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时间:2023-03-26 03:41:20 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

Hey there I'm Emma from mmmEnglish. There are so many English phrasal verbs, right?

大家好,我是 Emma,欢迎来到美味英语频道。英语中的短语动词可太多了,对吧?

Hundreds and hundreds. Today I'm going to take you through the fifty most common phrasal verbs so that you can make sure you recognise them, you understand them and you can use them confidently in English conversations.


We're going to take the very best of all of my phrasal verb lessons and bring them together right here in this one lesson for you. There's a fair bit to cover, so to help you I've made you a free workbook that you can use to practise and to remember what you learned during this lesson.


Head down to the description, follow the link and the instructions to get the download and let's get into the lesson! Bring up.


Now we use this phrasal verb in multiple ways but when we want to start discussing something, we use it. There's something I want to bring up.


So it's a really great way to introduce a new topic and it's usually about something that's serious or important. It's usually used when you're in a professional context or you want to talk about something seriously.


Let's bring this up at our next team meeting. To get across.


Now this phrasal verb is often used with the verb try to show that you're attempting to communicate a message when you want someone to understand something. Here's a cool tip.

这个短语动词经常与动词 try 一起使用,表明你正在尝试传达信息,当你想让某人了解某事的时候。有一个很酷的提示。

There are several nouns that are often used with get across and so learning them together is going to help you to sound more natural and more accurate as you use this phrasal verb. So we use get across with facts, feelings, ideas, a message, meaning, a point or a point of view.

有几个名词经常与 get across 一起使用,一起学习它们会帮助你使用此短语动词时听起来更自然,更准确。因此,我们会使用 get across 事实、感觉、想法、信息、意思或者是观点。

All of these things are used with get across. Am I getting the message across clearly?

所有这些都和 get across 一起使用。我是否清楚地传达了信息?

I'm trying to get my point across but Paul keeps butting in. I'm going to get to that phrasal verb soon.


Have you ever jumped in on a conversation? This is a great phrasal verb for interrupting.


It's very informal. Do you mind if I jump in here?


I've got something to share. I want to say it. We don't literally mean jump in.


Jump in is just an informal synonym of interrupt. Do you mind if I interrupt?

“Jump in”只是打断的非正式同义词。你介意我打断一下吗?

Do you mind if I jump in? They're the same thing.


The phrasal verb is just more casual, more informal. Now butt in is also used for interrupting but very informal and perhaps a little rude when you're using that to describe what someone else did.


It suggests that that person who's doing the action, I didn't really care about the other people in the conversation or what they've been talking about. They just interrupted and it was quite rude.


They butted in. And it's often —


Hey did you do the thing I told you to do the other day? Because I need you to do it.


Anyway to butt in means to join a conversation or an activity without being asked to or invited to. I was speaking with Sue after she lost her job and then Jim butts in and starts talking about his new promotion.


So it's quite a selfish action, right? Butt in.


To blurt out. This is quite a fun one.


To blurt something out. To blurt out something means to say something without thinking about the effect it will have and it's usually because you're nervous or you're excited.


Imagine that a friend told you that she was pregnant but she specifically said: "Don't mention it to anyone yet because I haven't told anyone else". But then later in the day you saw another friend, someone you hadn't seen in quite a while and you were giving them all the updates about life and work and then you say "Oh guess what? Melanie's pregnant!"


It just slipped out of your mouth before you even thought about it. That is blurting it out and you'd have to call her up and you'd have to say "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry. I just blurted it out. I didn't think."


So this phrasal verb can be used in multiple ways, it's sometimes used when you're trying to call someone and they don't answer. I'm trying to get through but there's no answer.


But it's also used when you're trying to make someone understand what you're trying to say. It's difficult to get the message through to my team because we all work remotely.


I'm trying to get the message through to Paul but he's not listening. To talk over.


This phrasal verb is used to discuss a problem or a plan and usually, it's when you're trying to find a solution or resolve it in some way. It's when you're a little stuck, you've got to talk about it some more so that you can come to a resolution or to make it clear and when you use it you'll always need to use an object as well, all right?


You'll need to talk over an issue, a plan, something, it or this, whatever, okay? It's something that has to be talked over.


