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时间:2023-02-08 19:47:16 阅读: 评论: 作者:佚名

test comes from Latin testis " witness ",from pie * tri-ST ' a third person stand by(* ST-,stat)


DETEST[D ' TST]DE=DOWN/FROM TEST=WITNESS意味着召唤上帝来见证最初的诅咒-极度仇恨TEM8 vt。厌恶;厌恶。仇恨

Collins :v-t if you detest some one or something,you dislike them very much。仇恨

扩展: detestation厌恶、detestable adj厌恶

E.g. I detest those who deceive me。我讨厌欺骗我的人

attest[' tst]at/ad=totest=witness将为TEM 8 vt作证。证明;证明。确认;确认。证词六。证明证词

Collins :v-t/v-I to attest something or attest to something means to say,show,or prove that it is true。证明[公式]

扩展: attest a signature证明签名是真的

E.g . police records attest to his long history of violence。警察记录证明他有长期的暴力历史

CONTEST[KN ' TST]CON/COM=with/together TEST=WITNESS to CALL to Witness传唤作证-一起作证(比赛)n .比赛,比赛争论,争论,争论v .胜利(比赛、选举等);参与(竞争或选举)、竞争辩论、争论只是。提出异议并反驳

Collins :n-count a contest is a competition or game that people try to win。竞争;竞争。比赛;比赛。n-count a contest is a struggle to win power or control。竞争;竞争。v-t if you contest a statement or decision,you object to it formally because you think it is wrong or unreasonable.提出抗辩。

扩大: contestant n的竞争产品speech contest演讲比赛

E.g . your former employer has to reply within 14 days in order to contest the case。你的前雇主必须在14天内做出答复,提出对本案的抗辩

intestate[n ' tst et]in=not test=witness having not make a will没有留下任何可以作证的东西-遗嘱adj .没有遗嘱;[法]没有根据遗嘱处理的n .没有遗嘱的死者

COLLINS : ADJ(OF A PERSON)not Having Made A Will(人)无遗嘱;ADJ(OF PROPErty)NOT DISPOSED OF By Will(财产);n a person who dies without having made a will遗嘱无人死亡

E.g. die interstate去世时没有留下遗嘱

pretest[' pritst]pre=beforetest=witness预证明-预测试n .(学习或预)预测试、预测试v .预测测试、预测试

Collins :v to test(something)before presenting it to its intended public or client预测试(产品);N the act or instance of pretesting预测试


otest [prəˈtɛst;protɛst] <pro = forth> <test = withness> 向前证明--> 大众证明, 在公共场所证明, 申明自己的主张 vi. 抗议;断言 vt. 抗议;断言 n. 抗议 adj. 表示抗议的;抗议性的

COLLINS: V-T/V-I If you protest something or protest against something, you say or show publicly that you object to it. 抗议; N-VAR A protest is the act of saying or showing publicly that you object to something. 抗议; V-T If you protest that something is the case, you insist that it is the case, when other people think that it may not be. 断言

拓展: protestation [,prɑtə'steʃən] n. 抗议,异议;声明;断言

e.g. protest movement 抗议运动 protestation of friendship 友好宣言

protestant ['prɑtɪstənt] <pro = before/forth> <test = withness> <ant = people> 抗议者 adj. 抗议的;持异议的;新教的 n. 抗议者;持异议者;新教徒

COLLINS: N-COUNT A Protestant is a Christian who belongs to the branch of the Christian church that separated from the Catholic church in the sixteenth century. 新教徒; ADJ Protestant means relating to Protestants or their churches. 新教的; 新教徒的

拓展: protestantism n 新教主义

testament ['tɛstəmənt] < test = withness>用来证实最后财产分配的--> 遗嘱 TEM4 n. [法] 遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明 【同】will

COLLINS: N-VAR If one thing is a testament to another, it shows that the other thing exists or is true. 证明 [正式]; PHRASE Someone's last will and testament is the most recent will that they have made, especially the last will that they make before they die. 临终遗嘱 [法律]

拓展: testamentary adj 留有遗嘱的

e.g. For him to win the game like that is a testament to his perseverance. 他能赢得那样的比赛证明了他的毅力

testamur [tɛs'temɚ] <test = witness> 英语成绩的见证 n. 考试及格证书

testate ['testeɪt] n. 留有遗嘱的死者 adj. 留有遗嘱的

COLLINS: ADJ having left a legally valid will at death 留下合法遗嘱的; N a person who dies testate 留下合法遗嘱的人

拓展: testator 立遗嘱者 testatrix 女遗嘱人

testicle ['tɛstɪkl] <cle = small> 特指装在阴囊中的睾丸--> 见证男人之物 n. [解剖] 睾丸

COLLINS: N-COUNT A man's testicles are the two reproductive glands that produce sperm and are contained in the scrotum. 睾丸

testify ['tɛstɪfaɪ] <test = witness> CET6 TEM4 vt. 证明,证实;作证 vi. 作证;证明

COLLINS: V-T/V-I When someone testifies in a court of law, they give a statement of what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth. (在法庭上) 作证;

e.g. Several eyewitnesses testified that they saw the officers hit Miller in the face. 几个目击者证明他们看到那些警察们打了米勒的脸

testimony ['tɛstə'moni] <test = witness> n. [法] 证词,证言;证据

COLLINS: N-VAR In a court of law, someone's testimony is a formal statement that they make about what they saw someone do or what they know of a situation, after having promised to tell the truth. (法庭上的) 证词; N-UNCOUNT If you say that one thing is testimony to another, you mean that it shows clearly that the second thing has a particular quality. 明证 [also 'a' N, usu N 'to' n]

拓展: testimonial [,tɛstɪ'monɪəl] n. 证明书;推荐书 adj. 证明的;褒奖的;表扬的 give false testimony 作伪证

e.g. The environmental movement is testimony to the widespread feelings of support for nature's importance. 环保运动是大自然重要性得到广泛认可的明证.


To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.



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