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时间:2023-03-11 21:46:40 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


It's not easy to meet,cherish it


I filled the mountains and seas, only to find you in the clouds

三、你很棒 你很好 我很爱你 请停止你的胡思乱想。

You hate it. You're good. I love you very much. Please stop your delusions


Today is better than yesterday. This is hope.


Gentle weather, like you, can't stop making people feel excited


To love life with a loving attitude is to be gentle with yourself

七、夏天恋爱 秋天私奔 如果你有空就陪我过冬。

Fall in love in summer and elope in autumn. If you are free, stay with me for the winter

八、人烟寒橘柚 秋色老梧桐。

People's cold orange pomelo autumn old phoenix tree

九、走慢点没关系 把风景都记在心里。

It's okay to walk slowly and keep the scenery in mind


The distant clouds brushed over Daishan, and the orange sunset dotted it, while the wind passed by and stopped at the window.


I will build myself well, and then run to the ideal and you with my best self.


I only hope that I will slowly forget the person I love, and then love someone well.


Interesting singles are happier than two people fooling around

十四、我给不了你全世界的温柔 但有个词叫尽我所能。

I can't give you the gentleness of the whole world, but there is a word called do my best

十五、再往后的日子里 祝你万丈光芒 熠熠生辉。

In the days to come, I wish you a bright light

十六、有人辞官归故里 有人星夜赶科考 前途似海 来日方长。

Some people resigned and returned to their hometown. Some people rushed to the scientific research at night, and the future seemed to have a long way to go


With my sincerity in the heat, run to you, my fireworks are for you. There is a long way to go, and I will always meet you.


It's not that I like you almost, but that I have quietly learned everything you like.

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