I know you're upset. Let's talk it over tonight when you get home.


Sometimes you might even hear people using talk over in the context of speaking over the top of someone else. Usually as a way to interrupt they might say I don't mean to talk over you but we've already decided what to do.

有时你甚至可能听到有人在这样的语境中使用“talk over”,那就是打断别人说话的时候。通常作为打断的方式,他们可能会说:我并不是要打断你,但我们已经决定要做什么了。

So in this context it's always followed by a person followed by the person who's being interrupted. To talk around.


So when you want to talk someone around, you want to convince them or you want to persuade them to agree with you right? So it kind of suggests that the person didn't agree with you to start with and you're trying to convince them that your idea is the right one, is the best one.


I didn't want to go but he succeeded in talking me round. To shut down.


You might know this phrasal verb already because it has a common meaning to close something, usually permanently, like it might be a restaurant that gets shut down. But it is also informally used during conversations when you get rejected, especially if your hopes are up.


It was kind of awkward, she just shut him down mid-sentence. So she just stopped him in the middle of his sentence and told him that his idea was no good or that he's wrong.


She interrupted in a rude way and shut his idea down. So it's definitely a negative thing to do or to experience yourself right?


My boss didn't like the suggestion. He shut me down straight away.


Now it would be much better if your boss backed you up right? Which means to give support by telling other people that they agree with something that you said or something that you did.


Thanks for backing me up during the meeting. When we think about or we talk about the past, then we can use look back on something, an event or a time or an experience in the past.


I try to look back on the mistakes I made in the past and learn from them. We look after people, you know, we take care of them.


I offered to look after my sister's kids on Thursday night. Who's going to look after your dog while you're away?


To look down on someone is to have a low opinion of them or to think that you're better than them in some way. It's really common for people who value university education to look down on those who don't have a degree.


Can you think of other times in your life or around you in your community where people look down on each other? See if you can write a sentence about that down below.


We look for things, right, you know when we lose something and we're trying to find it. Now of course, we always need to use a noun that follows this phrasal verb right to explain what it is we're looking for.


I'm looking for my keys, I can't find them anywhere. Of course, we look forward to something happening, right?


We are waiting for something to happen and feeling really excited or really pleased about it. Lots of you know that I love the warm weather and I usually complain about our relatively mild winter here in Australia but as you can imagine we are just coming out of winter and heading into summer now and I am very excited about it.


I'm looking forward to summer. We look around or we look round.


And that's when we visit a place and see what's there. Before I book the venue, I'd like to come and look around if that's okay, just to make sure that it's suitable.


Look out, to look out. We use it as an exclamation to tell someone to be careful.


That's a really common use, we say: "Look out! You're about to knock the glass off the bench!" Look out.


We look out for people. Can you hear that?


Look out. Look out for someone, it means to take care of them and make sure that they're okay.


My nephews are always looking out for each other at school, it is so sweet. You might already know the phrasal verb look up.


Are you already thinking of a few different phrasal verbs that use look up? When we look something up usually we're trying to find out some information right or we use a dictionary or Google or Youtube to find the right answer or the truth, right?

你有没有想到一些使用 look up 的稍微不同的短语动词?当我们查找某些东西的时候,通常我们会尝试寻找一些信息,或者是使用字典、谷歌或 Youtube 来查找正确答案或事实,对吧?

If you don't know a word you look it up in the dictionary. Now look up is a separable phrasal verb and that means that we can insert the object into the phrasal verb or we can have it follow.


So we can say look up the word or look the word up. Both of them are okay, it's possible.

所以我们可以说 look up the word 或者是 look the word up。这两个都是可以的。

Now if we keep thinking about look up, then I can say that I look up to someone, right? I respect them.

如果我们继续思考一下 look up 的用法的话,那么可以说我敬仰某人。我尊重他们。

I want to be like them. I really look up to my boss.


I guess you could say that she's my mentor. Now this phrasal verb is also inseparable, the object always follows the phrasal verb.


Who do you look up to? Is there someone in your life that you respect and you admire?


Write about it in the comments below. To look into something is to investigate it and this phrasal verb is quite useful to use in a professional context.

