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时间:2023-02-11 03:41:27 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

the theme for women ' s day 2022 is " Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow " which clearly shows the vision of the future for women这清楚地表明了给全世界女性带来社会公平和性别平等的未来愿景。

International Women’s Day is an international event celebrated annually by default on 8th March in the entire globe so as to bring the problem of gender inequality into the limelight again and again. Also, this day is special for women worldwide as this day acknowledges women and their contribution in different fields.国际劳动妇女节(International Working Women's Day),简写IWD,全称“联合国妇女权益和国际和平日”或“联合国女权和国际和平日”(United Nations Women's rights and International Peace Day),是一个全球人民每年都会在3月8日庆祝的国际性节日。因此,性别不平等问题一次又一次地成为人们关注的焦点。此外,对全世界的妇女来说,这一天也是特别的,因为它承认了妇女以及她们在不同领域的贡献。

国际妇女节的英文这是一个全球性的节日:International Women's Day: 国际妇女节(简称IWD)March 8th Women's Day: 三八妇女节要注意Woman的发音有点搞:Woman: /'wʊmən/Women: /'wɪmɪn/ 变成复数以后,o的发音也要随之变化


It’s difficult to say exactly when IWD (International Women's Day) began. Its roots can be traced to 1908, when 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding voting rights, better pay and shorter working hours.


A year later, the first National Woman’s Day was observed in the US on February 28, in accordance with a declaration by the Socialist Party of America.


In 1910, a woman called Clara Zetkin – leader of the ‘women’s office’ for the Social Democratic Party in Germany – tabled the idea of an International Women’s Day. She suggested that every country should celebrate women on one day every year to push for their demands.


A conference of more than 100 women from 17 countries agreed to her suggestion and IWD was formed. In 1911, it was celebrated for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland on March 19.


In 1913, it was decided to transfer IWD to March 8, and it has been celebrated on that day ever since. The day was only recognized by the United Nations in 1975, but ever since it has created a theme each year for the celebration.



妇女节的意义非凡:充满感动、欢笑与幸福。International Women's Day is a public holiday in some countries.国际妇女节在一些国家还是公共假日。


Ladies,Happy Women's Day!




—— 佚名《关雎》

By riverside a pair

Of turtledoves are cooing;

There's a good maiden fair

Whom a young man is wooing.

—— 许渊冲 译

云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂槛露华浓。

—— 李白《清平调词》

Her robe is made of cloud,

her face of flowers made,

Caressed by vernal breeze,

freshened by morning dew.

—— 许渊冲 译


—— 毛泽东《七绝·为女民兵题照》

Most Chinese daughters have a desire strong,

To face the powder and not powder the face.

—— 许渊冲 译


—— 曹植《洛神赋》

Dancing gracefully like a swan and agilely like a Chinese dragon.

—— 华春莹 译


—— 李商隐《无题》

Spring silkworm till its death spins silk from lovesick heart. And candles but when burned up have no tears to shed.

—— 许渊冲 译


—— 孟郊《游子吟》

The thread from my dear mother's hand

Was sewn in the clothes of her wandering son.

—— 许渊冲 译


1、She’s gorgeous! 她真是漂亮。

学会适时地称赞女孩实在是每个男士的必修课。 “you’re pretty!”“you’re so beautiful!”这两句大家都会说。其实“gorgeous” 也有表达“美丽”的意思,程度上比 pretty 和 beautiful 还要高一些。所以下次赞美别人可以说一句“you’re gorgeous!”。

2、She turns me on. 她让我眼前一亮。

这句话就好像是说“她把你身上的电源都给打开了”,所以就感觉“眼前一亮”。 此外,“turn-on”可以作名词,表示任何令你觉得很不错的事物。所以,“she is such a turn-on.”,同样也表示“她给我的感觉还蛮不错的。”

3、Do you know her? she’s a cutie. 你认识她吗? 她好可爱喔!

一般来说,漂亮的女生叫“hottie”,指穿着打扮都非常时髦的“辣妹”, “hot babe” 和“hot chick”也有同样的意思。 相对的,可爱的女生就叫 “cutie”。“she is so cute!”也是表达可爱的句式。

4、she’s a babe. 她是个美女。

要特别注意“babe”跟“baby”虽然只有一个字母之差,意思上却相差十万八千里。“babe”指的是漂亮的人,所以,千万不要说成“oh! I like the baby.”,那很有可能会被当成恋童癖的。

5、I have a crush on ;s so attractive. 我喜欢她,她太迷人了。


6、She's stunning.她真的太美了。



“heavenly”的意思是“天姿国色的”。值得注意的是,把天姿国色译成 “ surpassing beauty”或“Reigning beauty” 都是不正确的。例句:She is a heavenly beauty.她真是天姿国色。She is a heavenly beauty/ she is heavenly/She is heavenly beautiful), angelic, unearthly . unearthly beautiful), and goddess (as in “She is a goddess.”)此等美貌,“人间能得几回闻”?例句:Her beauty is unequaled/unmatchable/unique in all the land.


