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时间:2023-02-27 22:19:46 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


书是在时代浪潮中航行的思想船,小心翼翼地把贵重的货物送给一代人。books are the ships of ideas sailing in the waves of the times . they carefully deliver the precious goods to generations。

友谊永远是甜蜜温柔的责任,绝不是机会。friendship is always a sweet respons ibility,never an opportunity .

生命是大雁的远游。直到春风平息,我以为秋风刚吹来的日子才会回来。life is a wild goose ' s long journey . when the spring tide subsides and the autumn wind rises suddenly,you will know how to return。

思想家是主动的,梦幻家是被动的。—— Hugo thinkers are active,dreamers are passive.—— Hugo

几乎所有情况——无论是好是坏,——都受到我们对处境的态度的影响。almost any situation-good or bad-is influenced by our attitude towards it .

真正的科学家应该成为幻想家。不是幻想家的人只能称自己为实践家。a real scientist should be a visionary;any one who is not a visionary can only call himself a practitioner .

每天早上醒来,你钱包里最大的资产是24小时。在你的生命宇宙中,还没有制造出来的材料。Wake up every morning,the biggest asset in your purse is 24 hours-materials that have not yet been made in your life universe .

勇气不仅仅是美德,也是考验来临时(也就是最现实的情况下)的表现。Courage is not only a virtue,but also a form of expression of various virtues in the most realistic situation when they are tested .

万人的失败都是失败的,工作做得不好。往往不会以与成功的一步之差结束。(成功谚语)Failure of tens of thousands of people is due to Failure in doing things in completely;Often,they stop doing things only one step away from success .

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