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理解用英语怎么说 理解用英语怎么说c开头

时间:2023-09-25 作者:佚名

Understanding how to say “理解” in English can be a challenge for non-native speakers. In this article, we will explore the different ways to use the word "understand" and its synonyms in various contexts.

Understanding as Comprehension


One of the most common ways to use "understand" is to indicate comprehension. When you say you understand something, you mean that you have grasped the meaning of a concept or idea. For example:

  • I don't understand what you're saying.
  • I understand the concept of relativity.

When used in this sense, synonyms for "understand" include "comprehend," "grasp," "get," and "follow."

Understanding as Sympathy

Another way to use "understand" is to indicate empathy or sympathy. In this context, you are expressing your ability to relate to someone else's feelings or experiences. For example:

  • I understand how you feel.
  • I understand the struggles you're going through.

When used in this sense, synonyms for "understand" include "empathize," "sympathize," "relate," and "connect."

Understanding as Agreement

Sometimes, "understand" is used to indicate agreement or acceptance of a position or decision. For example:

  • I understand your point of view.
  • I understand why you made that choice.

When used in this sense, synonyms for "understand" include "agree with," "accept," "support," and "endorse."

Other ways to say "理解"

There are also other phrases and idioms that can be used in place of "understand" depending on the situation:

  • Get the hang of: to learn how to do something correctly
  • Make sense: to be logical or reasonable
  • Catch on: to understand something gradually
  • See eye to eye: to agree on something
  • Grasp the concept: to understand a complex idea


Understanding how to say "理解" in English is important for effective communication. By understanding the various ways to use "understand" and its synonyms, you can convey your ideas, feelings, and opinions more clearly and accurately.



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