疑。

69. She always ___ excellent judgment.她总是显示出卓越的判断力。

70. He always thinks he has the right to ___ judgment on others.他总是认为自己有权评判别人。

71. Do not ___ any judgments about what you hear.不要对你所听到的内容做任何评价。

72. Universities have to reach a judgment as to the ___ of the claims that schools make about their candidates.对于各个中学所声称的入学申请人情况的可信度,各大学得作出判断。

73. ___ your judgment, what has changed over the past few years?依你看,在过去的几年里都发生了什么变化?

74. How can you ___ any judgment of the matter without the figures?没有这些数字,你怎么能对这件事做出任何评价呢?

75. I won’t make any ___ judgment about her.我不会对她做出任何道德评价。

76. I don’t really want to make any judgments ___ the decisions they made.我实在不想对他们的决定发表任何看法。

77. I shall ___ my own judgment on this matter.在这件事上我会做出自己的判断。

78. Alcohol and drugs often ___ judgment.酒精和毒品常常影响人的判断力。

79. Tiredness ___ judgment.疲劳会削弱判断力。

80. I respect his judgment and I’ll ___ any advice he gives me.我尊重他的判断力,会接受他提出的任何建议。

81. My father did not permit me to ___ his judgment.我父亲不允许我质疑他的判断力。

82. I think you have made a bad ___ of judgment.我认为你这个判断严重失误。

83. He said that ___ of the information was a serious error of judgment.他说该信息的公布属于严重的判断失误。

84. The ___ judgment will be made in court.法院将会作出最终判决。

85. The industry was ___ a judgment from the European Court.业界正在等待欧洲法院的判决。

86. The Court is ___ to give its judgment within the next ten days.法院应于之后10日内作出判决。

87. Passing judgment on the ___, he said it was the worst crime of its kind he had ever heard of.在对被告作出判决时,他说这是他所听说过的同类罪行中最为恶劣的一起。

88. A UN court will ___ down judgments on the genocide cases of the country’s former transport minister.联合国的一个法庭将对该国前交通部长犯下的大屠杀案件进行宣判。

89. I’m going to ___ judgment on the decision.我准备保留对决议的看法。

90. In my judgment, we should accept the ___ estimate.在我看来,我们应该接受最低估计。

91. What do you think we should do about the problem – I’m ___ it hard to make a judgment.你认为我们该怎么处理这个问题 – 我觉得很难作出判断。

92. I’ve come to the judgment that we should ___ the two companies.我断定我们该把这两个公司合并。

93. I always try not to be ___ about people.我总努力不去评价别人。

94. It’s too soon to make a judgment about what the ___ will be.现在就判断结果会怎么样还为时过早。

95. In my judgment, we should accept his ___.依我看,我们应该接受他的报价。

96. Our ___ is to help him, not to pass judgment on what he has done.我们的目的是要帮助他,而不是对他所做的事说三道四。

97. I’d ___ you to reserve judgment.我建议你暂时不要表态。

98. I lent him the money, ___ my better judgment.尽管我觉得不妥,但还是把钱借给了他。

99. I’ve known him for years and I ___ his judgment.我与他相识多年,相信他的判断力。

100. The minister showed a ___ of political judgment.那位部长显得缺乏政治判断力。

101. His decision is based on his ___ judgment.他的决定是基于他的良好判断力。

102. ___ carefully and use your judgment.仔细观察并运用自己的判断力。

103. The company were ___ $6 million, following a recent court judgment.根据最近法庭作出的判决,这家公司被罚款600万美元。

104. He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to ___ in judgment.他激烈地争辩说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。


朗文当代高级英语词典[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, PEARSON. 2014


1 specifies 2 panel 3 character 4 say 5 judge 6 sober 7 looks 8 make 9 attempt 10 hazardous 11 position 12 results 13 likelihood 14 brings 15 conduct 16 best 17 harshly 18 manner 19 sound 20 task 21 Competitors 22 accepts 23 not 24 cover 25 handling 26 improvement 27 cover 28 present 29 better 30 hopeless 31 gives 32 respond 33 appearances 34 according 35 fancy 36 unlikely 37 awarded 38 winner 39 no 40 bad 41 brought 42 final 43 time 44 being 45 improved 46 reliable 47 up 48 failure 49 relief 50 dimly 51 be 52 judged 53 Entrants 54 speak 55 guilty 56 sounds 57 far 58 entry 59 unqualified 60 polls 61 productivity 62 always 63 highlights 64 scandal 65 judging 66 good 67 don’t 68 called 69 demonstrates 70 pass 71 make 72 credibility 73 In 74 form 75 moral 76 on 77 make 78 cloud 79 impairs 80 follow 81 question 82 error 83 publication 84 final 85 awaiting 86 expected 87 accused 88 hand 89 reserve 90 lowest 91 finding 92 merge 93 judgmental 94 outcome 95 offer 96 aim 97 advise 98 against 99 trust 100 lack 101 sound 102 Watch 103 fined 104 sit

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