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时间:2023-01-29 03:33:12 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

to breed like rabbits ——像兔子一样繁殖

说明:兔子可以快速高效地繁殖,对环境或其他物种造成威胁或挑战。To bread like rabbits这个表达用来形容增长率非常快,通常没有控制、不可持续,具有贬义。


the marketing team at our company is expanding rapidly . they ' rebreeding like rabbits!'——我们公司的营销队伍正在迅速扩大。他们繁殖得像兔子一样快!we can ' t keep up with the demand for our new product . it ' s breeding like rabbits!——我们赶不上对新产品的需求。它像兔子一样繁殖。从To pull a rabbit out of a hat ——帽子中取出兔子



I don't know how he did it,But our lead developer was able To pull a rabbit out of a hat and fix the bugin record time . ——我不知道他是怎么做的,但我们是We were up against



I don't know how she does it,but our project manager always seems to get lucky . she must have a rabbit ' s foot。——我不知道她是怎么做的

像To be as timid as a rabbit ——兔子一样胆小



I don ' t think he ' s cut out for this job . he ' s as timid as a rabbit and can ' t handle the pressure。——我认为他不适合这项工作他害羞,承受不了压力。I don ' t know how she got the promotion . she ' s as timid as a rabbit and never speaks up in meetings . ——我不知道她是如何晋升的。她害羞,从未在会上发言。To be as busy as a bunny ——像兔子一样忙碌



I don ' t know how he finds the time to do it all . he ' s as busy as a bunny and still manages to get everything done . ——我不知道他是如何找到时间做所有事情的。他很忙,但仍然能完成所有的工作。

像To be a scaredy-bunny ——兔子一样容易害怕



I don ' t think he ' s the right fit for this project . he ' s a scaredy-bunny and doesn ' t like taking risks . ——我认为他不适合这个项目。他胆小,不喜欢冒险。I don ' t know how she ' s going to survive in this industry . she ' s a scaredy-bunny and can ' t handle the pressure . ——我或她胆小,无法承受压力。To be a bunny-boiler ——煮兔子的人


例:I don ' t know how he handles his ex-girl friend . she ' s a bunny-boiler and won ' t leave him alone . ——我不知道他是怎么处理他的。她非常狂热,总是缠着他不放。

To be a bunny-hugger ——抱着兔子的人



I don ' t know how she convinced the CEO to switch to plant-based catering . she ' s a bunny-hugger and made a strong case for animal她是动物保护主义者,并为动物福利提出了有力的理由

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