横批:Sword of the Yueh Maiden.(越女剑)
1. Flying Fox: Outside Stories(飞狐外传)
2. The Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain(雪山飞狐)
3. Lin Shink Kuet(连城诀)
4. Demi Gods and Semi Devils(天龙八部)
5. The Legend of the Condor Heroes(射雕英雄传)
6. White Horse Neighing in the West Wind(白马啸西风)
7. Duke of Mount Deer(鹿鼎记)
1. Laughing proudly in the world-So Ho kang Ho(笑傲江湖)
2.The story o
3.The Condor Heroes Return(神雕侠侣)
4. Island of No return-Xia Ko Shin-Hap Kak Hang(侠客行)
5. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre(倚天屠龙记)
6.Crimson Sabre(碧血剑)
7. Yuen Yang Swords(鸳鸯刀)