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hear可以用做不及物动词,它的意思是“听,听见”。比如:I can’t hear very well.我听觉不太好。Don’t believe all the gossip you hear.别对那些道听途说都信以为真。

hear from表示“收到消息”。比如:I have not heard from him for a long time. 我好久没有收到他的来信了。需要注意的是:hear from多指通过信件获知消息。

hear of表示“知道,了解某人或者某事的存在”,一般用在疑问句或否定句中。比如:Have you heard of the story?你听说过这个故事吗?Who is he? I’ve never heard of him.他是谁?我从来没听说过他。

有时我们可以用hear about,它的意思是“得悉,听说”。比如:I’m pleased to hear about your news.听到你的消息我很高兴。Have you ever heard about Tom jumping into the pool with all his clothes on?你听说过汤姆穿着衣服跳进游泳池的事吗?

hear可以用作及物动词,意思是“听到,听,听说”,后面可以跟名词或者代词。比如:Did you hear the clock strike?你听见钟响了吗?Let me hear it just once more.让我再听一遍。I could hear laugher all around.我可以听见周围的笑声。

hear sb. sth.的意思是“听到某人某事”。比如:Please hear me my lessons.请听听我的教训吧。

Hear后面可以跟that引导的从句。比如:I hear that you’ve been awawy this weekend.我听说你这个周末外出了。He heard that there was an election last week.他听说上周有个选举。

在hear sb do sth结构中,动词不定式符号to要省掉,这是考点之一。比如:I heard her say so .我听见她是这么说的。Did you hear him go out ?你听到他出去了吗?

hear sb or sth +过去分词,表示“听说某事被做,某人被…”。比如:I've often heard that said.我常听说那种说法。I've often heard him called that name.我经常听人家叫他这个名字。

hear sb /something+动词-ing形式表示“听到某人/某物正在……”。比如:I hear him coming.我听见他来了。I hear the bells ringing.我听见铃声在响。coming和ringing都表示正在发生的动作。I can hear a dog barking.我听到犬吠声。

被动结构be heard后边可以跟动词不定式。比如:He was heard to observe that he did not agree with Jane.听说他不同意简的意见。

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