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五、How to talk about the zodiac animals in English



春节the Spring Festival

农历lunar calendar

正月lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar

除夕New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year

初一the first day of lunar month

元宵节The Lantern Festival


过年Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival

对联poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry

春联Spring Festival couplets


年画New Year paintings

买年货special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping

敬酒propose a toast

灯笼lantern: a portable light

烟花fireworks(set off fireworks 放烟花)

爆竹firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)

红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the

coming year.)

舞狮lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)

舞龙dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)

戏曲traditional opera

杂耍variety show; vaudeville

灯谜riddles written on lanterns

灯会exhibit of lanterns


拜年pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit


去晦气get rid of the ill-fortune

祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift

辞旧岁bid farewell to the old year

扫房spring cleaning; general house-cleaning


金玉满堂Treasures fill the home

生意兴隆Business flourishes

岁岁平安Peace all year round

恭喜发财Wishing you prosperity

和气生财Harmony brings wealth

心想事成May all your wishes come true

吉祥如意Everything goes well

国泰民安The country flourishes and people live in peace

招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful

一帆风顺Wishing you every success

步步高升Promoting to a higher position

出入平安Safe trip wherever you go

一帆风顺:Wish you every success.

名列前茅:Always have success in exams.

鹏程万里:Have a bright future.

生意兴隆:Wish your business success.

恭喜发财:Wish you good fortune.

年年有余:May you always get more than you wish for.

万事如意:Hope everything goes your way.

心想事成:May all your wishes come true.

四季平安:May you be blessed with peace and safety in all four seasons.

出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go.

猪年行大运:May the year of the pig bring you great fortune.


鼠年: Year of the Rat

牛年: Year of the Ox

虎年: Year of the Tiger

兔年: Year of the Rabbit

龙年: Year of the Dragon

蛇年: Year of the Snake

马年: Year of the Horse

羊年: Year of the Sheep

猴年: Year of the Monkey

鸡年: Year of the Rooster

狗年: Year of the Dog

猪年: Year of the Pig

Chinese zodiac: 生肖

"What's your constellation" (你是什么星座?). "Constellation" refers to the group of stars in the sky. We should use "star sign" in this context.

Note: Constellation 通常形容天上的星座,不特指我们说的十二星座,所以通常用Star Sign

五、How to talk about the zodiac animals in English

1. 你属什么?


What is your Chinese animal sign?

I am a Rat.

2. 你知道明年是什么年吗?是马年。

Do you know what the Chinese zodiac animal will be next year?

It is the Year of Horse.

3. 你是什么星座的?


What's your star sign?

I am a Taurus.

4. 你今年运势怎么样?


What's does your horoscope/star sign say for this year?

It's the year of my Chinese animal sign so I hope my luck won't be too bad.

5. 你知道属兔的人和什么属相的人最配吗?


Do you know which animal signs are best paired with people born in the Year of Rabbit?

Don't be so superstitious. It is not that reliable!



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