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时间:2023-02-01 18:41:00 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名





Ten miles is so long 10英里太长了


The United States is a big country美国是一个大国


Someone is here有人在这里


Reading books is a good habit读这本书是个好习惯

5、人类,世界上的人(man,the world)

All the world knows the truth世界人民知道真相

6、many a和more than one

many a student has much money at school很多学生在学校有钱

More than one student is from China一名或多名学生来自中国

more students than one are from China一名或多名学生来自中国

7、one and half

One and half apples is on the table桌子上有半个苹果

8,a,an单数名词or two市

A student or two is in the library一两个学生在图书馆里



The police are strong enough警察都很强


这里是《Several books are here》的几本书


The Himalayas are so beautiful喜马拉雅山很漂亮


The Chinese are so hard working中国民族勤劳



Some of water is clean部分水是干净的

Some of books are clean有些书是干净的


A quantity of books is here很多书都在这里

Quantities of books are here很多书都在这里

An amount of books is here

Amounts of books are here

3、the majority单独主语时,单复数ok,修饰复数名词时使用复数形式

The majority of boys are here大部分男孩都在这里

The majority is/are Chinese大多数人是中国人

4、a、this、kind of名词多重谓词单数=名词多重of a、this kind谓词多重

a kind of bananas is tasty=bananas of a kind are tasty苹果好吃


My trousers are beautiful我的裤子很漂亮

A pair of trousers is beautiful裤子一条很漂亮

Two boxes of clothes are clean裤子两盒都很干净


Two MINUS one is one 2减1等于1

Four divided by two is two 4除以2等于2

One plus one is two 1加1等于2

One and one are two 1加1等于2

One times one is one 1乘1等于1

One times one are one 1乘1等于1

7.定语从句中谓语动词是根据先行词的单数决定的,only修饰的先行词、谓语动词是复数,the only修饰的先行词谓语动词是单数

I see two men who are

so tall 我看见两个高高的男人

I see a man who is so tall 我看见一个高高的男人

He is one of friends who are from China


He is the only one of friends who is from China


8, 有,but,as well as 等词或者短语时,谓语动词的单复数和主语一致

Nobody but my friends runs fast 没有人跑得快,除了我的朋友们

Tom ,as well as his friends is invited to the party 汤姆和他的朋友都收到了去聚会的邀请


1, and连接的两个词,相同的一个,单数,不相同的,复数

The dancer and the singer are here 这个舞者和这个歌手在这里

The dancer and singer is here 这个又是舞者,也是歌手的人在这里

2, the+形容词,表示一类人,谓语动词用复数,表示一类抽象事物,用单数

The new are here 新人们都在这里

The new is good enough 新的事物总是足够好的

3, 集体名词,做整体是单数,侧重个体,用复数

1, The police are so busy 警察都是很忙的

2, The police is a brave job 警察是一个勇敢的职业。

4, Population 时,没有任何修饰时,表示人口,谓语动词是单数,如果有分数修饰,可以做居民,所以单数,复数皆可

The population of the country is one million 这个国家的人口是一百万

Two thirds population of the country are/is one million 这个国家三分之二的居民是一百万

5, none of 加名词复数,neither of 和either of 跟代词时,单复数皆可

None of students are/is Japanese 没有一个学生是日本人

Neither of them is/are Japanese没有一个是日本人

Either of them is/are Japanese其中一个是日本人

6, the number of 表示数量,谓语动词用单数,a number of 表示许多,谓语动词用复数

The number of students is one hundred 学生的数量是100个

A number of students are here 许多学生在这里

7, an average of +复数名词,表示平均有。。。,the average of 表示平均数

An average of one hundred students can speak English in the school 在这个学校平均有100个学生能说英语

The average of four and sixteen is ten 四和十六的平均数是十

8, 单复数同形的词汇,根据表达的意思决定谓语动词的单复数

This means of speaking English is good 这种说英语的方式是很好的

All good means are useful 所有好的方法都是有用的

9, what 引导的主语从句,谓语动词取决于后面的名词

What I want is a book 我所想要的是一本书

What I want are two books 我所想要的是两本书


1, Either you or I am happy 既是你开心,我也开心

2, Neither you nor I am sad 你既不伤心,我也不伤心

3, Not only you but also I am happy 不仅你开心,我也很开心

4, I don't like apples but you do 我不喜欢苹果,但是你喜欢

5, There is a book and two pens =There are two pens and a book 那里有两支钢笔和一本书

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