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时间:2022-12-21 16:09:06 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

“纸包不住火”是一句俗语,比喻事实是掩盖不了的。这个表达的本意指火可以把纸燃烧,所以不可能把它包住。比喻事实是掩盖不了的。也形容某种形势不可阻挡。英语中可以用truth will come to light sooner or later;sooner or later, truth will out或者the facts will emerge sooner or later表示。

Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash



wèi le shěng nà me diǎn qián qù zuàn fǎ lǜ de kòng zi shí zài bú zhí dé ,yīn wéi zuì zhōng dōu huì bèi fā xiàn de 。

It's just not worth circumventing the law to save a little bit of money on your taxes, because the truth will out in the end.


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