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时间:2022-12-01 作者:佚名


1.back adv .后退(原地);后退adj .后面n .后面,后面;背部

背靠背和福特往返,往返;Back to back背靠背

在Behind one's back后面。Look back回顾

放回put back。Turn one's back on避而不理。


Backward and forward来回移动

Bend /lean over backward to do竭尽全力。

3.baggage n . Jim a piece of/an article of baggage


1) n. 1平衡keep a balance(between a and b)lose one ' s balance

Disturb the balance of one's mind

余额(一般使用单数)检查your bank balance

欠款(通常是单数)the balance of 500元must be paid within 90 days。

Be/hang in the balance一词不明确、未定、未定。

Catch/throw sb。off balance公司.失去平衡。不知所措

On balance一般情况下

2) v. 保持平衡~(sth)on sth

Balance on one leg

He balanced the cup on her knee。

同等重视“balance a with/and b balance home life with career”

比较平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡平衡成本和成本平衡平衡(balance the cost against its benefit)

Balanced adj. be on a balanced diet


A ban on smoking禁烟令


Ban sb。from sth。/禁止某人做

6.酒吧1) n .酒吧,A块bar of chocolate/soap

障碍Being a woman was a bar to promotion .

2) vt。阻止all the doors and windows were barred .

Barsb.from.封锁bar players from drinking


those shoes are a real bargain at such a low price。

V.蒲甘with sb about/oversth协商

8.基地n .根据地,基地v.基础,基地设置

1) base sth on/upon sth是.基础

His book is based on a true story。

2) be based in是.以基地为基地,以基地为基地

The toy company is based in光州。


Basically adv


1)基础知识,form the basis of .

2)标准,原则on a regular /permanent basis以定期和永久的方式

3)理由,理由on the basis of .

some videos were banned on the basis of violence .

10.bath n .洗澡浴室;澡堂Have/take a bath

Bathe v .洗澡、游泳、be bathedin.沉浸,沐浴(光)

Bathroom n .浴室

11.bear (bore,born/borne) v .

1)负担(重量)the ice is too thin to bear your weight。

2)负担,bear the cost/burden/职责负担


Bear to do/doing

4) bear.in mind记忆

12.beat v (beat,beaten)连续有节奏的打击乐器

my heart is beating faster than usual。

Waves are beating the shore。

…击败: He beat me in the game .

beat hit strike knock


it will be before do/does一段时间.需要多长时间?

It was期间的before did.不久之后,


Beg sb。to do请某人做某事



Begin with=start with.以开头

To begin with=to start with(插入语言)第一个、第一个

I don't like living here。to begin with,the room is far too small。

16.beginning n .开始,开始

At the beginning of .

In the beginning=at first

17.贝赫夫v .表示法

he behaved as if nothing had happened。

behave badly/well/like a true gentleman

Behave oneself有品位,有礼貌

Well/badly behaved children

18.贝哈拜尔n .数不清

Good/bad behavior

Be on your best behavior做得尽可能好


落后于Drop/fall behind

Leave sb。/sth。behind丢失,忘记带

20. belief n .(不可计数)

1)相信,自信belief in I admire his belief in what he is doing。


he acted in the belief that he was doing good。

there is a general belief that things will soon get better .


Beyond belief这个短语令人难以置信,to the best of one's belief非常熟悉

21.believe believe it or not(插入语)信不信由你

it is believed that he is a good teacher。=he is believed to be a good teacher。

22.属于belong belong to(无人工)

the house belonging to her is under repair。

23.bend v .弯曲,弯曲,复眼bend-bent-bent-bent

she was bent over her desk writing a letter。她在给福安写信。

24. ◎benefit 1) n. 优势,益处(不可数)She didn’t get much benefit from her staying abroad.

短语: be of benefit to...=be beneficial to ... to one’s benefit 对某人有利

for one’s benefit = for the benefit of sb. 为了帮助.../为了某人的利益

2) vt./ vi. benefit sb./ sth benefit from/ by...

beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的 be beneficial to ...

25. best do/ try one’s best to do 尽全力做

make the best of…尽量利用

all the best (书信结语)一切顺利、万事如意

26. better had better do…最好做… 否定:had better not do

be better worth reading 更值得读

be better known 更著名的

27. beyond 超出、超过

beyond one’s imagination/description 难以想象/描述

beyond one’s power 超出能力范围

beyond my wildest dreams 做梦也没想到

28. ●bid –bid- bid- bidding v. 出价,投标 n 投标 bid for sth.

