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时间:2023-03-05 22:17:58 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

FIFA:Federation Internation de Football Association 国际足联


boot 球鞋;jersey 球衣;shorts 球裤;stockings 球袜;pad 护具。


field/pitch 球场;center cross 中场;side line / touch line 边线; flank wing 辅位;woodwork 球门框;crossbar / bar 横梁;goalpost / post 门柱 ;midfield 中场;backfield 后场;kickoff circle / center circle 中圈;halfway line 中线;goal line 球门线;end line 底线;penalty mark 点球点;penalty area 禁区;goal area 小禁区。


sweeper 拖后中卫; player / footballer 球员; striker / forward 前锋 ; chenter/midfielder 中场; winger 边锋 ;wing-back 边卫; goalkeeper/goalie 守门员; scorer 入球者 ; keyman 球队重心球员; referee 裁判; assistant referee 助理裁判; substitute/reserve 替补; journalist 记者; ball picker 球童; crowd/fans 球迷; head coach 主教练; midfielder 前卫; captain/leader 队长; lineman 边裁; left midfielder 左前卫; right midfielder 右前卫; attacking midfielder 前腰; center forward 中锋; full back 后卫; center back 中后卫; left back 左后卫; right back 右后卫; cheer team 啦啦队.


offending 攻击型; central breakthrough 中央突破 ; defending 防守型; counter attack 反攻; side attack 边线侧击; overlap 曡瓦式助攻; wall pass / one-two 二过一、撞墙式过人; set the pace 掌握进攻节奏; ward off an assault 击退一次攻势; break up an attack 破坏一次进攻; total football 全攻全守; open football 拉开战术 ; off-side trap 越位战术; wing play 边锋战术; time wasting tactics 拖延时间; 4-3-3 formation 433阵型; 4-4-2 formation 422阵型; beat the offside trap 反越位成功 ; break lose 摆脱; control the midfield 控制中场; set a wall 筑人墙 ; close-marking defendce 盯人防守;


chip 削球; dribble 运球; fake action 假动作; heading 头球; volley 抽射 ; half-volley 凌空抽射 ; dead chick / clear 大脚解围 ; marking 盯人 ; save 补救 ; sliding tackle 铲球 ; back heel pass 后脚跟传球 ; man wall 人墙 ; trap 控球 ; pass 传球 ; kick-off 开球; bicycle kick / overhead kick 倒钩 ; chest-high ball半高球 ; corner ball / corner 角球 ; goal kick 球门球 ; handball 手球 ; penalty kick 点球 ; place kick 定位球; hat-trick 帽子戏法 ; own-goal 乌龙球 ; short pass 短传 ; long pass 长传; cross pass 横传 ; consecutive passes 连续倒球;

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