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时间:2022-12-12 22:15:47 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


tired adj.疲倦的,疲劳的['taɪəd]

I feel so tired. Let's have a rest!


cause v.使发生,引起,导致n.原因,起因[kɔːz]

What is the cause of this?


litter n.废弃物,垃圾v.乱丢杂物 ['lɪtə]

Littering is a bad behavior.乱扔垃圾是一种不好的行为。

We should throw the rubbish/litter into the dustbin.我们应该把垃圾扔进垃圾箱。

dustbin n.垃圾箱['dʌstbɪn]

The dustbin is used to hold rubbish.


fingernail n.指甲[ˈfɪŋɡəneɪl]

My sister likes to have long fingernails.我妹妹喜欢留长指甲。

meal n.一餐(饭)[miːl]

Chinese are used to three meals a day.中国人习惯了一日三餐。

without prep.没有,缺乏;不和……在一起[wɪ'ðaʊt]

Without your help, I would not have finished the difficult task.没有你的帮助,我不可能完成这项艰巨的任务。

article n.文章;物品;冠词[ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l]

Lu Xun's article is too difficult to understand.鲁迅的文章太难理解了。

smoke v.吸烟;冒烟;n.烟[sməʊk]

My father has quit smoking for three years.我父亲已经戒烟三年了。

Smoking is not good for your health.吸烟对你的健康不好。

even adv.甚至,即使['iːvən]

①l haven't even thought of it.


②Even now he doesn't believe it.


③He did it even better this time.


④It happened even as we expected.


cancer n.癌,癌症['kænsə]

His grandfather died of stomach cancer.他的祖父死于胃癌。

energy n.精力,活力,干劲['enədʒi]

Young people always have plenty of energy to study and work.年轻人总是有足够的精力去学习和工作。

necessary adj.必需的,必要的['nesəˌsəri]

It is necessary for us to have breakfast.对我们来说吃早餐是必要的。

active adj.积极的,活跃的['æktɪv]

She is an active girl.


tomato n.西红柿,番茄[tə'meɪtəʊ]

Our family all like tomatoes.


cabbage n.卷心菜,洋白菜['kæbɪdʒ]

We are rich in cabbage here.


staple n.主食

The staple food of Southerners is rice.南方人的主食是大米。

wheat n.小麦[hwiːt]

The south is rich in wheat.



Salt is an indispensable condiment in people's daily life.盐是人们日常生活中不可缺少的调味品。

sugar n.食糖['ʃʊgə]

Diabetics can't eat sugar.


illness n.病,疾病[ˈɪlnɪs]

The disease is easy to treat.


weak adj.虚弱的,无力的[wiːk]

My sister has a cold and is very weak.


cream n.奶油,乳脂[kriːm]

My brother likes bread and butter.我弟弟喜欢吃黄油面包。

Ice cream is made of cream.冰淇淋是奶油做的。

ice cream冰淇淋

Children like to eat ice cream in summer.孩子们在夏天喜欢吃冰淇淋。

force v.强迫,迫使[fɔːs]

Don't force him to finish the work by himself.不要强迫他自己完成这项工作。

childhood n.童年,幼年[ˈtʃaɪldhʊd]

I have a happy and unforgettable childhood.我有一个快乐而难忘的童年。

plate n.盘子,碟子;一盘[pleɪt]

Mother put the plates on the table.


mad adj.疯的[mæd]

He is a madman.他是个疯子。

taste v.尝,品,吃;n.品味,审美[teɪst]

The food tastes good.这食物味道很好。

surprised adj.感动惊讶的,出人意料的[sə'praɪzd]

To our surprise, Xiao Ming came first this time.令我们惊讶的是,小明这次得了第一名。

watermelon n.西瓜[ˈwɔːtəmelən]

People like to eat watermelon in summer.人们喜欢在夏天吃西瓜。

potato n.土豆,马铃薯[pə'teɪtəʊ]

The north of China is rich in potatoes.中国北方盛产土豆。

potato chips n.薯条

Do you know who invented potato chips?你知道薯片是谁发明的吗?

sandwich n.三明治(夹心面包片)['sændwɪtʃ]

Do you know who invented the sandwich?你知道是谁发明的三明治吗?

strawberry n.草莓[ˈstrɔːbəri]

Strawberry is a kind of sour and sweet fruit.草莓是一种又酸又甜的水果。

beef n.牛肉[biːf]

Northerners like to eat beef.


biscuit n.饼干[ˈbɪskɪt]

Father bought many biscuits for grandma.爸爸给奶奶买了许多饼干。

shower n.&v.淋浴['ʃaʊə]

I heard someone knocking at the door when I was taking a shower.我正在洗澡时听到有人敲门。

fact n.事实,真相;现实[fækt]

In fact, he is a good man.


in fact事实上,实际上[ɪn'fækt]

unhealthy adj.不健康的[ʌnˈhelθi]

Smoking and eating junk food are unhealthy behaviors.吸烟和吃垃圾食品是不健康的行为。

chemical n.化学品[ˈkemɪk(ə)l]

Children under 16 must not be exposed to c岁以下的儿童不得接触化学品。

cigarette n.香烟,纸烟[sɪɡəˈret]

Many people like cigarettes.


body n.身体[ˈbɒdi]

