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时间:2022-12-18 10:34:52 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名




Professor: Let's not teach people to be stalkers, please. Thank you. There is no way this is a "psychology fact". Think about it. How would we test this?



Professor: No. This isn't a "psychology fact". This is just some sexist stereotyping.



Professor: Wearing black does not give you depression. There is absolutely no evidence that it does. Don't say "according to the latest science" unless there is actually some "latest science". And the science just doesn't support this claim. Not "soft" science, not "hard" science. No science at all.教授:穿黑色衣服不会让你沮丧。绝对没有证据表明这是真的。不要说“根据最新科学”,除非实际上确实存在“最新科学”依据。而科学并不支持这种说法。“软”科学不支持,“硬”科学不支持。完全不科学。


Professor: Hips? Hips? Is this supposed to be short for "hippocampus"? Because it can't be short for "amygdala," right?教授:屁股?屁股?这应该是“海马体”的缩写吗?因为它不能是“杏仁体”的缩写,对吧?


TikToker: Psychology says that when someone is laughing and they look at you, they're attracted to you.


Professor: Psychology says no such thing. And don't even get me started on the one where "If you dream of someone, that means they're in love with you". How is that supposed to work?教授:心理学没有这样的说法。也不要让我再听到“如果你梦见某人,那意味着他爱上了你”。这有什么道理?


Professor: Did you know what the Barnum effect is? A lot of these supposed personality tests you see online, as well as a bunch of other things that "tell you your personality," or pretend to work because of the Barnum effect.


Barnum Effect, also called Forer Effect, in psychology, the phenomenon that occurs when individuals believe that personality descriptions apply specifically to them (more so than to other people), despite the fact that the description is actually filled with information that applies to everyone.巴纳姆效应,在心理学中也被称为弗尔效应,是指当个体认为人格描述特别适用于他们(比其他人更适用)时发生的一种现象,尽管事实上,这些描述里的信息适用于每个人。

TikToker: Psychology says that if you're over 16, you've probably already met your soulmate.


Professor: Psychology says no such things. Psychology doesn't talk. But psychologists don't say them either.教授:心理学没有这样的说法。心理学不会说话。但心理学家也不会这么说。

TikToker: If you saw the flowers first, that means you're meticulous, modest, and shy.


Professor: No. It does not mean anything at all like that. This is just a figure-ground illusion. There are many around like that. None of them are personality tests. Perceptual phenomena ARE NOT personality test.教授:不,这什么意义也没有。这只是一个图形背景错觉。这样的测试有很多。这些都不是性格测试。知觉现象和性格测试无关。

来源:Bored Panda编辑:董静


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