The face that launched a thousand ships" is a reference to Helen of Troy in Homer’s Iliad. 这个用法来自荷马史诗中的海伦.In the Epic, Helen is the femme-fatale that caused the fall of Troy. (femme-fatale 致命的女人 or 红颜祸水. ) 例句:She has a face that could launch a thousand ships.她拥有倾国倾城的容颜。


Drop-dead gorgeous. Drop-dead means extremely. (=You can die on the spot due to the shock of seeing such stunning beauty.) A face one could die for, stunning/stunningly beautiful. 形容女人美得要人命。


Venus rising from the sea.(also known as: Venus on a half shell)


1.the little woman 老婆,太太,内人这个与wife同义,但在使用的时候不要漏掉定冠词the。如:I promised the little woman to be home early tonight.我答应我老婆今天晚上早回家。2.one's old lady 老娘,某人的母亲此处的old并不表示“老,年纪大”,与an old lady“老太太”不同。如:Her old lady is very young.她老娘很年轻。3.doll 美人本义“洋娃娃”。在男性使用的场合中指“美人”。例:My brother's girl friend is a doll.我弟弟的女朋友是个挺可爱的姑娘。4.a plain Jane 不起眼的女人这里的plain译为“不引人注目的,朴素的”。例:I wonder why a handsome man like Jeff married such a plain Jane.我很奇怪像Jeff这样出色的人,怎么会与一个不起眼的姑娘结婚。5.goddess 女神在现代社会,女神常用来定义男性心目中喜爱,但难以成为真正恋爱对象的女性。例:He adored her as a goddess.他把她当作女神崇拜。6.woman n.成年女子一般是用来形容成年女子,已婚妇女,也是对女性的总称,它的复数形式是women。例如:the oppression of women 对女性的压迫7、girl n.女孩girl通常用来形容比较年轻,还没有结婚的女生。例如:This school is for girls only.这个学校只招女生。8、Miss /mɪs/ 小姐,女士“miss”除了我们都知道的“I miss you.”中的“想念”之外,大写首字母的Miss还有“未婚小姐”之意,通常和姓连用。例如:Miss Wang 王小姐9、Mistress /ˈmɪstrəs/ 女主人,主妇。这也是我们常见到的缩写Mrs.,一般用在已婚女性的夫姓前。例:Mrs. Smith 史密斯夫人10、lady /ˈleɪdi/ 女士,淑女lady是对于妇女的尊称,可以表示女士,夫人。例:There's a lady waiting to see you.有位女士等着要见你。这个也常常用在指上层贵族妇女。例:The lords and ladies of the court.宫廷的贵族及夫人。11、Madam / ˈmædəm/ 女士,夫人和lady一样,Madam这个称呼也是一个比较尊重的称呼,特别是对于年长的女性,这个单词经常缩写为ma’am,在看到这个词的时候可千万不要读成“妈妈”了。例:Can I help you, Madam?要帮忙吗,夫人?


1.Happy Women's Day to the one who has stolen my heart!祝愿那个偷走我心的女人妇女节快乐!2. You blossom up the world around me! Happy Women's Day!祝福你,是你照亮了我周围的世界!妇女节快乐!3. Thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Women's Day!发自内心地感谢你为我所做的一切!妇女节快乐!4. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Happy Women's Day!生命中有你真好!妇女节快乐!5. Wish you happy and healthy.祝你快乐健康。Sending you wishes to say you blossom up the world around me! Happy Women's Day!祝福你,是你照亮了我周围的世界!妇女节快乐!6、If you could see it from my eyes you would know you are one gem of a Woman!如果你能读懂我的眼,你会发现自己是多么出色的一个女人!7、Just wanted to thank you from bottom of my heart for all things you do! Happy Womens Day!真想发自内心地感谢你为我所做的一切!妇女节快乐!8、On women's day what can I wish for, but the very best for you! Happy Women's Day!在妇女节,我忠心地祝你一切都好!节日快乐!9、You can do almost anything you put your mind to... You can swim the deepest ocean and climb the highest peak. Be a doctor or fly a plane. You can face adversity and still walk tall. You are strong, beautiful, compassionate and much more than words could ever say! Today is yours and so is every other day. Happy Women's Day!你可以做任何想做的事!你可以在最深的海洋里畅游,也可以攀岩最高峰;你可以成为一名医生,也可以驾驶飞机在蓝天翱翔。面对逆境,你可以屡败屡战!你很强大、美丽、慈悲,好得无以名状!今天是你的日子,其他任何日子也属于你!妇女节快乐!10、Wishing a very Happy Women's Day to the most amazing women I know.祝这个我所认识的最棒的女人妇女节快乐!11、Across the miles... comes this wish from me to say... You are special!相隔千里传给你我的祝福:你与众不同!12、What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. You are an inspiration to me.在我们身后和面前的小事,相比存在于我们之间的都微不足道。你总能启迪我。13、No matter from which angle I look at you, you appear to be an angel and Women's Day is the perfect to say: I am so lucky to have you in my life.无论我从那个角度看你,你都是一个天使。乘妇女节绝佳的机会告诉你:生命中有你真好!14、A beautiful woman, a great friend and a wonderful mother. You are all this to me and much more... I feel so lucky and proud to have a mom like you.美丽的女人、伟大的朋友、慈爱的母亲,对于我您是这三者,而且远远不止。我感到无比的幸运和骄傲,能够拥有您这样的母亲!15、Through the years, I have shared so much with you, both bitter and sweet. You have been such a comfort to me, helping me in every way, and all I wanna say today is: Sis, I treasure you close to my heart.这些年,我和你分享了如此多的酸甜苦辣。你是我的安慰,在方方面面给予我帮助。今天我想说的是:亲爱的姐姐/妹妹,我把你珍藏在内心最深处。16、For all the times you've brought a smile and made my days seem brighter. For sharing ups and downs with me and making my burdens lighter. For doing the caring things that make a special friend. Your friendship is a joy. I wish it never ends! Happy Women's Day!你总是带给我微笑,为我的生活增添光明。和我分享人生的起起落落,为我分忧解难。关怀我,成为我特别的朋友。你的友谊带给我快乐,希望它永远长存!妇女节快乐!17、Happy Women's Day to the one who has stolen my heart!祝愿那个偷走我心的女人妇女节快乐!18、You are as sweet inside as out. Hope your day is as sweet as you are!

Message by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on the International Women’s Day


8 March 2021


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