Fall in love with English
hiding behind the loose dusty curtain,A teenager packed up his overcoat into the suitcase . he planned to leave home at dusk though there was thundows
his partner was concerned about him very much . She understood exactly what he was suffering from,But entirely disagreed with his idea . in order trom
the teenager was grateful and got great power from his friend ' s words . now,he has recovered from being upset and has fallen in love with er
尽管外面正打雷闪电, 他仍计划在黄昏时分离家出走。他不得不这样做是因为厌倦了父母对他英语学习的唠叨,不想再忍受下去了。他的英语学习总是无法取得进展,而且不喜欢参加英语课的学习,因为他以为老师有意忽视他。结果,他每次考试的分数合计从未超过60。他的搭档很关心他,也确切地理解他遭受的折磨,但却完全不同意他的想法。为了使他冷静下来好好解决问题,她和他面对面地交谈,并交换了一系列的学习心得技巧。她写下来的条款帮助他找到了学好英语的最佳捷径。