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时间:2023-03-01 16:21:49 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Qiqiao Festival ( Ingenuity-Begging Festival) falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month; it is also called Girls" Festival, or Daughters'Festival.

  织女乡云锦,牛郎河西盼。鹊桥河间架,七夕终短暂。愿爱长相依,月儿永无缺。我欲银河逝,予两星永洁!She Embroidered Brocade,cowboy Hexi hope. Hejian bridge frame, the Qixi Festival short end. Love looks in ,never missing moon. I want the Milky Way passes to the two stars never clean!

  有情之人,天天是节。一句寒暖,一线相喧;一句叮咛,一笺相传;一份相思,一心相盼; 一份爱意,一生相恋。Love people, every day is the festival. A cold warm, first phase noise; a marker, a legend; a lovesickness, with hope;a love,life in love.

  初恋的人,期待着情人节的到来;热恋的人,每天过关都是情人节!但愿天下的有情人,天天都是情人节!First love, looking forward to the arrival of Valentine's day; madly in love, every day is Valentine's day! I wish all lovers,every day is Valentine's day!

  上邪,我欲与君相逢,长命无绝衰。山无陵,江水为竭,冬雷震震,夏雨雪,天地合,乃敢与君绝!Wrong, I want to be together,life without end. The hills do, the river for the exhaust, the thunder rumbles in winter, Xia Yuxue,heaven,but dare and the king must!

  银河之上,一世的等待,几世的缘分,都倾斜了滴滴晶莹的泪珠,洒下凡间,留给世人无限的祝福!The Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the world's fate, have turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed, left the world of infinite blessings!

  好想朝朝暮暮,更想天长地久。思念悠悠,爱意浓浓。I want to go on and on . Longing for love and deep longing.

  你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵。On the side of your bridge,there are two speechless words.

  你的烦恼我来承担,我的快乐你来分享。I will bear your troubles,and share my happiness with you.

  爱情,就是无论未来怎样,我们始终在一起!Love is that no matter what the future holds,we will always be together.

  以为没有你,我可以坚强一个人,终于知道我不行。I thought that without you, I could be strong enough to know that I could not.

  懂我的人不需要我解释,不懂我的人我不需要解释。People who know me don't need my explanation. I don't need to explain anyone who doesn't understand me.

  最美的感情是无论走多远都有你陪伴。The most beautiful feeling is that no matter how far you go, you will accompany you.

  我们,是我遇见的最美好的字眼。We are the best words I have ever met.

  世界那么大,我们却相遇了,这就是缘分,值得珍惜。The world is so big, but we have met, this is the fate, it is worth cherishing.

  我要做你所有作品的第一读者,而且是最忠实的读者。I want to be the first reader of all your works and the most loyal reader.

  生活有你变得美好,希望和你度过任何的天气。Life is good for you ,and I hope to spend any weather with you.

  没有人值得你为之流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is, won't make you cry.

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