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时间:2023-04-04 21:17:27 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

世行表述为“Minority Investors”,我们果断放弃了“Medium and Small-sized Investors”的表述。另外,中文多次出现“流程、环节、程序”等字眼,统一为世行评估所用的“procedure”。“兜底条款”一词,从初译的“bottom-line clauses”,改为“miscellaneous provisions”更符合国际惯例。又如,第4条有“政府主要负责人”一词,在初译公布后,有部门建议,直接翻译成市长和区长,我们觉得不妥,因为有时候会出现代市长或者代区长,甚至常务副市长、常务副区长主持工作的情况,而且政府还包括镇一级的政府,故保持译为“The main person in charge of the government”,国外也有此种译法。

第二,适度增减字段,优化语意理解。例如,第1条 “……根据《优化营商环境条例》等法律、行政法规……”经再三斟酌,译为“根据国务院《优化营商环境条例》等法律、行政法规……”(in accordance with the Regulations on Optimizing Doing Business Environment issued by the State Counciland other laws and administrative regulations.”如果不加“国务院”这个字段以示区别,外国市场主体估计弄不明白,怎么会根据同名的条例来制定条例?再如,第40条 货物口岸监管,从字面来看,有两种意思:其一,监管口岸的货物;其二,既监管口岸的货物,又监管口岸(例如,人员及设施)本身。后与相关部门沟通,确认是前者,故缩减了字义,译为Cargo Supervision。还有,第5条“充分运用国家政策资源……”,原来直译为“fully utilize national policy resources”,后觉得“资源”一词无须译出,故删除了“resources”。

第三,清晰表述改革,尊重读者体验。这部条例充满了改革气息,有很多新的词汇,例如,一网通办、一网通、单一窗口、证照分离、一业一证、网格管理、双随机一公开、告知承诺……要逐一译成明白晓畅的英语,委实并不容易。在翻译时,我们力求语意明晰,使读者无须借助其他材料,也能明白其意。例如,第1条有“放管服”的表述,法条用的是简称,而这项改革的全称是“简政放权,放管结合,优化服务”。2017年政府工作报告中,对“放”一字的翻译是“delegating powers”,意思是权力下放。我们觉得,似乎用decentralize比较好,于是将“放管服”三字译成“streamlining administration and decentralizing powers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services”。例如,“简易注销”,国家采取直译方式,译为simplified deregistration,外国人不好理解,我们保持意译,expedited deregistration,即快速注销,既体现营商环境改革精神,也便于理解。




