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时间:2023-05-06 17:31:49 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

喜欢你,才闹你。It is only because I love you would I yell at you. 你用一分钟点了我的穴,我用一生解穴。ou take a minute to point my point, I use lifetime solution. 人人都祝你快乐,我只愿你阅遍山河,觉得人间值得。Everyone wishes you happiness. I just want you to read the mountains and rivers, and feel that the world is worth it. 你说摩尔曼斯克,我是北大西洋暖流,你该被抱紧,有风我来顶。You say Molmansk, I'm the North Atlantic Warm Current, you should be held tight, there's a wind to me. 我和我的猫都很想你,可是我没有猫,也没有你。My cat and I miss you very much, but I don't have a cat, nor you. 我才不是你的一瞬间,我是你的永永远远。I am not your moment, I am your forever and ever. 我喜欢天空的颜色,风的味道,大海的深度和你的声音。I like the color of the sky, the taste of the wind, the depth of the sea and your voice. 自从黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,这眼睛的未来就只看你一个人。Ever since the dark night gave me black eyes, the future of these eyes only depends on you. 我偷听到你对上帝说你非我不嫁,所以我不想你背叛上帝嘛。I overheard you say to God that you are not marrying me, so I don't want you to betray God. 让我们慢慢成为适合对方的人,手牵手走过属于我们的春夏秋冬。Let's gradually become suitable for each other, hand in hand through the spring, summer, autumn and winter that belong to us. 我的一切只有你,我的全部都是你。All I have is you, all I have is you. 春风再美也比不上你的笑,没见过你的人不会明了。Spring breeze is no more beautiful than your laughter, people who have not seen you will not understand. 你需要的是一个连你废话都感兴趣的人,我就是。What you need is someone who is interested in your nonsense. I am. 我在你的脸上,看到了我以后孩子的样子。I see in your face what my children will look like in the future. 因喜欢你,借你的光,看见了以前未见过的世界。Because I like you, I see the world I have never seen before by your light.
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