2020-07-24星期日桑尼晴leadership is inspiring extraor dinary people to step up and serve their country
一贾斯汀‧特鲁多To win the support of the electorate with hope, enthusiasm and tolerance, Justin Trudeau, leader of Canada's Liberal Party became Canada's second-youngest prime minister in 2015 at the age of 43.贾斯汀‧特鲁多加拿大自由党党魁,以希望、热情及包容的要求,赢 得广大选民的支持,在 2015 年以 43 岁之龄成为加拿大史上第二 年轻的总理。词汇注释:leadership /ˈliːdərʃɪp/ n.领导,领导地位;领导才能;领导人员,领 导层;领先地位;inspiring /ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ/ adj.鼓舞人心的,有激励作用的 v.激励,鼓 舞;赋予灵感,激发(想法);使产生(感觉或情感)(inspire 的 现在分词形式);extraordinary /ɪkˈstrɔː rdəneri/ adj.异乎寻常的,令人惊奇的;非 凡的,卓越的;特别的;serve /sɜː rv/ v.(为......)工作,服务;(给......)提供,端上(食物);(食物的量)足够......吃; 接待,服务;country /ˈkʌntri/ n.国,国家;乡下,乡村;地区,区域 adj.乡下的,农村的。Goals without actions are just wishes.不付诸行动的目标只是空想。新疆买买提,这店名找得好,家长来到孩子读书的地方,感觉好像是在自家门口一样。
祝愿家国美好盼Very good wishes for home and country
朱门映柳幸福伴Excellent environments make life happy
红星闪耀照锤镰Red stars sparkle the emblem is shiny
老少和睦处友善More harmonious all live to be friendly
师表称道内心安Ignite inner peace as a model of morality
生活方式节而俭Lifestyle is always diligent and thrifty
日常工作多奉献Important to devote more in work daily
快速提升业务专Own a rapid improvement in terms of specialty
乐观积极活动园Nice kindergarten is from every optimistic activity