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时间:2023-03-09 22:19:53 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




China on Monday successfully launched manned spacecraft(载人飞船)Shenzhou XI carrying two astronauts who will remain in space for 33 days, the longest mission in the country's manned space program to date.




The launch of a new manned space mission brings China closer to the establishment of a permanent space station (永久空间站).When the International Space Station retires in 2024, China's space station may be the only one left in service.



After nearly two days of spaceflight, the Shenzhou XI conducted a computer-controlled docking (对接) with the space lab on Oct 19. Then the two astronauts-49-year-old Jing Haipeng and 37-year-old Chen Dong- entered the lab and started their busy monthlong schedule.


During their 30-day mission in Tiangong II, the astronauts will carry out scientific experiments and research, including ultrasound examinations(医学超声检查), effect of weightlessness on cardiovascular functions(失重对于心血管功能的影响)and cultivation of plants (植物栽培)as well as in-orbit repair(在轨维护).


The first task for the two was to plant lettuce(生菜)seeds. This will be China's first full experiment on plants from seeding to harvesting in space. The space lettuce will be ready for harvest in 30 days for further research.



Experiments designed by Hong Kong secondary school students have rocketed aloft and will be carried out in space.

The experiments will test whether saturated saline water could form a porous, waterproof membrane in microgravity(水膜反应); watch the transformation of silkworms and silk production in space(太空养蚕); and examine the Chaos Theory by a comparative study of oscillating pendulums in space and on Earth(双摆实验).



The six silkworms with "whiter skins" and "larger shape" were selected from nearly 4,000 silkworms after extensive training before starting their outer space travel. After experiencing the "space walk" in zero gravity(失重状态), the six silkworms began to show off their spinning skills(吐丝结茧)one week after they were taken aboard Tiangong II. 【厉害了,我的蚕!】


An in-orbit brain-computer interaction test will be performed during the mission, aiming to verify a futuristic technology that will allow astronauts to control equipment with their thoughts rather than manually. This will be the first such experiment in the world.

Scientists hope that the mind-control, eye-control and gesture recognition technologies will be applied in China's permanent space station planned to be put into service around 2022.


The space lab, which was launched in mid-September, carries 14 scientific and experimental payloads, such as the world's first high-sensitive gamma-ray burst detector(“天极”伽玛暴偏振探测仪), which was codeveloped by engineers from China and the European Space Agency.

Huang Weifen, deputy research head at the Astronaut Center of China, said that compared with previous space journeys by Chinese astronauts, the Shenzhou XI-Tiangong II mission will be the busiest because scientists planned more than 40 experiments and trials for it.


The Tiangong II space laboratory released its companion satellite, Banxing-2, at 7:31 am on Oct 23.

The microsatellite, nicknamed "Selfie Stick", has a series of visible light cameras(可见光相机), including a 25 megapixel (兆像素)camera and wide-angle imagers. Its mission is to take photographs of Tiangong II and the Shenzhou XI spacecraft. It also has an infrared camera that is temperature-sensitive(热敏红外相机).

Like a private nurse, the companion satellite monitors the condition of Tiangong II and Shenzhou XI all the time, which is helpful in detecting problems.



The two astronauts had their first meal aboard Shenzhou XI spacecraft at about 11:00 am, four hours after the spacecraft blasted off. The lunch included eight types of food, ranging from grain crackers, canned apples, flatfish, spicy tofu, chicken sausages to lemon tea and stomach friendly beverage.(主食:五谷饼干;副食:苹果罐头、五香鲽鱼、香辣豆干、酱香鸡肉肠、美味雪菜;饮品:柠檬茶、温胃饮。)

Within five days, every meal would be different.

After Shenzhou docks with the space lab, the astronauts will have six types of meals thrice a day - staple and non-staple food, instant food, beverages, flavoring and functional food, and the meal time will synchronize with (与……同步)that on the earth.

Compared to previous space missions, the food on Shenzhou XI has a wider variety of Chinese delicacies.



With a domestically developed remote medical consultation system linking the space lab and space center on earth, Earth-based medical staff carried out regular medical checkups and cardiac function(心脏功能)examinations on the astronauts.

The astronauts also mastered medical care for themselves and each other before their launch.



You may notice that we are wearing suits that many people have not seen before. We wore pressure suits during the launch, but in Tiangong II we wear in-cabin working jumpsuits, and today we are wearing suits specially designed for cardiovascular research in gravity-free environment.


It is a very special suit with many fasteners and several openings, and there are also zippers on it, as we need to take B-scan ultrasonic examinations and electrocardiograms, just like people take on Earth. It's not so convenient to wear our usual suits. With this suit, if I want to take my blood pressure, I just unzip the suit. It is so easy and convenient. It is an experiment suit, so it does not look very colorful but it is very useful.


The biggest risk in long-time outer space travel is not an alien coming from another planet, but the sneeze of the astronauts themselves. In zero gravity, bacteria floating around increase the risk of infection. And flatulence can also prove to be dangerous. On the one hand, its counterforce may push the astronaut away; on the other hand, hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) could become a fire hazard or cause an explosion in a closed chamber of the space lab.


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