1、将生活嚼得有滋有味,把日子过得活色生香,往往 靠的不只是嘴,还要有一颗浸透人间烟火的心。

1, will chew life youziyouwei, the day live color Shengxiang, often rely on not only the mouth, but also a heart soaked with human fireworks.

2、去找一个像太阳一样的搭档,帮你晒晒所有的不值 一提,所有的迷茫。

2, to find a partner like the sun, to help you sun all not worth mentioning, all the confusion.

3、在这样的雨夜,好友闲坐,灯火可亲。食一碗人间 烟火,饮几杯人生起落,治愈你,温暖我。

3, in such a rainy night, friends sit idle, amiable lights. eat a bowl of human fireworks, drink a few cups of ups and downs of life, heal you, warm me.

4、我们常说,生活没有标准答案,每个人都有自己的 注脚。“行到水穷处,坐观云起时”是选择,“卧薪 尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴”是选择,当然,你也可以选 择带上拳套,奋力搏击。

4, we often say that life has no standard answer, everyone has their own footnotes. " line to the water poor, sit and watch the clouds rise " is the choice, " lying heart taste courage, three thousand more a can swallow wu " is the choice, of course, you can also choose to wear gloves, struggling to fight.

5、朱光潜先生说,“现代人的毛病是勤有余劳,心无 偶闲“。身体、心灵、幸福、快乐,在无休止的奔忙 中都走散了,健康生活成了一件最简单却又最困难的 事儿。

5, Mr. Zhu Guangqian said, " the problem of modern people is hard work, no leisure heart. " body, mind, happiness, happiness, in the endless rush are separated, healthy life has become the simplest but most difficult thing.

6、有时我们总想成为别人,以至那个藏在心里的独一 无二,被忽略了很多年。世间最独一无二的叫做专属 于我的——热爱。

6. sometimes we always want to be others, so that hidden in the heart of the unique, was ignored for many years. the world's most unique called exclusive to me - love.

7、我们常常困惑于,自己到底想要什么,每天脑海里 都会冒出很多念头,那些不灭的才叫做热爱。罗曼罗 兰说“世界上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活的 真相之后,依然热爱生活。”

7. we are often confused about what we want, and every day we have a lot of thoughts in our minds, and those that never die are called love. there is only one kind of heroism in the world, says Romain Rolland.

8、如果可以,请为生活停驻。留点时间、锻炼身体、 沐浴阳光、多些耐心、关照一粟一羹汤,愿我们都勤靡余劳,心有常闲。

If you can, please stop for life. leave some time, exercise, bask in the sun, have more patience, take care of a drop in the bucket, may we all work hard Idle work, the heart is often idle.

9、偶尔想逃离,哪怕只是短暂地离开,去一片宽广的 天地,我只想伸开腿脚的时候,碰不到钢铁和水泥。 我还是会回来,带着清新的泥土和呼吸,我还是会回来,就像我从未离去。

9. occasionally want to escape, even if only for a short time, to a wide world, I just want to stretch my legs, can not touch the steel and cement. I will come back, with fresh soil and breath, I will come back Come, like I never left.

10、归于零,再重新审视自己。恣意畅快,尽情做 梦。尽管世人曾说,无寻处,惟有少年心。我不相 信,和我一起出发吧。

10, return to zero, and then re-examine yourself. arbitrary carefree, enjoy the dream. although the world has said, no place, only the young heart. I do not believe, go with me.

11、人生漫长,唯有两件事需要选择,一条路和一个 人。路:叫命运。人:叫认定。

11, life is long, only two things need to choose, a road and a person. road: called fate. people: called identified.

12、少年感就是好奇、投入和执着,带着好奇心,带 着一颗执着的心,去投入做一件事情。

12, juvenile sense is curiosity, devotion and dedication, with curiosity, with a persistent heart, to do a thing.


13. just start taking action and it will slowly live with you.

14、当你看到一个东西,和你产生共鸣的时候,它就 会瞬间让你觉得这种真诚的呈现其实本身就是一种常 态。它也许是也是一种完美。

14. when you see something that resonates with you, it instantly makes you feel that this sincere presentation is a normal in itself, and it may be a perfect.


15, life is nothing more than: look up at the stars, look down at the heart.