在下面的评论写写吧。“Look into”的意思是调查研究一下它,这个短语动词在职场中非常实用。

If a colleague says "We sent out the invitations last week but no one's responded. Do you think there's a problem with the website?"


That's odd. Maybe I'll look into it and report back after lunch. Another great phrasal verb to use in a work context is to look over something and this means to examine it but usually quickly, you know probably not going into a whole heap of detail.

好奇怪哦。我会调查一下,午饭后再汇报。在工作环境中使用的另一个很棒的短语动词是“look over”某件事情,意思是翻阅一下,但通常是很快的,可能不会涉及很多的细节。

I'll look over the report tonight and let you know if i want to add anything. We can look through something.


Now of course we have the more literal meaning of look through, but like look over, it's also used when we examine something, especially to find the information that you need. I can spend hours looking through recipes getting inspiration for dinner each night.

当然了,我们有“look through”的更加字面的意思,但是就像“look over”一样,它也用在检查某件事情的情况下,尤其是寻找你需要的信息的时候。我每晚可以花几个小时浏览食谱,从中汲取晚餐的灵感。

Come down with. So when you come down with something, you are starting to show the signs of an illness.


They both came down with a terrible cold. So it's the same as saying catch, you know, we say to catch a cold or catch an illness.

他们都得了非常严重的感冒。所以这和 catch 的意思是一样的,我们会说感冒或生病。

It has the same meaning. They came down with a cold.


They caught a cold. Same thing.


Now usually come down with is used with non-serious illnesses, like a cold or the flu, a stomach bug or even just something when we're a little unsure. We might say I feel like I'm coming down with something.

Come down with 通常与不严重的疾病一起使用,例如感冒或流感、胃病,甚至是一些我们不太确定的东西。我们可能会说:我感觉我可能要生病了。

Now notice that come down with is transitive and inseparable, so that means that we always need an object to complete that thought or that action, right? We need that object, but it's also inseparable, which means that the object needs to go after the phrasal verb and not in between it.

请注意,come down with 是及物且不可分的,这意味着我们需要一个宾语来完成一个想法或动作,对吗?我们需要宾语,但它也是不可分的,这意味着宾语需要跟在短语动词之后,而不是在短语动词之间。

You can also fight off a cold, can't you? When you free yourself of that illness and your body overcomes that illness by fighting against it.


She came down with a cold, but luckily she was able to fight it off quickly. She overcame the cold quickly.


So the fighting here in this phrasal verb is figurative not literally fighting a cold or punching that virus in the face. No, it's inside her body.


Her immune system is working hard to fight off that virus you know, until she's feeling well again. So this phrasal verb is transitive.


We need an object, but this time it is separable, so that means that our object can either go between the verb and the particle or it can go after the phrasal verb. She fought off the cold.


She fought the cold off. She fought it off.


There is one little tip here that I want to share about separable phrasal verbs, so when that object is a pronoun like in this sentence here, so we're not saying that cold or that illness. We're saying 'it'.

我想分享一个关于可分短语动词的小技巧,当宾语是代词时,就像这里的句子一样,我们说的不是感冒或那种疾病。我们说的是 it。

Then the object always goes between the verb and the particle. She fought it off.


Not she fought off it. Okay? That's something to keep in mind for separable phrasal verbs.


People don't always overcome an illness, do they? They become more and more unwell until eventually they pass away.


So this is a polite and respectful way of saying to die. Now it's just a little bit softer and more indirect to say that someone has passed away rather than saying he's dead or he died, which sometimes it can sound quite direct and maybe a little disrespectful as well.


When I talk about my dad, I don't say he died, I say he passed away. Notice that this time the verb is intransitive and inseparable so we don't actually need an object to express this idea, do we?


To pass away we know what that means, it's complete and because there's no object it also means that we can't separate the verb and the particle, right, so that's kind of obvious. Check out this phrasal verb here, to dip into.

逝世,我们知道这意味着什么,这就完整了,而且因为没有宾语,这也意味着我们无法将动词和小品词分开,对吗?所以这很明显。看看这个短语动词,dip into。

If you dip into something, you are spending some of your money but usually it's money that you are saving for a specific purpose. They have dipped into their savings to pay for their renovation.