I bid 2000 dollars for the painting. 我出价20000美元买这幅画。

The highest bid for the picture was 20000. 这幅画的最高出价是两万

29. birth n.出生、诞生

at birth 出生时 give birth to 生下、孕育了

30. biscuit 饼干c/n some chocolate biscuits

31. bit 1) a bit of+不可数n.= a little +不可数n. He can speak a bit of French.

2) a bit/a little +比较级 a bit more slowly

3) not a bit=not at all 一点儿也不、毫不

32. blame 1)be to blame 应该受到责备(主动表被动)

2) blame sb. for doing→sb. be blamed for …


1) n. 空白处,空格 fill in the blanks

(记忆中的)空白,遗忘 My mind was a blank and I couldn’t remember her name.

2) adj. 空白的,无装饰的,无图画的 a blank form/ wall

不理解的,没表情的,空虚的 a blank expression

Suddenly my mind went blank.

34. be blind to 对…视而不见、熟视无睹 =turn a blind eye to

35. blow v. (blew blown) 吹、刮

blow down 吹倒 blow up 爆炸、炸毁

n. 打击 give sb. a blow 给某人打击

36. board n. 木板、布告牌

v. 登上 on board 在船(车、飞机)

board a train 上火车

37. book c/n 书

v. 预定(车、船)票 book a room/ ticket

38. ◎bored adj. be bored with... / to death.

boring adj. a boring job /book/man

39. ◎bother


1) 花费时间精力做某事(常用于否定句,疑问句中)

① bother with/ about sth ---Shall I wait? ---No, don’t bother.

It’s not worth bothering with an umbrella.

② bother to do He didn’t even bother to let me know he was coming.

③ bother doing Why bother asking if you are not really interested?

2) 给...造成麻烦,痛苦 使...烦恼,担忧

① bother sb with/ about... I don’t want to bother her with my problems.

---I’m sorry he was rude to you. --- It doesn’t bother me.

② bother sb. that... Does it bother you that she earns more than you?

③ bother sb. to do... It bothers me to think of her alone at home.

3) 打扰 插话 bother sb Sorry to bother you, but...

be bothered about sb./ sth 认为...重要 关心... I’m not bothered about what he thinks.

n. 麻烦 困难(不可数)

---Thanks for your help. --- it was no bother.

put sb. to bother get sb. /oneself into bother给某人添麻烦

40. bottom

at the bottom of… from the bottom of one’s heart

41. break—broke –broken

break out (战争、火灾、疾病等)爆发

break down (车、机器等)坏掉、出故障;分解;(身体)垮掉;

break in 打断;闯入

break up 破碎;(关系)破裂

break away from 摆脱、脱离

42. breath n. hold one’s breath take a deep breath out of breath

breathe v.

43. bring bring up bring down bring about bring in

44. broken adj. speak in broken English a broken marriage

45. ◎budget n. within / over budget 在预算内/超出预算

on a (tight) budget 缺少钱 拮据

vt. ~ sth for ... 将...编入预算

~$1,000,000 for education spending

vi. ~ for 存钱 编预算

~ for a holiday abroad

46. build—built—built v. 建筑;建造

build up 增进、增强

47. burn—burned—burned/--burnt—burnt 燃烧;晒黑、伤

burn down 烧毁

burn…to the ground= completely destroyed 夷为平地

get burnt 被晒伤

a burning candle 燃烧的蜡烛

48. burst v. 突然发生burst—burst—burst

burst out laughing/ crying = burst into laughter/ tears 突然大笑起来/痛哭起来

49. bury v. 埋葬bury—buried—buried—burying

bury one’s face in the hands 手捂着脸

bury oneself in… = be buried in…

50. business n. 生意;职责;(本分)工作

on business

do business with sb.

Business is business.

It’s none of your business. 与你无关。

mind your own business 管好你自己的事

51. busy adj. 忙的;忙碌的 be busy with sth. be busy (in) doing 忙于做

busily adv

52. but conj.但是 prep.除了

not…but… 不是…而是 we have no choice but to wait. 除了等待别无选择。

We can do nothing but wait. 除了等待什么也不能做。

but for 要不是、若没有(引导含虚拟语气的句子)But for your help, I would have failed.

53. by by bus/car/plane/air/train/ship… 乘汽车/小汽车/飞机/火车/船



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