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时间:2023-02-10 22:56:08 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名


across from......对面

act... out表演

a few一些;几个

a football player足球运动员

a good idea 一个好主意

a little 少许;一点

a long time ago很久以前

a lot of许多 a pair of一双

a piece of一张;一片

all day·一天到晚

all year around一年到头

all the time 一直;始终

as soon as 一......就......

at first 首先

at home 在家

at night 在夜晚

at noon 在中午

at the end of 在......的最后

at the top of 在......顶部

be afraid of 害怕

be angry with和......生气

be careful 小心

be full of充满

be from...来自......

be good at 擅长

be helpful 对......有益

be kind to...对......友好

be late for 迟到

be quiet 安静

be weak in 不擅长

better and better 越来越好

borrow a book 借一本书

blow off吹掉

bounce a ball 拍球

bus driver公共汽车司机

bus stop 公共汽车站

buy an ice cream买冰淇淋

buy gifts 买礼物

brush... teeth 刷牙

by bus 乘公共汽车

by bike 骑自行车

by hand 用手

by plane 乘飞机

by ship乘轮船

by train乘火车

by subway 乘地铁

call my friend 打电话给我的朋友

clean up 打扫;收拾

clap your hands拍手

clean the blackboard擦黑板

close your eyes闭上眼睛

close the window关窗户

climb mountains爬山

come back回来

come in 进来

come from 来自......

come on加油

computer games电子游戏

cut the cake 切蛋糕

cook dinner 做午饭

count to ten 数到十

do a survey 做调查

do kung fu 练功夫

do homework 做作业

do word puzzles 玩字谜

drink some water 喝水

drive a car开车

drive away 赶走

each other 互相

eat breakfast/lunch/dinner吃早饭/午饭/晚饭

eat fresh food吃新鲜食物

enjoy oneself玩得愉快

every day每天

excuse me 请原谅,对不起

fall asleep睡着

fall off摔落;摔倒

far away from...远离......

find out 找出 first floor一楼

fish and chips炸鱼薯条

fly kites放风筝

fold the clothes叠衣服

football club足球俱乐部

from now on从现在开始

from.. to... 从......到......

get a cold/fever/headache感冒/发烧/头痛

get a haircut理发

get a poor grade 考得分数低

get... in 收割

get lost 迷路

get off下车

get out 出去

get through 通过

get to 到达

get together 一起

get up起床

get well 康复

go along 沿着

go boating 去划船

go camping去野营

go cycling去骑自行车

go down 落下

go fishing去钓鱼

go for a walk 去散步

go home 回家

go on a picnic去野餐

go outside去外面

go to bed上床睡觉

go to sleep 去睡觉

go to the forest’去森林

go to school去上学

go to work 去工作


good night晚安

go shopping 去购物

go sightseeing去观光

go straight直走

go swimming去游泳

grow crops 种植庄稼

grow up 长大

half past ......点半

hang up 挂起来

happy birthday 生日快乐

have acold感冒

have a dream有一个梦想

have a fever 发烧

have a good time玩得很高兴

have a headache头疼

have a look 看一下

have a meeting开会

have a nap打个盹

have a party举行聚会

have a picnic举行野餐

have a rest休息一会儿

have a snack 吃零食

have a toothache牙疼

have a stomach ache胃疼

have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭


have fun尽情玩

have to 不得不,必须

head teacher校长

help oneself自便

high jump跳高

hold on 别挂,稍等

how long多久

how many多少(问数量)

how much多少(问价钱)

how old多少岁

hurry up 赶快

hurt my foot伤了我的脚

in a minute过一会儿

in a short time 很快

in danger 在危险中

in front of 在.......前面

in the east/west/south/north of 在......东部/西部/南部/北部

in the end 最后,终于

in the future在将来

in the morning/afternoon在早上/下午

in the middle 在中间

in the past在过去

in time 及时

just a minute 稍等片刻

just now刚才,刚刚

keep... alive让......活着

keep quite 保持安静

keep to the right靠右

keep your deskclean保持你的书桌干净

knock down推倒;拆掉

last night昨晚


listen to music 听音乐

live in 居住在

long hair长发

long jump跳远

long race长跑

look at 看

look for 寻找

look out小心;当心

look out of往外看

look up查阅

lots of许多

make a snowman 堆一个雪人

make apuppet做个木偶

make noise制造噪音

make phone calls打电话

make the bed铺床

many kinds of各种各样的

Mid-Autumn Day中秋节

next day第二天

next time下一次

next to 紧挨着

no entry 禁止进入

no parking禁止停车

no problem 没问题

no smoking禁止吸烟

not... any more 不再

not... atall一点也不

of course当然

on duty值日

one by one一个接一个地

once upon a time 从前

on foot步行

on holiday 度假

on the left/right在左边/右边

open the door 开门

over there在那里

pay attention to注意...

pick apples 摘苹果

pick up捡起

plant trees 种树

plastic bag 塑料袋

play cards打牌;玩扑克

play chess 下棋

play football/basketball/ping-pong volleyball/badminton踢足球/打篮球/打乒乓球/打排球/打羽毛球

play in the snow 在雪里玩

play outside 在外面玩

play sports进行体育运动

play the piano/violin/guitar/pipa/erhu弹钢琴/拉小提琴/弹吉他/弹琵琶/拉二胡

play with fire玩火

play yo-yo玩悠悠球

police officer警察

post officer邮局

praise... for...因......而表扬......

put away 收拾好

put on穿;戴

put... up 挂起......

read a book读书

red packet 红包

ride a bike/horse骑自行车/马

right now 立即;马上

row a boat划船

rubbish bin垃圾箱

say to oneself自言自语

school trip学校旅行

see a doctor 看医生

see a movie/film看场电影

see the dentist去看牙医

see the world见世面

short race短跑

silly me 我真傻

sit down 坐下

shop for clothes买衣服

shopping mall 购物中心

shopping bag购物袋

singing contest歌唱比赛

slow down减速

so many这么多

some time 一段时间

speak to/with同......交谈/讲话

sports meeting运动会

stand up起立

stay at home待在家里

stay in bed 躺在床上

stay up late 熬夜

street cleaner环卫工人

street sweeper扫地车

surf the Internet上网

sweep the floor 扫地

swimming cap游泳帽

swimming goggles 游泳镜

swimming pool 游泳池

take a dancing class上舞蹈课

take a deep breath 深吸一口气

take a trip进行一次旅行

take a shower洗淋浴

take a walk散步

take care of 照顾;照料

take out 拿走

take off 脱掉

take some medicine吃药

take turns 按顺序来

talk quietly小声讲话

taxi driver出租车司机

teachers’office 教师办公室

tell a story 讲故事

the day before yesterday 前天

the Great Wall长城

three times三次

throw away扔掉

throw stones扔石头

too much太多

traffic lights交通灯

turn around 转圈

turn on 开

turn off 关

turn right向右转

turn left向左转

traffic lights交通灯

try...on 穿(衣物)

very much非常;很

wake up醒来

wash... face洗脸

wash the clothes/dishes洗衣服/碗碟

watch TV 看电视

water the flowers浇花

wear glasses 戴眼镜

well done做得好


write aletter写封信

write emails写电子邮件

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