Now interestingly, the object of this phrasal verb always describes a sum of money so it's a specific noun It could be savings or a pension or a retirement fund for example.


You get the idea, it's a specific type of noun that you would dip into. Now maybe you've heard this phrasal verb in a line from a really famous Beatles song.


With a little help from my friends, I get by with a little help from my friends. Get by means to manage to live or to do a particular task using just the money or the knowledge that you have at that time and nothing else.

《With a Little Help From My Friends》,我得到朋友的一点帮助。Get by 的意思是使用你当时拥有的金钱或知识设法生存或者是完成一项任务。

Even though Tim has been without work for six months they've been getting by. They don't have as much money as they usually do but they manage to live with what they have.


They don't need anything else to survive, they're getting by. But if you go without that means that you know you're living without the things that you need or you'd like to have.

他们不需要任何其他东西来生存。他们挺过去了。但是如果 go without that 的话,那么你就是在没有你需要的东西或想要拥有的东西的条件下生存。

If you think about the storms in Texas a couple of days ago, people have been going without power for five days or more. There was no power.


They just had to find a way to live without that power. They went without power for five days.


I'm sure you can think of a time when you went without something for a little while. Did you go without sugar?


Did you go without a break? Did you go without...


Hey! I'm not going to finish that sentence for you. See if you can write your own sentence down in the comments below.


I'll be down to check them. Let's start with come up.

我会去检查一下。那么我们从 'come up' 开始。

Come up has a few different meanings. It can mean to be mentioned or talked about in a conversation.

'Come up' 有一些不同的含义。它的意思可以是在一次谈话中被提到或谈论。

If anything important comes up during the meeting, I'll tell you about it later. It can also mean to approach or to go towards someone, especially if they are on a higher level than you are.


Come up on stage and collect your award! Come up to my apartment.


It's on the fourth floor. Now if something like a job or an opportunity comes up, it becomes available.


This new opportunity has come up and we need to take it. Now if a problem or an issue comes up, it happens and it needs to be dealt with immediately.


Something's just come up, so I need to cancel my appointment. Come in.


Well, you've probably heard this one and it means to enter a building or a room. The TV was so loud, he didn't notice me come in.


But it can also mean arrive. The train comes in at three o'clock.


News is coming in that they found survivors in the crash. But it can also be used when talking about clothing or fashion.


These shirts come in three colours. If some information comes out, something that was previously unknown becomes known.


After ten years, the truth finally came out. Now it can also be a synonym for appear.

10年后,真相总算曝光了。它可以是 'appear' 的同义词。

There was a dead tree coming out of the water. And of course, after a big thunderstorm, the sun always comes out from behind the clouds.


We use this phrasal verb to say that the sun or the moon or the stars have appeared in the sky. If your favourite band is working on a new album, they'll probably tell you when it's going to come out.


The new album will come out in June. My sister's new book comes out in December.


It can also mean to go somewhere with someone for a social event. Do you want to come out with us on Friday night?


Come on. Come on is an expression that you'll hear all the time.

快点。'Come on' 是你们总能听到的一个表达。

It can mean hurry up. Come on we're going to be late!


Or you could use it to encourage or support someone. Come on you can do it.


It can also be used when you don't believe something that someone said. Come on! That's not true.


Come on can also mean to start working. The light in the bathroom just came on.

'Come on' 还可以表示开始工作。浴室的灯开始运转了。

The hot water isn't coming on. Are you sure it's working? It can also be used when you're referring to a sickness that is just starting to develop, usually with a common cold.


I think I've got a cold coming on. To come down.

我想我马上要感冒了。接着 'come down'。

Now generally this phrasal verb is a synonym for reduce or fall. It's used when something moves in a downwards direction.


There was a big storm last night and many of the trees came down. Come down here now.


You can use this when you're talking to someone who's higher than you, perhaps they're upstairs or in a tree. Come down here.


Come down is also used when something reduces, so often the price, but what about to come down on? Now to come down on someone is a really negative thing, it means to punish someone because they didn't perform as expected.

'Come down' 还可以用于某物减少,下降,通常是价格,但是 'come down on' 是什么意思呢?Come down on someone 是一个非常负面的表达,它的意思是因某人表现得不符合预期而惩罚某人。

My boss came down on me really hard because I didn't finish the report in time. Come over.

