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那是肯定的用英语怎么说 那是肯定的用英语怎么说

时间:2023-10-14 作者:佚名

How to Say "那是肯定的" in English


The phrase "那是肯定的" (nà shì kěn dìng de) in Chinese translates to "that is for sure" or "that is definite" in English. It is a common expression used to emphasize a point or to confirm something that is unquestionable. In this article, we will explore different ways to say "那是肯定的" in English.

That's a given

One common way to express "那是肯定的" in English is to use the phrase "That's a given." This phrase is used to indicate that something is understood or expected without question. For example, if someone says, "I always do my best at work," you could respond with "That's a given" to emphasize that doing your best is something that should be expected in any job.

No doubt about it

Another way to say "那是肯定的" is "No doubt about it." This phrase is used to emphasize that something is absolutely certain and there is no question or doubt about it. For example, if someone says, "He is the best candidate for the job," you could respond with "No doubt about it" to indicate that you are in total agreement with this statement.


The word "undoubtedly" is another way to express "那是肯定的" in English. This word is often used to emphasize that something is true and there is no doubt or uncertainty about it. For example, if someone says, "She is the most talented musician I've ever heard," you could respond with "Undoubtedly" to emphasize that you agree with this statement and there is no question about it.

For sure

The phrase "For sure" is a common way to express "那是肯定的" in English. This phrase is used to indicate that something is certain or guaranteed. For example, if someone says, "I'll definitely be there on time," you could respond with "For sure" to indicate that you believe them and have no doubt that they will arrive on time.

Beyond any doubt

If you want to emphasize that something is absolutely certain and there is no question about it, you can say "Beyond any doubt." This phrase is often used to indicate that there is no other possibility or explanation. For example, if someone says, "The evidence shows that he is guilty," you could respond with "Beyond any doubt" to indicate that you are confident in the conclusion that he is guilty.


In conclusion, there are many ways to express "那是肯定的" in English. Each of the phrases mentioned above can be used to emphasize that something is definite, certain, and unquestionable. Whether you choose to say "That's a given" or "Beyond any doubt," the key is to use language that accurately reflects your level of confidence in the statement. So next time you want to emphasize that something is "那是肯定的," try using one of these English expressions!



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