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时间:2023-02-18 17:34:31 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

甲壳虫,这条爱情之路,我们看到的只有荒地。努力跟随你的脚步,等待我们的不是幸福。Stumbling,this road of love,all we see is desolation,we work hard to follow your footsteps,and what is

施工之间存在差异,心里空落落的。无论在哪里,我们都仰望天空。-时间和空间are separated,and the mind is close . no matter where we are,we are looking up at the sky.

今天又是个好天气。久违的太阳都要创造机会提醒你我是太阳的子民。因为我只在晴天,所以我想你。today is another fine day . the long-lost sun will make an opportunity to remind you that I am a sun ' s people . just be cause I miss you on

你的话,像冰冷的最后一支箭一样,我看到后心碎了。Yourwords,like the last cold arrow,I watched and my heart broke into pieces。

如果有一天,你累了,你累了,你回头看,我的笑容就在你面前。If one day、you are tired and tired、as long as you look back和my smile will be in front of you。

每个人内心深处都有一个花园,比倾盆大雨更加凄凉,但埋下了不是别人的感情。而这个花山,沉浸在孤独中。Every one has a Hua zhong in his heart,burying the emotion that is more beautiful than the torrential rain but not humane . and this Hua zhong is

我翅膀上的羽毛已经为你用完了,你希望我再为你飞吗。the feathers on my wings have fallen off for you . do you expect me to fly for you again?

小强本来就细眯着眼睛,像指甲一样掐起来,成了两条弯弯扭的接缝。Jack Bauer's already narrow eyes、like nails pinched out和become two curved cracks .

如果他不能俯身,你为什么要踮起脚迎合他?这么久了,就会卑微、辛苦、失去平衡、跌倒。If he can't lean down,why should you stand on tip toe to cater to him?For so long,you will be humble,tired,out of balance and fall。

这个世界上最苦恼的是对触不到的人毫无理由的爱。the most distressing thing in the world is that you love some one you can ' t touch for no reason。

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