我的老板狠狠批评了我,因为我没有按时完成报告。'Come over'

Again this phrasal verb has multiple meanings but the most commonly used one is used to describe movement, the movement from one place to another. Come over here.


Why don't you come over to my house for dinner? To come back.

为什么你不来我家吃晚餐呢?接着是 'come back'。

Now most commonly this phrasal verb is used when somebody or something returns to a place or returns to an original state. I'll come back in half an hour and get you.


I thought I got rid of my cold but I think it's coming back. To brush up on.


This is a phrasal verb, but one that's idiomatic and it means to update or to improve your skills in some way. It can be used in any context really, formal or informal but this expression is so useful in a professional context, because sometimes it can be a little awkward or embarrassing to say that you don't have fantastic skills in one area, right?


But by saying that you need to brush up on those skills is a much softer way of saying that you're not that good at something, but you are willing to practise or study to improve those skills. I'm brushing up on my Italian because I've got a business trip in July.


I got the job at the publishing company but I really need to brush up on my editing skills. I'm out of practice.


To turn down. Again, this is another common phrasal verb but it's also idiomatic.


It means to say no to something or refuse something. They offered me tickets to the conference but I had to turn them down because it's my son's birthday.


As you probably know phrasal verbs are made up of a verb with a particle, maybe even two. All the phrasal verbs in this lesson include the particle up and by focusing on up, we get to study the meaning and understand how the verb is influenced by the particle and we're going to split the phrasal verbs from this lesson into five different categories.

你可能知道,短语动词由助词和动词组成,甚至可能有两个助词。本节课中的所有短语动词都包含助词 up,通过聚焦于 up,我们可以学习其意义并了解动词如何受助词影响,我们要将本节课中的短语动词分成五个不同的类别。

Ones that generally mean to move up, to increase or improve, to create, to fix and to complete. So we're going to start with phrasal verbs that have a general meaning to move up.


So the word up means to take something from a low position to a high position, doesn't it? So if I pick up my mug and I move it higher, I move it up then I'm taking it from a low position to a high position.

所以 up 这个词的意思是把东西从低的位置弄到高的位置,对吧?如果我拿起我的杯子,把它抬高,我就是把它从低位拿到了高位。

So there are a few phrasal verbs that fall into this same category, right, and they use up. So of course, we have pick up. Pick up.

有一些短语动词属于同一类别,对吗?它们会使用 up 这个词。当然了,我们有拿起。

So that means to lift or to move something or someone, right? We can pick up our mug, we can pick up our child.


We can also get up and get up can mean to rise after sleeping or sitting down for a period of time. You might say: "I have to get up and go to my meeting."

我们也可以起床,而 get up 可能意味着在睡觉或坐下一段时间后起来。你可能会说:我必须起床去参加我的会议了。

We also fill up things, so when we fill up something we put something inside it all the way to the top until it's full. So we can fill up our glass with water.


So you'll notice that in all of these phrasal verbs we're taking something from a low position and moving it to a high position. The next box is to increase or improve in some way.


And so these words really mean to make something greater or better or bigger, which is similar to moving something upwards but not quite. Let's think about some of the phrasal verbs with up that help to express this same idea.

所以这些词的真正意思是使某物变得更棒、更好或更大,这类似于向上移动某物,但不完全是。让我们想一些可以表达这种想法的带 up 的短语动词。

We climb up or maybe we go up a set of stairs and that's to increase the height that you're at and to reach a higher level of a building. I climbed up the stairs to get to the balcony and watch the sunset.


We also use go up to talk about an increase in value or an increase in number as well. You can also back up.

我们也使用 go up 来谈论价值的增加或数量的增加。你也可以支持。

This is a great phrasal verb. It means to provide extra support or increase the support that you need.


She backed up her stories with photographic evidence. You know we might even say that someone backed you up, they provided support.


They argued on your side. They were supportive of you so they backed you up.

他们站在你这边。他们支持你,所以他们 back you up。

We say grow up and that means to increase in size or maturity. We say our kids grow up too quickly.


Cheer up. We use it when we want to improve our mood, right?


