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牡丹的英语怎么说 牡丹虾英语怎么说

时间:2023-09-29 作者:佚名

Peony is a beautiful and beloved flower in China. It has a long history of cultivation and is considered the national flower of China. Many people wonder what the English name for peony is. In this article, we will explore the English name for peony and the significance of this flower in Chinese culture.

Peony in English


The English name for peony is derived from the Greek word "paean," which was a song or hymn of praise. In ancient Greek mythology, Paean was a physician of the gods. The peony was named after him because it was used as a medicinal plant to treat various ailments, including pain, fever, and inflammation.

Today, the peony is primarily known for its beauty and fragrance rather than its medicinal properties. Its large, showy flowers come in a range of colors, including white, pink, red, and even yellow. The peony is a favorite flower for gardens and floral arrangements around the world, prized for its beauty and symbolism.

The Significance of Peony in Chinese Culture

In China, the peony has been cultivated for over 2,000 years and is considered the flower of royalty and honor. It is also known as the "king of flowers" and is the national flower of China. The peony has been the subject of many poems, paintings, and other works of art throughout Chinese history.

The significance of the peony in Chinese culture is rooted in its symbolism. The flower is often associated with prosperity, beauty, and good fortune. In traditional Chinese medicine, the peony is also believed to have healing properties and is used to treat various ailments.

Peony is also a popular name for girls in China. The name is believed to bring good luck and prosperity to the child. It is also a common motif in Chinese weddings, where it symbolizes a happy and prosperous union.


In conclusion, the English name for peony is derived from the Greek word "paean," which was a song or hymn of praise. The peony is primarily known for its beauty and fragrance today. In Chinese culture, the peony is considered the flower of royalty and honor and is known as the "king of flowers." It is associated with prosperity, beauty, and good fortune and is often used in traditional Chinese medicine. The peony is also a popular name for girls in China and is a common motif in Chinese weddings.



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