Reading and exercising are good for people's mind and body.阅读和锻炼对人们的身心都有好处。

disease n.病,疾病[dɪ'ziːz]

He has a strange disease.


harm v. & n.危害,伤害,损害[hɑːm]

Smoking is harmful to people's health.吸烟对人们的健康有害。

smoker n.吸烟者[ˈsməʊkə]

There are many smokers in the room.房间里有许多吸烟者。

second-hand adj.二手的,旧的

My father bought a second-hand house.我父亲买了一套二手房。

risk n.危险,风险 v.(使)冒…的风险[rɪsk]

Young people like to take risks.


possible adj.可能,能做到[ˈpɒsəbl]

We should exercise as much as possible.我们应该尽可能多地锻炼。

as...as possible尽量…地

Xiaoming ran to school as fast as possible.小明以最快的速度跑到学校。


1. stay up late 熬夜

Today's middle school students stay up late every day until 12 o'clock in the evening.今天的中学生每天熬夜到晚上12点。

2. be bad for 对......有害

Watching mobile phones and TV for a long time is bad for your eyes.长时间看手机和电视对你的眼睛有害。

3. be good for 对......有益

It's good for your health to keep exercising every day.每天坚持锻炼对你的健康有好处。

4. too much 太多,过分

Eating too much meat will make your body fat.吃太多肉会使你的身体变胖。

5. do morning exercises 做早操

Middle school students do morning exercises every morning.中学生每天早上做早操。

6. keep long fingernails 留长指甲

My mother doesn't allow me to have long fingernails.我妈妈不允许我留长指甲。

7. play sports right 进行适当的体育锻炼

Playing sports right is good for our health.做正确的运动对我们的健康有好处。

8. go to school without breakfast 不吃早餐去上学

Going to school without breakfast is not good for your health.不吃早餐去上学对你的健康不好。

9. have a bath 洗澡

I take/ have a bath once a week.


10. take a fresh breath 呼吸新鲜空气

We often take a fresh breath in the nature.我们经常在大自然中呼吸新鲜空气。

11. read ...about... 读关于......

My sister often reads novels about Qiongyao.我妹妹经常看关于琼瑶的小说。

12. Ren'ai English Post 仁爱英语报

Everyone likes reading Ren Ai English newspaper.人人都喜欢读仁爱英语报。

13. ask sb to do 叫某人做某事

Mom asked me to go to the supermarket to buy some vegetables.妈妈让我去超市买一些蔬菜。

14. give up 放弃

He gave up traveling to Canada.


15. read in the sun 在太阳底下看书

Reading in the sun is harmful to people's eyes.在阳光下看书对人的眼睛有害。

16. throw litter everywhere 乱扔垃圾

My brother always likes to throw litter everywhere. Everyone doesn't like him.我弟弟总是喜欢到处乱扔垃圾。不是每个人都喜欢他。

17. on the lawn 在草坪上

The children were very happy singing and dancing on the lawn.孩子们在草坪上唱歌跳舞,非常高兴。

18. put...into... 把......放进......

He put some fish into the pond.


19. exercise on an empty stomach 空腹锻炼

Exercise on an empty stomach is not good for people's health.空腹锻炼对人们的健康没有好处。

20. get into 进入

I saw the teacher get into/enter the classroom.我看见老师进了教室。

21. keep the air clean and fresh 保持空气清新

We should try our best to keep the air fresh in the city.我们应该尽力保持城市的空气新鲜。

22. wash hands before meals 饭前洗手

Washing hands before meals is a good habit.饭前洗手是一个好习惯。

23. potato chips /Frenchfries 炸薯条

It is said that a Frenchman invented French fries.据说是一个法国人发明了炸薯条。


1. Staying up late is bad for your health. 熬夜有害健康。

1) stay up late

2) be bad for 对......有害。

类似的短语还有:be good for 对......有好处

3) staying up late is... 动名词作主语。当我们需要一个动词充当主语时,常用此动词的动名词(即doing)形式。如:

Playing football is good for your heath. 踢足球对你的身体有好处。

Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 躺在床上看书对眼睛有害。

singing is my hobby. 唱歌是我的爱好。

2. It will keep you active during the day. 它会使你在白天保持活力。

keep sth/sb .+adj. 保持某物/某人在某种状态。如:

keep your hands clean 保持你的双手干净。

keep our classroom clean 让我们的教室保持干净。

3. Different foods help us in different ways. 不同的食物对我们有不同的作用.

in different ways译为“用不同的方式”

We can learn English in different ways. 我们可以用不同的方式学习英语。

4. If we eat too littele or too much food...如果我们吃太少或太多食物......

△little 少得几乎没有,表否定,修饰不可数名词。

There is little water in the cup.杯子里几乎没有水了。

△a little 有一些,表示肯定,修饰不可数名词。

There is only a little milk in the cup.杯子里仅有一点牛奶了


There are few people in the classroom.教室里几乎没有人。

△a few有一些,表示肯定,修饰可数名词。

How many people are there in the square?广场上有多少人?

There are quite a few people in the square.广场上有不少人

5. Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health. 散步是很好的锻炼,它是身体健康必不可少的。

be necessary for 对....来说是必不可少的

Sunshine and air are necessary for our life. 阳光和空气对我们的生活来说是必不可少的。

Water is necessary for life.水是生命所必需的。

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