To cheer up. Cheer up. The weather's going to be better tomorrow.


We also dress up, which means we increase the quality of our clothes, maybe we make ourselves look better, look nicer. All the phrasal verbs in this box relate to create.


You know I love to cook, right, so the phrasal verb to cook up is a really great one to use when you want to make something, some food for someone else. To cook up some dinner, to cook up a steak, for example.

你知道我喜欢做饭,对吧?所以当你想做一些东西,给别人做一些食物时,短语动词 to cook up 非常合适。比如说做一些晚餐,做一块牛排。

It can also mean to get an idea ready. An exciting, interesting idea.


I'm cooking up a plan to do something interesting, maybe a surprise party. Now whip up is a little similar to cook up, it means to cook something but to do it really quickly.

我正在制定一个计划,做一些有趣的事情,也许是一个惊喜派对。Whip up 的意思有点类似于 cook up,意思是做一些东西,但要做得很快。

You know I'm just gonna whip up a sandwich during my break, right? We wouldn't whip up an entire roast dinner, but we can whip up something quickly.


How about to dream up? To think of a new idea or to imagine something new, to be creative with your thoughts.


I dreamt up an entire new plan for the party. We also set up and we use set up when we organise or we plan something like an event or maybe even a system.

我为派对想出了一个全新的计划。当我们组织或计划诸如某个活动,甚至某个系统之类的事情时,我们会使用 set up。

I set up my studio every time I need to film a lesson for you. Make up is a good one as well.

每次我需要为你们拍摄课程时,我都会整理自己的工作室。Make up 也是一个不错的选择。

Make up can refer to inventing or creating a lie or a fake story. She would often make up stories to make her life seem more interesting.

Make up 可以指编造谎言或假故事。她经常编造故事,让她的生活看起来更有趣。

Make up, cool, huh? Not to be confused with the noun makeup, but the phrasal verb make up is to creatively think up a story or an idea.

编造。很酷吧?不要与名词“化妆”混淆,短语动词 make up 是创造性地思考一个故事或一个想法。

We can also use come up with when we're creating something, a new idea or a solution because come up with means to suggest or to think of a new idea. You know Elon Musk?

我们也可以在创造某物,比如说新想法或解决方案时使用 come up with,因为 come up with 的意思是建议或想到新想法。你知道埃隆马斯克吗?

Great example. He comes up with grand plans to save humanity like electric cars and flying to Mars.


So can you see how all of those phrasal verbs have something to do with, they're connected to the idea of creating or making something and that's why they're grouped together. But there are many more of them as well, but that's why paying attention to the particle and the meaning that the particle offers the verb can help you to learn and to practise and to remember and even to guess the meaning of new phrasal verbs.


So in the next box is fix or get better so to fix something or to repair it, to make it whole again. Let's go back to make up because if you make up with someone you're repairing your relationship after you've had an argument.

所以下一个框中是修复或变得更好,使其再次完整的意思。让我们回到 make up 这个短语,因为如果你和某人在吵架后和好的话,你就是在修复你们的关系。

Sarah and John had another argument but they always make up. And again that's not to be confused with our other meaning, right?


Our noun or our other phrasal verb meaning to make up. Heal up is another one.

是名词和短语动词 to make up。另一个是治愈。

Heal up is when an injury gets better. His broken leg healed up really quickly.


So it fixed itself, it got better. To sober up means to become less drunk or intoxicated.


Coffee and breakfast will help you to sober up after a long, crazy night out on the town. Patch up is a great one, a little informal but a lovely phrasal verb.


It means to fix or to make something whole again. I'm gonna patch up the hole in my jumper so that I can use it again, I can wear it again.


I'm gonna fix it. I'll patch it up.


Inside the last box, we have phrasal verbs that mean to complete, to completely finish something. We finish up something.


We complete it. Please finish up the design by Friday.


Another phrasal verb with a very similar meaning is wrap up. It's almost time to wrap up this lesson, to finish up, to wrap up.

另一个具有相似含义的短语动词是 wrap up。差不多该结束这节课了。

And we can say drink up. Drink up or eat up, that means finish your food or your drink.


Finish it, we're gonna be late. Drink up! We're gonna be late.


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