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【相信的英语微信名字怎么说】信任:For loving you,so I believe you

时间:2023-01-30 14:15:37 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


Truth is,everybody is going to hurt youyou just gotta find the ones worth suffering for .事实是,每个人都可能伤害你。你只需要找到让你开心的人。

one hour of right-down love is worth an age of dully living on。与其平凡地生活,不如去爱一次,一个小时。

to forgive is not to forget,nor remit,but let it goto be lonely is not because you have no friends,but no one is living in your heart孤独不是没有朋友,而是没有人活在你心里。

believe is one kind of love . for loving you,so I believe you。信任也是一种爱。我爱你,所以我相信你。

emancipate your self from your past . the only way to move forward is to stop looking back!把自己从过去中解放出来的唯一方法是不要向后看。

it is well worth of falling love in some one,even can keep up with the unavoidable damage。爱上一个人,一切都那么有价值。包括不可避免的伤害。(爱情)。

I wonder if the things that remind me of you,remind you of me。我想知道那些让我想起你的东西会不会让我想起你。

don ' t blame people for disappointing you。blame your self for expecting too much。不要埋怨别人让你失望。是因为你自己期望过高。

I hate when people just randomly stop talking to me without telling me why

maybe I hope too much . maybe I dream too much . but at least I won ' t give up until I ' ve tried,and I won 't regret anything也许我有太多幻想。但至少我不尝试就不会放弃,我什么都不会后悔。




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