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脖子用英文怎么说 脖子英文怎么说怎么写

时间:2023-10-04 作者:佚名

Have you ever wondered how to say “脖子” in English? In this article, we will explore different ways to refer to the neck in English.


The most common way to say “脖子” in English is simply “neck”. This is the word you will find in most dictionaries and the one you are likely to learn first. For example, you might say “I have a pain in my neck” or “She wears a necklace around her neck”.

Another way to refer to the neck is “throat”. This word specifically refers to the internal passage that leads from the mouth to the stomach, but it is often used more broadly to refer to the neck as a whole. For example, you might say “My throat is sore” or “He put his hand around her throat”.

There are also several slang and informal terms for the neck that you might hear in casual conversation. One of these is “nape”, which refers specifically to the back of the neck. Another is “gullet”, which is a somewhat less polite term for the throat. You might also hear someone use the term “chops” to refer to the neck, especially in the context of music performance.

In addition to these general terms, there are specific words used to describe different parts of the neck. One important term is “cervical”, which refers to the section of the spine that runs through the neck. If you have a cervical injury, it means you have hurt your neck (specifically, your cervical spine). Another term you might hear is “Adam’s apple”, which refers to the prominent bulge in the throat that is more prominent in men than in women.

The neck is a very important part of the body, and there are many different ways to talk about it in English. Whether you are using formal or informal language, there are many different ways to refer to the “脖子” in English.



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