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时间:2023-04-12 02:09:20 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

答案在The Economist November 3rd 2022 United States “New blood in Congress ---To the winners, the spoilers” 这篇文章的第一段可以找到。

The Economist November 3rd 2022 United States


stand down 离职,退职,下台

同义词:resign, step down, quit, bow out, give up


He's decided to stand down after 15 years as managing director.



In football, most managers have short tenures and are forgettable. Longevity is the key to legacy. So too when it comes to party management in Congress. In the 20 years since Nancy Pelosi took control as Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, more than 500 fellow party members have worked under her management. But that era is now closing. The first and current female speaker of the House will give up legislative coaching at the age of 82, choosing to stand down rather than take the demotion to minority leader, after Republicans recaptured control of the chamber in the midterm elections.

在足球界,大多数经理的任期都很短,而且会被遗忘。长寿是传承的关键。谈到国会中的政党管理,也是如此。自南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)成为众议院民主党领袖以来的20年中,有500多名党员在她的管理下工作。但那个时代正在结束。共和党人在中期选举中夺回了对众议院的控制权之后,这位众议院的第一位也是现任女议长将在82岁时放弃立法辅导,选择退居二线,而不是降职为少数党领袖。


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