《优化营商环境条例》the Regulations on Optimizing Doing Business Environment
“一网通办”Integrated Online Platform
“放管服”streamlining administrationand decentralizingpowers, combining decentralization with appropriate control, and optimizing services
企业联席会议机制the joint meeting mechanism
自由贸易试验区Pilot Free Trade Zone
临港新片区Lin-gang Special Area
长三角生态绿色一体化发展示范区the demonstration area in the Yangtze River Delta on ecologyfriendly development
统一开放市场unified open market
融资信贷financing and credit
国家市场准入负面清单the negative list for national market access
内外资一致的原则the principle of treating domestic investments and foreign investments equally
城市功能定位urban function positioning
国际高标准投资贸易规则international high-standard investment and trade rules
研发中心R&D centers
重点发展的战略性新兴产业key strategic emerging industry
行政强制administrative coercion
行业协会industry associations
商会chambers of commerce.
招标投标Tender and bid
政府采购government procurement
知情权、表决权、收益权和监督权rights to information, voting, dividends and supervision
公共资源交易管理制度the management system of public resource trading
公平竞争工作协调机制a fair competition coordination mechanism
中小投资者minority investor
证照分离Separating Permits from the Business License
审批examination and approval
一业一证One Permit for One Industry
市场监管部门the market regulation department
目录清单管理catalog list management
保函letters of guarantee
行业自律industrial self-discipline
采取征用adopts expropriation
拖欠账款行为约束惩戒机制a restrictive and disciplinary mechanism for default payment behaviors
绩效考核performance appraisal
执法协作机制the enforcement cooperation mechanism
快速协同保护机制mechanism of rapid and collaborative protection
惩罚性赔偿制度a punitive compensation system
外商投资企业foreign-invested enterprise
行政审批中介服务事项the intermediary services for administrative approval
公用企事业单位public utility units
失信联合惩戒joint punishment on dishonesty
社会第三方机构third-party institutions in the society
人民团体non-governmental organization
(破产案件)繁简分流separation of complicated and simple bankruptcy cases
重整识别reorganization recognition
一表申请、一窗领取One Form Application and One Window Collection
名称告知承诺制the name picking via Notification and Commitment system
容缺后补Tolerance for Deficiencies and Later Supplements
“双随机、一公开”“regulation of random selection of inspection objects and inspectors and timely public disclosure”
行政法规administrative regulation
市场主体market participant
统筹推进工作机制the overall working mechanism
主管部门competent departments
住房城乡建设housing and urban-rural development
知识产权intellectual property rights
表彰和奖励commend and reward
负面评价negative evaluation
免责或者减轻责任be exempted from or relieved of their liabilities
企业开办start a business
纠纷解决dispute resolution
企业退出business withdrawal
内部治理internal governance
侵犯合法权利infringe on the legitimate rights
有权Be entitled to
生产要素production factor
公共服务资源public service resource
交易服务流程transaction service process
中小企业small and medium-sized enterprise
市场垄断market monopoly
滥用行政权力abuse of administrative power
排除、限制竞争exclude and restrict competition
不正当竞争行为unfair competition
市、区人民政府The municipal and district people’s governments
财政扶持fiscal support
费用减免fees reduction and exemption
企业自主申报的经营范围business scope self-declared by the enterprise
政府性基金government funds
行政事业性收费administrative and institutional fees
经营服务性收费operating service fees
编制目录清单compile catalog list
评比comparison-based evaluation
宣传培训publicity and training
政策承诺policy commitment
违约default contracts
毁约break contracts
行政区划调整adjustment of administrative division
政府换届office term change of government
机构或者职能调整institutional or functional adjustment
国家利益national interests
法定权限和程序statutory authority and procedure
付款期限payment period
拖欠市场主体账款the arrears in market participants’ accounts
快速协同保护机制a mechanism of rapid and collaborative protection
行政保护与司法保护衔接机制the cohesive mechanism in between administrative and judicial protection
公益诉讼public interest litigation
侵权预警infringement early warning
司法救济judicial relief
整合公共数据资源consolidate public data resources
业务协同办理business collaboration
一个总门户a main portal
一次登录one-time login
国家秘密与公共安全state secrets and public safety
企业专属网页enterprise-specific web page
统筹规划overall planning
协调推进coordination and promotion
指导监督guidance and supervision
标准化规范化建设the standardization and construction
政务服务办事指南government affairs service guideline
兜底条款miscellaneous provisions
限定办理渠道Designate such channels for government services
纸质材料hard copies
综合受理comprehensive acceptance
分类办理categorized dealing
一次告知one-time notification
首问负责first-inquired person in charge
收件凭证receiving documents with vouchers
限时办结time-limited processing
全程帮办full-time assistance
错时、延时服务stagger and extended services
加强核实监督strengthen verification and supervision
行政许可government permits
动态调整dynamic adjustments
年检annual inspection
年报annual report
风险可控controllable risks
事中事后监管on-processing and post-event supervision
中介服务事项the intermediary services
调查核实、督促整改和反馈investigation and verification, supervision, rectification and feedback
营业执照、印章、发票business licenses, seals, invoices
符合法定形式conform to the legal form
章程articles of association
依法承担责任undertake the responsibility specified under the law
登记住所registered domicile
电子证照归集和应用机制mechanisms for the collection and application of electronic licenses
收回证照原件retrieving original licenses
互认互通mutual recognition and intercommunication
具有同等法律效力have the same legal effect
固定资产fixed assets
合并办理be handled in a consolidated manner
联合会审joint review
竣工验收comprehensive completion acceptance
试点机制a pilot mechanism
建筑师负责制architect accountability system
非住宅类不动产non-residential real estate
不动产抵押登记real estate mortgage registration
人才引进talents introduction
落户obtaining permanent residence permit
停居留stay and residence
出口退税export tax rebate
申报接口the declaration interfaces
跨境业务cross-border business
港航物流作业shipping logistics operation
通关手续customs clearance procedures
电子发票electronic invoices
办事机构所在地the location of its main office
简易注销登记程序The expedited deregistration procedures
公告时限The time limit for announcements
无异议no objection
债权债务清算完结complete the liquidation of creditor's rights and debts
在线检索、订阅、匹配、申报服务online search, subscription, matching, and application
调研与座谈Survey and discussion
咨询委员会Advisory Committee
全程代办whole-process agent
公开透明openness and transparency
收费项目chargeable items
绿化市容landscaping and city appearance
统一的动产担保登记制度unified movable collateral registration system
人民银行动产融资登记系统Movables Financing Registry System of PBOC
融资便利financing convenience
无抵押信用贷款unsecured credit loans
诚信经营operating in good faith
加强培养intensify the cultivation
科创板STAR market
增信服务credit enhancement service
公用事业数据public utility data
创新创业集聚区建设the construction of innovation and entrepreneurship cluster
重大产业项目目录制管理the catalogue-based administration of major industrial projects
协调处理机制a coordinated handling mechanism
海外招商促进网络the overseas investment attraction network
公证、司法鉴定notaries andjudicial authentication
法律、法规、部门规章laws, rules and regulations
轻微违法违规经营行为trivial violations of laws and regulations,
监管主体、监管对象、监管措施、处理方式regulators, supervisees, regulatory measures, disposition methods
向社会公开disclose to the public
差异化分类监督管理differentiated and categorized regulation and management
联合惩戒名单认定the determination of the list for joint punishment
执法协作law enforcement collaboration
集中行使concentrated exercise
信用等级credit rating
教育与强制相结合combination of education and coercion
社会危害较小of insignificant social harm
不予实施行政强制措施清单a list of items not necessarily subject to administrative compulsory measures
制定、修订、废止formulate, revise and repeal
重特大事故grave or serious accidents
普遍停产、停业general suspension of production and operation
公开征求意见solicit opinions openly
合法性审查legitimacy review
调解、仲裁、行政裁决、行政复议、诉讼mediation, arbitration, administrative adjudication, administrative review, and litigation
文书送达service of legal documents
国家企业信用信息公示系统National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity system
司法解释judicial interpretations
开庭court hearings
考核评价结果the assessment and evaluation results
重整识别、预重整reorganization recognition and pre-reorganization
破产企业职工权益保障机制safeguarding the rights and interests of employees of bankrupt enterprises
处分重大财产Disposal of significant assets
逐项表决通过be approved and adopted item by item
予以配合render cooperation
清算组liquidation group
投诉举报make complaints and report
内部举报人制度internal whistleblower system
重大风险隐患major hidden risks and dangers
以案释法citing cases to interpret the law
场景互动scene interaction
法治宣传law publicity
市、区人民代表大会常务委员会The standing committees of the municipal and district people’s congress
责令改正be ordered by relevant departments to make corrections
违法设置障碍illegally setting obstacles


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